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  1. E

    Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts. What happened?

    This game is the best RTS out there right now, IMO. World in Conflict really doesn't hold a candle. Really fun to play online, although I still apparently suck. Catch me online : kingedward1
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Interview with Gabe Newell on this issue: "Valve: PC Has 'Perception Problem,' Piracy Reflects 'Unserved Customers'"
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Actually, nothing about that list is subjective at all. Use Metacritic, 9+ is a AAA, 8+ is a AA, this is pretty basic. If you didn't know that to begin with, maybe you should have asked instead of making incorrect statements and being a total jerk. Go ahead and make your own list of AAA/AA...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    I really wasn't that interested in managing when I wanted to eat my french fries that I found on the ground. And really, if you're talking about the game being realistic and sensible, I wouldn't eat those dirty french fries at all. It's bad for your heart. I guess what I'm saying is, it's...
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    Recommend me a game

    Have you played COD4? If you really want a "time waster", try any MMO? That's not slamming MMO's -- you know what I mean. Maybe even try some free games -- I've got a few open source games I've been wanting to try as soon as I get a chance. Google "List of free PC games" And if you...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Interesting that I didn't notice any of it. I guess I was busy crapping myself to notice, and being that everything was mostly dark anyway, not being able to see I thought was part of the experience :) I didn't finish the game either, but that was because I thought after the first half, it...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Troll, teaming up with PEOPLE is nowhere near the same as teaming up with BOTS, but you knew that when you wrote it, you just wanted to continue being ridiculous.
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    I thought Bioshock was great as far as a port. What was wrong with it? Gears I haven't played yet on the PC (played it on 360 even though I think FPS on a console is the devil), but I looked at several reviews, and some of them even said they were better than the console version -...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Actually, I know Heather from these forums, my co-worker, plays WOW quite a bit, and is anything but socially apathetic, I wonder what she thinks about that
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Wow, that's an amazing blanket statement to make about 16M people. I assume you did a pretty incredible mound of independent research to come up with that.
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Both of you are saying the same thing, but the problem is that you're saying "they" are doing it, as if the "consoles" or "console users" are somehow screwing up the games. Epic made all of the UT games, including the ones that suck. The same developer made all of the Rainbow Six's (doesn't...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    You haven't played an MMO for more than a day or two since 1999, 16 million MMO subscribers disagree, and everything you say is negative and combative. I doubt at this point you're carrying much weight. I swear, you're like a perfect example of the anonymous internet troll in action.
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    That about says it
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Do you play MMORPG's?
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    phide, your last post went through every sequel that was mentioned, and tried to discount the reason why they were made for the PC? I think the point was pretty well made that the sequel thing holds no weight.
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    OK, first, what game? Second, if it's only ONE game, we're not talking about an epidemic here. Understand that developers don't get paid by how much people LIKE their games, they get paid by how many people BUY their games. Cross-platformization for broadly appealing genres may be...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Yeah, and the people who do all of those things first will get the $ for doing it, so that's I'm saying who cares what the console copies. The console will bring those innovations to a different market. Which is why the whole "war" is irrelevant.
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    phide and silus, 1) Without spending a lot of time going over the history of gaming, which I'm sure you could find anywhere, I think that if you look at how video gaming started, you'll see arcade machines and other single-game console-esque devices. Even if consoles and PC's emerged at the...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    1) The gaming market is not the PC's market. Consoles existed before the PC as a gaming platform. The point I've been trying to make is that consoles fill a legitimate need that PC's do not. The line has always been there, it's just that consoles have broader appeal, so that market has grown...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    You can't get "mad" at a developer for making a business decision, though. They make the choice to make a crappy PC port, so they make squat in the PC market. They've made that choice. You might as well think of that game as not even being available for you - because you hate it anyway...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Frostex, I'm not sure that your technology argument is relevant, though. Are consoles using PC technology? Yes, that's not going to be disputed, and in fact it shows what a console is.. A computer that is configured and sold as a gaming appliance. But so what? No, consoles don't drive...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Pirating is the same to a publisher as not getting sold, so I'd say the effect is the same. And actually, that's another argument being had right now -- is it really that piracy is so bad, or are the games just really crappy and no one wants to pay for them? Either way, this is a problem that...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    I think too many here have bought into the media's representation of what's going on. And it's hilarious that you'd completely brush off 16 million MMO players - an entire genre that has just recently been developed and exploded. If some gamers are getting angry because UT and Assassin's Creed...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    I'd say you put yourself in the box
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    See, that's what I mean. What's the underlying agenda here for console gamers who will just sit there pounding on a flat out untrue statement? Trying to convince you of that is pointless and obviously fruitless, so I won't waste my time because it doesn't matter anyway -- but my curiosity is...
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    PC gaming is not dying so says Valves Doug Lambardi

    Most individuals who would say such a statement about "religious nuts" typically have their own fanatical agenda (which in the case of religion, is usually ANTI-religion). It's obvious that same thing applies here as well. There are multiple ways to get a keyboard and a mouse on consoles...
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    Gaming Headset

    Definitely agree that USB headsets are going to sound like crap for gaming. They are for VOIP only, IMO. On that note, I recently tried out a slew of Razer gear, including their 5.1 headphones that I was really hoping would be as awesome as they looked. They sucked, and Razer support sucked...
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    Gaming May Benefit Kids With Behavioral Disabilities

    I posted an article today that I was hoping to get some feedback about. I recently read this book that you probably heard of that was just published: "Grant Theft Childhood". Part of the study indicated that kids with ADD and emotional/social disabilities not only played video games for more...
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    Tim Sweeney of Epic Part 1: His take on gaming

    It's not canceled, it's just benched. They aren't working on it right now, but they are leaving the option open to go that way in the future. There was definitely a statement on this recently, I remember seeing it in the media.
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    Why does Activision(Call of duty) avoid the vietnam war like the plague?

    That's why you read primary sources.
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    COD4 Dev: They Wonder Why People Don't Make PC Games Anymore.

    Serious? Just like I only have to buy Windows once and I can use it on all of my computers, because, after all, I bought the software. You guys really don't get the concept of a software license? They actually have terms associated with them. You should read them.
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    Why does Activision(Call of duty) avoid the vietnam war like the plague?

    I agree! Something different like that would be awesome and would most likely force some innovative gameplay features to make sense.
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    Why does Activision(Call of duty) avoid the vietnam war like the plague?

    Man, kudos to the people who ignored the posters trying to shove political rantings down everyone's throats. Really sours the whole conversation and gets people all worked up and flaming each other. Makes for a rather unpleasant read, imo - there are probably other forums with people who want...
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    Tim Sweeney of Epic Part 1: His take on gaming

    I think Sweeney is not too far off of what everyone in the media on the console side has been saying lately, or far off of what the PC Gaming Alliance members have been saying as well. What's pretty sick is that the products that are on the market right now I think line up exactly with what the...
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    $220 Intel Core 2 Duo - Wolfdale - 45nm

    Your PM is asking me for instructions on how to place an order. In the forum here, the instructions are to email me your username for our site after you sign up. All orders coming in after now are shipping tomorrow. How long it takes to get to you depends on what shipping service you pay for...
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    COD4 Dev: They Wonder Why People Don't Make PC Games Anymore.

    See, that's what I mean. Where are you getting this??
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    COD4 Dev: They Wonder Why People Don't Make PC Games Anymore.

    I think it's pretty funny to hear some of these comments about "moral law" and people's "rights" that they think they have, all of which apparently seem to adjust based on their wants.
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    $220 Intel Core 2 Duo - Wolfdale - 45nm

    Hey cmon now. You guys want me to be messing around with this stuff on a Sunday? A bit presumptuous, my dear friends.
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    COD4 Dev: They Wonder Why People Don't Make PC Games Anymore.

    I don't think you can speak for everyone, but granted some people wouldn't. I think the point is that it's interesting to hear everyone getting all up in arms about pirating, but then a few people also saying they are fine with hacking out ads that would be contrary to a usage license. Guess...
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    COD4 Dev: They Wonder Why People Don't Make PC Games Anymore.

    No, you paid for a software license which you can use under the terms of agreement associated with it. Those terms would undoubtedly spell out the fact that you can't mod the software to remove advertisements. I think you miss the point anyway. It's pretty amazing that you'd say it's not OK...