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  1. F

    I'm just excited, it's upgrade time :D

    Thats a nice mobo! Give some thought to going Quad. The Lynnfields will give you a great bang for the buck if you can find them for the right price. Not as fast as the Sandy Bridge ones, but close and they will give you a very good upgrade over the Core 2s'
  2. F

    Is Battlefield 3 capable of 3D?

    ^ ^ LoLZ I didn't know you could that.... thanks for teaching me something new
  3. F

    GTX 460 SLI

    What motherboard do you have? Somehow that PCI Express lane arrangement doesn't sound right. :p
  4. F

    Is Battlefield 3 capable of 3D?

    according to Nvidia it is :p It wasn't enabled when it first launched. The last major patch of the game enabled the 3D mode. Last I tried it was glitchy for me. I didn't tinker much with it though
  5. F

    Recommended CPU for a GTX 460

    Most of the new benchmarks hardly include the Core 2 Quads anymore. Fritos' thread is amazing since it gives us a look into how much a difference multicore processor have when playing massive multiplayer sessions. Long story short, You need a Quad Core chip or higher to alleviate some of the...
  6. F

    BF3 64 player MP CPU benchmarks!

    Thank you frito, this was just along the lines of what I wanted to see when I posted my performance thread. Now, I just need to start the fund for the quad core upgrade, as it will make a significant difference :D
  7. F

    BF3 Performance with SLI setups or Single Card Solutions

    So... at 720x480... I hit low frames in the 15s... :'( Jets flying overhead made my cpu spike up. Yep Dual Core is no bueno. I wonder if there any any other [H]ard members experiencing this issue
  8. F

    ASUS VG278H - The weirdest backlight bleeding I ever saw

    I have this monitor. How would I go about checking/reproducing conditions to see if I have any blacklight bleed
  9. F

    3D Vision 2

    Oh man, thats like describing music of a deaf man. Um... well the support varies from game to game. I can tell you that Portal 2 and Battlefield Bad company 2 impressed me. The "3D effect" adds a "depth" to the things you are doing in game. So yes, it feels like somethings are a bit farther away...
  10. F

    Asus VG278H is coming soon!!!!

    I got one of these ones for free! :cool: Be warned, its really bright... Which is a good thing when running the 3D mode.
  11. F

    nVidia SLI Stuttering in BF3

    Which drivers do you have? The new 285.79 Beta drivers improves some of those sturrering issues. I have an SLI setup as well so you might want to do a clean drivers install and give them at try
  12. F

    3D Vision 2

    The 3D mode will work and you will get the added benefits when you buy the new lenses (i.e. more comfortable, better viewing angle, better brightness, etc). I was present at the GeForce Lan 6 presentation where they unveiled the new 3D vision and the highlight was the LightBoost technology...
  13. F

    BF3 Performance with SLI setups or Single Card Solutions

    Thank you Community. This is most enlightening. The specs on your rigs are way above those of mine yet I am not attempting to reach Ultra settings, just a mix of medium and high settings. Frito and QuiteSufficient would never be bottleneck by Vram where as I would be at the High texture...
  14. F

    bottleneck question

    Interesting, I never thought about checking it that way. I will give it a try. Thank you :D
  15. F

    Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Performance and IQ Review @ [H]

    Thanks for the review! I want to see a CPU review though. Something I found out the hard way. BF3 Multiplayer struggles when it comes to Large maps and dual core processors. I want to see someone actually measure how much of a difference is to be had when you switch to a quad core.
  16. F

    New Beta Driver: 285.79

    I was at 97-98% usage on both GPUs using the 285.79 beta drivers. So I'm no sure why you might not be getting all the juice from the SLI setup
  17. F

    SLI 768 and 1024MB cards????

    I think that is news to me. I know that you can use them interchangeably as a physX cards. I don't think there is any risk in trying, so I guess i'll give it a try
  18. F

    SLI 768 and 1024MB cards????

    check out my thread if you want to see what I referring to
  19. F

    SLI 768 and 1024MB cards????

    GTX 460 768Mb models have been completely phased out. So you might have a hard time finding one. I currently have an SLI GTX 460 768Mb and I play at 1080p. I use high settings except for MSAA and texture at medium. If you can find a another card for low price, it seems like a good idea...
  20. F

    BF3 Performance with SLI setups or Single Card Solutions

    oh man, When are those releasing? I'm barely getting used to the SLI setup
  21. F

    New Beta Driver: 285.79

    I Installed the beta drivers a couple of days ago. I noticed that the game runs smoother. I will check the GPU Usage on my SLI GTX 460. Will report back
  22. F

    BF3 Performance with SLI setups or Single Card Solutions

    Lol thats the CPU I've been looking at. But I wanted to see what the community had to say in regard of the their setups. I guess that we should have warning. Quad Core or more for incoming games now.
  23. F

    BF3 Performance with SLI setups or Single Card Solutions

    But you see, thats not so much the problem. The setting for the screen shot I posted are all high Except for the texturing which is at medium. No MSAA and medium FXAA. I've turn to SSAO in attempts to "smooth out" the gameplay. I do get around 40FPS maybe 50, but when there is a lot going...
  24. F

    BF3 Performance with SLI setups or Single Card Solutions

    Yea. I have pretty much realized that, My previous rig was a Q6600, I only opted for a dual core thinking that higher clocks wold benefit me better. Clearly, I was wrong :P
  25. F

    What do you do when a new GPU releases? Does Newegg usually run out of stock quick?

    When do the new GPU release again? I imagine that it will be over priced, as it normally is during the first release
  26. F

    BF3 Performance with SLI setups or Single Card Solutions

    Nice, well I will go ahead and buy a Quad Core. I know that the GTX 460 (specially the 768Mb version) might be a hard pressed to reach ultra, yet High settings should be within reach, I wonder what other setups people have. Particularly those with Dual Core rigs
  27. F

    BF3 Performance with SLI setups or Single Card Solutions

    Hello community, I was hoping to start a conversation regarding my and your SLI setups (or Setups in general) for running BF3. The game has a couple of neat console commands that allows us to check how well our computers are running the game, but I will get to that later. First of, it is...
  28. F

    WTB: 120mm fans

  29. F

    Unoffical Master List of Linux Firewalls

    This is awesome, is pretty much what I was looking for thanks.:)
  30. F

    Building your own wireless router

    Has anybody here tried that; I've done some research and I have extra parts to build such a thing. Athlon proc, more that 2 PCI NIC and one wireless NIC. I have heard that smoothwall is pretty good, but has anybody her done something similar
  31. F

    So I was browsing Newegg today....

    Nice cases almost makes me want to give mine up, :)
  32. F

    New nvidia idea?

    I second that motion