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  1. S

    cannot delete 93gb folder

    Hahahahahaha! He didn't do a very good job with the Sharpie, did he? Pokemon indeed.
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    Why the hell is Halo 2's aiming reticle not set in the middle?

    OMFG!!!!!!!!!!! I never noticed that before! I'll never play that game again! I can't even draw draw a crosshair in the middle of my monitor screen to aim with! No wonder I couldn't hit anything.;)
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    Free cap or voltage tester(survey)

    I got mine two weeks ago. Its a real nice tester (will even detect magnetic fields from electric motors) and is something I would have no problem with paying for. Thanks OP!
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    Good gamepad and stuff...?

    I use a joystick for driving games.Works great for me.
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    Firefox issue

    Possibly a conflicting extension? Try disabling your extensions and see if the problem goes away. If so, restart them one at a time till you find out which one is causing the problem.
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    Original Unreal, who still plays it?

    I played it on a Voodoo 3 3000 (overclocked to 193 mhz!). It was a great game and I think I might reinstall it.Oooh! Chaos mutators! Proxy mines! Hehehehehehehehehehe............BOOM!:D
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    Mozilla: Hackers Control Bug Disclosure

    Window Snyder? Who names their kid "Window"? Does he have a brother named "Linux" and a sister named "Unix"?:D
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    problems with Belkin Nostromo N50....just started

    OK, I went on BF2 and my Nostromo worked flawlessly. You said something about some games maybe blocking macro devices so, maybe my having the newest drivers (Mar 15, 2007) made a difference? That's the only thing I can think of. Nostromo drivers
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    problems with Belkin Nostromo N50....just started

    I took a look at the Belkin site and it wasn't much help. In the FAQ's someone did ask why their Nostromo wouldn't work with a Saitek Cyborg hooked up and they replied "Ummm, we don't know". You said it wouldn't work in BF2 so, I have BF2 but haven't played it in a long time so II will try...
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    How long untill be nOObie tag goes away

    You really sound gay, teh noobie! When you are no longer Stank Cheese Grasshopper, then your noobness will be gone. If that is going to make or break your day, you really should get out more4.
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    problems with Belkin Nostromo N50....just started

    Another one. Did you install anything new recently? New software or peripheral?
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    problems with Belkin Nostromo N50....just started

    Another idea. Are you using any mouse software? If so, try removing and reinstalling it. Do you have a joystick plugged in? I've read that some people have a problem when they have one plugged in. Try unplugging it and see if you still have the problem. Well, that was 2 ideas.:)
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    problems with Belkin Nostromo N50....just started

    I just had the same (sort of) problem with my N52, except, if I unplugged it and plugged it back in it would work. I downloaded the latest drivers from the Belkin site (dated Mar 15) and that solved the problem for me. Did you try a different USB port? Is the USB plug dirty? Are your...
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    Nostromo N52 + Vista?

    Have you tried the latest drivers, released today? I know if I couldn't use my N52, I'd stay with XP.:(
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    Washable Dustproof Foldable Keyboard $10.99

    Me too. Its definitely not worth a crap for typing but, it is good as a "if you absolutely must have a keyboard" keyboard for taking to LAN parties if you use a controller such as a Nostromo N52. Mines purple and looks like a fruit rollup. That said, I think I got it for $9.99 at SVC.
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    CD Recovery Software

    Friends of mine have told me they have salvaged date from non operational CD's by simply making a copy of them using CloneCD.
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    What Are Some Good Single Player PC Games?

    Yeah, Farcry is a great single player game and, you can get it for about $10!
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    Question about Teamspeak (newbie)

    We used to use Vent on our DBP CoD server, and had a lot of problems with lag (in Vent, not the game server), some of the players being so loud you couldn't stand it. We rented a vent server, so it shouldn't have lagged at all. We switched to TS and the sound quality has been great, it's easy...
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    "Killer Nic" review at Anandtech

    I hadn't seen an actual [H] review on the card. I just found it interesting that they didn't print or link a review of a very lackluster , overhyped product that they just happen to be receiving advertising $$ for. I wonder if that thing will fit in a "Phantom Console'? Yeah, you could...
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    "Killer Nic" review at Anandtech I'm kind of surprised it wasn't linked on the front page of the [H].
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    Gaming NIC Card only $279.99

    I'll wait for the review on Tom's [H]ardware Guide.
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    BSOD without the error message.

    You didn't happen to install that Windows Genuine Advantage disabling tool that was shown here on the [H] did you? I installed that and immediately started getting BSOD's when I was gaming. I don't remember what error it showed, and sometimes didn't, but I fired up the Wayback Machine...
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    D-Link 10/100 nic cards: 5 pack for $14.98 shipped (no rebates)

    When you're having a LAN and need to share your connection, home networking, etc.
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    The killer has arrived.. ugh.

    When we LAN, using $10 D-Link NIC's, our pings to the others in our LAN are like "0"ms. How do they propose to improve on that? I'm surprised Kyle takes money from these hacks to advertise their snake oil..
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    Internet explorer-can windows open maximized

    When a window opens, just go to borders of the window and resize it (drag it). After you do this a few times Windows will remember and open all windows "Full Screen" (not actually maximized), and you will not need to maximize.
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    You didn't try that Windows Vista mod thingy that was on the front page of the [H] the other day did you? I read some about it hosing Firefox bookmarks and such.
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    Belkin Nostromo N50 vs N52 vs ?

    Have both the N50 and N52. The N52 hands down. I don't think I could ever go back to using a keyboard. I've had mine for about 2 years and it is starting to wear out though. That said, I have been out of work for 8 months of the last 14 and it has seen ALOT of use.
  28. S

    CoD 2 keeps crashing, and now this?

    Just an idea here. I had a problem with 3D intensive apps crashing my puter with my 9700 Pro card. Turned out it was because of the 9700 being plugged into the same power cable as my hard drives (I guess robbing power from them). Plugged it into another cable and problem solved.
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    Looking for the best AGP card for 200ish...

    Umm, you asked what we thought was wrong and I told you what I thought looked a bit flakey. If you have to explain it, then it doesn't work. It looks like you're trying to maintain anonymity. I only use third party E-mail addresses for people or businesses which I don't consider important and...
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    Looking for the best AGP card for 200ish...

    I got a Sapphire X800 GTO from Newegg for $193. Using ATI Tool, it overclocks From a 400 core to 609 with stock cooling (temp only went up 8 degress C). Could probably push it a bit farther with a good cooler. I'm pretty happy with it. Sapphire X800 GTO
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    Fair Warning-Buy a UPS

    Surge protectors are fine, but they don't protect your computer from brownouts.
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    [HELP!] MSI K8N Neo4 SLI is detecting my SATA HD as IDE

    Did you load the SATA drivers into Windows? When doing a fresh install you will be prompted to hit F-6 to load the drivers. Not sure if you can load the drivers on an old installation. Maybe see if they can be loaded by doing a repair install?
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    HL2 first timer please help!!!

    Be glad you have DSL to download and decrypt the files. I had only dial-up when I installed the retail version of HL2 and it was 36 hours before I could play the stinking game offline.
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    "Steam is having trouble connecting to the Steam servers" possibly Valve's fault?

    A couple of friends and I had a small LAN today and tried to play HL2, but could not log on to the STEAMing pile servers after repeatedly trying all day. So, suffice it to say we did not play HL2. At this time (3:10 am), I still cannot log onto Steam. This is not the first time MY game, for...
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    Do IDE Hard Drives use more power than SATA?

    I think he's probably got it here, although you may also have a setting in the BIOS for SATA (if not, do like he said). In addition, you might check the jumper setting on the 120g. Should probably be set to "Cable Select" or "Master" (either should work fine) on it's own IDE channel, as it...
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    Fudgesickles! My new mousepad doesn't work!

    What a Goofy comment! :D
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    NTLDR Not Detected error

    What is showing as your 'C' drive? Is it your other hard drive? It sounds like, for some reason it is trying to boot off of your storage drive. Did you ever have your OS on that storage drive? If so, the MBR is probably still present on the drive. You could try using running your Windows...
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    CDROM door will not open ?

    If you tried that with no luck, I'd say it likely has a stripped gear or something and is probably toast. What the heck, good reason to get a new DVD dual layer or something for $60 or $70.
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    Nobody wants trackballs?

    I have an old Logitech Trackman Marble FX that i've been using for about 5 years and still love it. I can game with this thing for 14 to 16 hours and get zero hand cramping or fatigue. But, alas, they no longer make this model, and the succesive replacement just don't fit my hand (like a glove)...