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  1. Z

    [Review] PrimoChill Typhoon III

    This chart right here shows that this "review" was little more than a marketing campaign. The data for a real comparison were available, but not presented in such a way as they didn't fit the results the manufacturer wanted to market. No false data was presented, but numbers were manipulated...
  2. Z

    Laing DDC

    Just get the Swiftech MCP-355 It's the same pump
  3. Z

    Best radiators

    I can say from personal experience that I had a tough time getting things below 80C at 4GHz on my i7 920 C0 at 1.35v with a PA 120.2, MCP-655 and EK Supreme with SFlex G's at 1900 . I was blown away by the heat these bad boys put out because my E8600 was brought to its knees by that same...
  4. Z

    Noob question, mayb? Fanless solution?

    Here's a fanless setup
  5. Z

    Watercooling brand loyalties?

    My loyalty goes to the following brand: good. I don't really have a specific brand loyalty, but definitely some brands have made a postitive or negative name for themselves and I take that into account. Currently, I own a lot of Bitspower stuff, compression fittings and all the other fancy...
  6. Z

    Best radiators

    There is no such thing as a "best radiator" Only "best radiator for a certain situation" For example, if you want low fin counts which will give lower air restriction and allow you to run slower fans, you can go with the XSPC RX or the famous Thermochill PA series. The Feser Xchangers also...
  7. Z

    Whats the pricing on Nehalem?

    I'm thinking about skipping this one and waiting for Sandy Bridge.
  8. Z

    X48 or 790i ??

    You guys are giving him old news here. The 790i is holding it's own against the Intel chipsets and in some cases is overclocking better.
  9. Z

    9800GTX benches

    Yep... You sort of finished my post for me there :D
  10. Z

    9800GTX benches

    Looks like the 9800 GTX is just an 8800 GTS 512 with higher clocks and tri-SLI capability.
  11. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Cool. I understand your point. :D It's all the same to me. Honestly, I get great performance in the games I play out of my cards, and I imagine I will for quite some time. I don't like Crysis anyway... looks great, but the game itself is rather lame. If something comes along that...
  12. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Cool. I understand your point. :D It's all the same to me. Honestly, I get great performance in the games I play out of my cards, and I imagine I will for quite some time. I don't like Crysis anyway... looks great, but the game itself is rather lame. If something comes along that...
  13. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Uhm...chill out ;) I've read a lot of benchmarks. That one you just posted is from November. Both drivers and the game have been changed since then. As to calling us "kids" and "retarded", well, maybe have a look in the mirror. ;)
  14. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Right....that's what I'm talking about. Why ask what I'm talking about when you just answered it yourself? So you would imagine nVidia doesn't want this reviewed against SLI'd GTX's right?
  15. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Right... but what I'm saying is, where is the comparison to the SLI'd GTXs? Where is the comparison to similar dollar values? This gives more context to the review. Sometimes the more expensive product doesn't outperform the less expensive one. But if I have $600-$700 to drop on GPUs...
  16. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    I'm still not convinced about the methodology of the review. I guess when you compare the most expensive product to less expensive products, wouldn't you expect it to outperform them? Isn't that sort of obvious?
  17. Z

    XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 @ [H]

    Ah, but then their darling nVidia card wouldn't look so "beautiful" and wouldn't "pwn" the ATI card quite so rotundly ;)
  18. Z

    Catalyst 8.3 March 5th

    Hmmm...I installed 8.3 and my FPS in COD4 ranges between 90-125 with none of the previous dips to 45 I was seeing on 8.2 So far so good on my rig...
  19. Z

    some 9800GTX news..........

    Dude, no one is questioning you calling him out for posting wrong information. They're calling you out for being a prick about it. Big difference. You don't need to back down from pointing out he was wrong and judging from your attitude, you're not going to back down from acting like a...
  20. Z

    some 9800GTX news..........

    You sir = must not have very many friends if that's how you communicate with people. ---------------------------------------------- Anyway, as many have said, until we actually have benchmarks and actual cards instead of dodgy screenies from China, I'm reserving judgement on this stuff...
  21. Z

    some 9800GTX news..........

    Pure speculation and rumours is all we've got right now. Everyone's so concerned about Crysis this and Crysis that. Crysis was built hand in hand with nVidia, but it's not the only game out there, and other than the visuals, it's not a great game. If they come out with a new card that rocks...
  22. Z

    2, 3, and 4 GPU CrossfireX previews

    Looks like they're getting things together on the multi-gpu stuff.
  23. Z

    Radeon HD 4000 series - new inofficial info

    LOL! Not quite that much of a slash, but you should buy a lottery ticket dude!
  24. Z

    Radeon HD 4000 series - new inofficial info

    I'm inclined to agree with this... That, plus the fact that I already have a 3870x2 and a waterblock ordered for it and no damn way I'm upgrading again in June!
  25. Z

    Xbit's Review of the HD 3870 X2

    I picked up one of these cards on Friday and put it in over the weekend. I play mainly COD4 these days and there's no way that the review is accurate on that one. I had an 8800GTX and I'm getting roughly 15-20 more FPS with the 3870x2 (this is overall with the FPS reader turned on in-game) and...
  26. Z

    E 8400 owners

    Wow! Those are great overclocks man! I can get 4.0GHz (8x500) at 1.29v Are those stable? Man, if those are stable you got yourself a gem of a chip there.
  27. Z

    E 8400 owners

    I can't imagine a store exchanging a CPU for running hot at well above the stock setting...
  28. Z

    SLI for 1920x1200 Gaming?

    lol at 1920x1200 being low rez! But what you say is true, I game with an 8800 GTX on 1920x1200 and pretty much can max everything out with great gameplay for all games except one.
  29. Z

    E 8400 owners

    Batch Q745A553 Packed 12/27/07 I'm at 8.5 x 500 4.25 GHz and stable on a quick 30 min OCCT at 1.39v I'll do a better stress test tonight when I leave it running overnight. Rest of rig in sig.
  30. Z

    Balancing overclocks RAM vs. CPU

    True enough. So I should concentrate on getting more out of my GPU...
  31. Z

    8GB RAM - The Final Thread.

    The Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme. CPU and heatsink are lapped. I get about 38 degrees idle and 65-70 load at 3.6 GHz
  32. Z

    Balancing overclocks RAM vs. CPU

    I understand what you're saying, but if you can get 1-3 extra FPS from the memory, 1-3 from the CPU overclock and 1-3 from the GPU overclock, then you're getting close to a 10 FPS improvement, which can be nice. Thanks for the information. This is the first forum where people have been...
  33. Z

    Balancing overclocks RAM vs. CPU

    Thanks for the replies guys. Well I was under the impression that memory bandwidth>tighter timings on Intel chipsets. I imagine that what you're saying applies to both C2D and C2Q processors? I can get it to run at 1:1 at 3.6 with the memory at 4-4-4-11 800MHz As you said, I probably...
  34. Z

    8GB RAM - The Final Thread.

    Well I had to sell two of my 4 sticks of ReaperX because they couldn't fit properly and I think I would have ended up straining my slots too much. I picked up the Titanium pc8000 (same chips, different heatspreader) but I can't get the RAM to post with a FSB of anything higher than 390. Even...
  35. Z

    Balancing overclocks RAM vs. CPU

    I have been back and forth with my RAM and my CPU in overclocks. I can get my CPU to 3.6 GHz (400x9) with 4GB RAM at 1066 5-5-5-12 However, when I add the additional 4GB of RAM (which is the same RAM, just different heatspreaders) I am limited to 3.42 (380x9) and 1013 5-5-5-12. It seems...
  36. Z

    Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme Heatsink Users

    I use that setup, 2 fans held on by the Thermalright clips (I ordered a second set from Sidewinder Computers). The drop in temps from when I added the second fan was n the 2-3 degrees range. It also helps that the rear exhaust fan is right there, plus on my Antec Ninehundred I have the...
  37. Z

    8GB RAM - The Final Thread.

    Sounds like you got a good set of "cheapo" RAM there. My other issue is the heatspreaders on the ReaperX. It was a hard time to get them into the slots and after reading more on the OCZ support forums it sounds like I was lucky not to damage my motherboard. I am now looking into an...
  38. Z

    8GB RAM - The Final Thread.

    I have had 8GB of ReaperX PC8000 (1000MHZ) running at 5-5-5-12 @ 1066 on my system, but I was getting instability problems and errors in Memtest. I did some tests and found that one pair can run those specs at 4GB, while the other can't. So now I've got 4GB installed and it's running great and...