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  1. P

    Post Your Connection Speed

    10Meg connection. Still pretty crap! And yes that is my maximum upload speed! 10M/512K
  2. P

    Lightweight OS for old computer?

    I've got ubuntu 9.04 running on a little HP small form factor PC with a 2.6Ghz P4 and 1GB RAM. Works a charm! I have mine hooked up in the kitchen/diner for light tasks like iPlayer and music, not a problem with it and its much more snappy than winXP. RAM is cheap!
  3. P

    Windows- 7.3 Million viruses a year

    Mac OS X and Linux's security can't be compared to Windows! Windows as you all know is the most widely used OS in the whole world, and for that reason its obvious hackers and the like are going to try exploit windows because more people use it. Far less people use the alternatives and in many...
  4. P

    Google Apps versus Office Live

    Google Apps seems to look the more mature solution. The recent changes to google docs, mail and calendar have made it a so much better platform, and its free for 100 users too! Google Apps also has more opportunities away from the beige computer (mobile mail, calender, talk, docs). I would...
  5. P

    Web browsing: Changing your country of origin?

    Haha, if you can't find a way to watch it from another country it might help to know that most BBC shows are available on DVD...
  6. P

    Router makes hissing noise like speakers

    My phone transformer makes some rather loud high pitched noise... I'd make the bet its the power supply for your router causing the problem. Maybe it isnt your router ?
  7. P

    Web browsing: Changing your country of origin?

    You would be breaking the law watching that on the BBC you know! (I don't expect that you pay for a UK TV license out there where you live lol) I've tried to access some content on American sites (more specifically Hulu) and it would not work which is kinda annoying! Even through proxies it...
  8. P

    Official BlueProton GSKY Wireless Thread

    Cool, i thought the wireless card inside my new laptop was good compared to what i used before. Wireless range is not an issue for me though, but maybe it may be useful for some. Do they make them to actually fit inside laptops ?
  9. P

    Official BlueProton GSKY Wireless Thread

    Whats so special about this USB wlan adaptor ??
  10. P

    Creating a network using to internet connections.

    Its probably much more efficient to upgrade to a 4 meg connection unless you are after failover. You will need to either buy or build a router capable of multiple WAN connections. Or you can go the route of creating two adjacent networks using either VLANs or separate switches and separate...
  11. P

    Untangle 6.0 release soon

    IPsec VPN support would be nice, even if you did have to pay for it! Also more advanced QOS services would be cool! Its nice to know the GUI will be getting faster but i hardly every have to use the java client as i only ever need to look at reports(thats how stable untangle actually is from...
  12. P

    Anyone got any decent guides on photoshop ?

    Cheers peeps, ill have a look at that site when i have the time. I just bought a copy of Lightroom and a book for it. It feels just like Aperture on a Mac and is quite easy to use but full of pretty useful and quick features. Lovin the printing features!
  13. P

    How do you feel about Refurbish hard-drives?

    Probably crap loads of dirty pictures...
  14. P

    Radius vs TACACS

    You can set up policies within IAS on your domain controller. After configuring the policies add the radius client (VPN server, switch, WLAN access point etc...) and keep note of your shared key. If you need the M.A. attribute then check the box. This is not too much work and it will all be...
  15. P

    I tried Untangles "Re-Router" product yesterday...very cool

    Looks like a show-off product to me, but i can see it being pretty useful to many people who arent computer professionals. Great idea though, gorra admit.
  16. P

    Anyone got any decent guides on photoshop ?

    Cool im having a look ate lightroom cs3 now , never heard of if before this.
  17. P

    Anyone got any decent guides on photoshop ?

    Anyone know of any decent beginners guide to using photoshop ? I have had my Nikon D80 for quite a while now and have taken quite a lot of snaps and overall learnt a lot about photography. Although im getting the hand at taking photos im not confident enough to be able to actually edit them...
  18. P

    HELP with Diamond TV Wonder 650

    Its probably because your upscaling SD signals, so they are becoming stretched and losing some of the definition and clarity. Have a mess round you might be able to find a feature that can help reduce the bluriness. P.S gameplaywarrior, wouldn't having low signal strength mean an out of...
  19. P

    ReactOS - Your Thoughts

    Why would you want to create a windows duplicate ? Surely Windows is not that bad that you want another version thats not even supported by the creators of Windows! If you dont want to use windows buy a mac or use linux. Wine is open source why cant people just be happy with wine on a stable os...
  20. P

    Post Your Connection Speed

    leSLIe, what you doing wasting the bandwidth of the big bang machine ! What do you guys use superfast connections like that for ?
  21. P

    Post Your Connection Speed

    Impossible (unless you have your own private connection with some sort of wan optimisation technology on both ends which needs Avira as a client(NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN))! Go test you speed by downloading something like a linux distro or a XP SP3 update and you will find you are not downloading...
  22. P

    Microsoft's new mouse technology...BlueTrack?

    If microsoft invent something gangster like a virtual mouse where you only have to point your finger then it wont be worth the money! Otherwise any old laser mouse is fine for most people.
  23. P

    Small NTP Server

    I wouldnt recomend running an NTP server within vmware seriously! VM's are notoriously known for having out of sync clocks
  24. P

    Windows Server 2003/2008 Group Policy Question

    Set up a null proxy in internet explorer through a few GPO's, and hope that the medical software does not use the IE settings. Thats the lazy way. Check through all of the group policies, otherwise make your own policy template (i did this before, it werent easy to say the least)
  25. P

    I want to teach myself C/C++

    Im planning on learnin C++ as well, seems like something worthwhile to learn. Anyone know of any decent books i can use ? (I have already got a copy visual studio 2005 off work). I was just looking at some books, i saw the book "beginning visual C++ 2005", does that look good to you ? I...
  26. P

    Server specs?

    It would really be a mid-ranger, Dont skimp on anything though, i would usually go with dual processors (you could get away with a single socket) and a fair bit of RAM (4gb at the least). If your doing roaming profiles or folder redirections then make sure you got some fast, and large hard disk...
  27. P

    Vista to Vista ICS - Can Network, but no internet?

    Isnt it easier just to buy a router for £50 or less ? It will mean saving energy and making things more reliable. And not to most routers have a lot more feautres than ICS.
  28. P

    Network pics thread

    HOLY CRAP! You dont have a home network big enough to use all that stuff ? Not even a normal lab would need that much stuff ? Must be at lease 15K worth of stuff there. Must have cost a fortune to geh hold of (Or you have links to a company that got liquidated). Post up some more pix wehn ya...
  29. P

    Whats the use for your home server?

    Ive always used VMware server on my server for a long time, with a few virtual machines running all of the services i need: One machine running win2003 as a DNS/Primary Domain controller One running win2003 as a exchange 2003 server One machine running AsteriskNOW as my voip server. I...
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    Exchange and ActiveSync

    Kool i never knew that! Anyone got any links to one of those scripts i want to try it out myself? Hopefully it should work in the 32 bit version.
  31. P

    DIY Network Cabinet

    Fair play thats a sickk idea!
  32. P

    Going insane trying to remember passwords

    I doubt it mate, if you really are this paranoid then you will have to do something a little more adventurous, like booting off your flash key or something, that is the only way of leaving a minimal footprint. Seriously, unless you are some important political person or a terrorist do you really...
  33. P

    Need a new router for home network; VPN preferred; wireless not required.

    to YeOldeStonecat, Can you use an old laptop as a firewall ? I mean what kind of additional network cards would work ? Just wondering coz i got an old p4 laptop here and i might is well give it some new use at a mates house.
  34. P

    Exchange and ActiveSync

    Too bad 2007 requires 2 servers lol, not really ideal for small usage.
  35. P

    Ipcop box, ideas wanted

    Get untangle if you want something that is very easy to configure, and has LOTS of features to keep your network secured. Endian is also pretty good as well. Theres no point in messing round with squid and dansguardian etc in ipcop, its not worth the hassle when untangle is pretty easy to...
  36. P

    Need a new router for home network; VPN preferred; wireless not required.

    Most of those linux firewall distros are relatively easy to use, they are all web managed, its just a matter of what you want to accomplish with your router. I'd recomend pfsense, probably my favourite firewall distro after untangle as its is so flexible and has a lot of extremely useful...
  37. P

    x264 acceleration

    I want x264 hardware acceleration, watching my HD backups on linux is painful at the least! Keep developin people, nd hurry up my popcorns gerrin eaten LOL
  38. P

    Forcing Reboot on All Domain Computers

    Who is going set up a deployment solution just to turn some pc's off and back on once in a while lol
  39. P

    Need a crash course for IPv6

    Who needs IPv6 right now ? Until the internet goes ipv6 disable it.
  40. P

    using xp as a terminal.server

    The windows 2003 180day trials would let you do this easy (even terminal services licenses allow 180days without a license server). I sure your fine with rebuilding every 180 days. Otherwise if you want to stick with XP, then this aint the place to tell the world your conning greedy...