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  1. Q

    Good Co-Op PC games?

    i think he was talking about co op playing the campaign, which battlefield, and those other FPS vs games dont do. My fave is Starlancer, 6 player co op squad based space shooting campaign, you get to play the entire campaign in co op with STORY. O_O Doom1 is co op campaign, but there are...
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    The Conroe Overclock Database. (Please read 1st post for posting instructions.)

    errr.... nice desktop background. O_O HAHAHA (NSFW dude)
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    LCD Topgun universal TV lightgun

    I got a pair of LCD Topgun M9 beretta lightguns yesterday. Here is my intial review: I will post again when it get it to work with other crap. Style& Comfort: Looks exactly like an M9. 1:1. All the trades are present except for the 2 logos on the grips. Fit your hand like a glove like a...
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    Burnout Revenge is WAY overrated...

    The load times are apparent in all versions. the Xbox360 one loads like crazy as well, the xbox360 version loads the longest from what I played. Every time you hit retry, it loads for a minute or so, it is really annoying since if you screw up the first turn (you will A LOT), you hit retry...
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    Street Fighter Alpha 3 Arcade Machine

    plug it into an arcade machine and you are good to go. The video from these arcade boards do not work on regular monitors. it uses RGB+ a strange horizontal and vertical refresh rates. I have an arcade machine right here, it was a pain in the ass to get the monitor working with a computer.
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    TR demo performance

    the game chugs like mofo in 1080i and 720p, but it is smooth in 480i. So if you have a hdtv, err, set your xbox360 to 480i. O_O
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    dynasty warriors 5 empires impressions

    i bought dynasty warriors 5 EMPIRES for 360. I like beat em ups, so sue me. it is a direct PS2 port to 360. There is virtually no upgrades in graphics. Draw distance in 2 player mode is still about 10 feet in front of you. So you still cannot see jack when you run around the map. There are no...
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    Help,Im an idiot,Im stuck in GRAW.

    select the chopper in the crosscom by pressing left or right on the dpad. then pull up the map by pressing "back" aim your little crosshair on the map at those red targets, and press up on the d-pad. :)
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    Wow.. Advent Rising was a fantasic game. *minor spoilers*

    Yup, I found this game to be quite good, the story and action got me glued. But you will never convince anyone to play this game, because it doesn't look "good" from the reviews. Another "Best game you never played" I really do hope they finish the series, because of the cliffhanger...
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    PS3 to Be Region Free!!!

    360 is also region free, if the devs choose to. :) being region free still doesn't mean I will be able to read japanese though. heh
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    Mercenaries Review @ [H] Console

    i thought the game was super repetitive. i killed off all the diamonds and some of the clubs, then i got really bored.
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    Just Got Xbox 360

    These are all the games I played and finished. Good: GRAW, short single player, rent it if you don't like ghostrecon multiplayer DOA4, ok all around if you like fighting games. PGR3, ok racing, easier than pgr2. High learning curve if you never played it before. Short NFSMW, good, lots...
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    Just Got Xbox 360

    get the hdd and xbox live 12 month package (comes with headset, 12 months live, billiards xbox live arcade game and a bunch of points) you dont have to buy any games yet, with the hdd, you can download a bunch of demos. There are lots. get the need for speed, cod2, ridgeracer, the outfit...
  14. Q

    GRAW or wait for The Outfit?

    omg, this poll is so biased. I mean, he said he didnt like the ghost recon series, why would you tell him to get GRAW? The gameplay is still ghost recon, where it is slow, and tactical, and you die very easily. Don't try to sway him into a game that he won't like. geeez.......
  15. Q

    GRAW or wait for The Outfit?

    No matter how good the graphics are it is still a ghost recon game, SLOW and tactical. So go with the outfit if you dont like tom clancy shooters. IMO, the graphics in ghost recon AW are not that good. They seem average at best. textures are bleh, and models are bleh/boxes. :)
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    Full Auto=FUN

    yup, i finished it. got all 1000 gamerpoints it is great. arcade fun. (a pickup and go, fun while it lasts game, no story or real game progression)
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    Ninety-Nine Nights (Xbox 360) AMAZING VIDEO

    from what it seems, it would be 100% better if the enemies didnt die in 2 hits, and if there was CO OP play. DAMMIT every game should have some sort of CO OP play. GAHhhh
  18. Q

    Microsoft Confirms 2.5 million Xbox 360s, Sold to Date.

    i have like 2 wireless+2corded controllers. A wack ton of games. (most games i ever bought for any system). And the logitech remote. :D
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    black is an average FPS at best. Run and gun. There is no story whatsoever. The cutscenes don't even seem to relate to the game at all. graphics wise, it is standard FPS graphics, with low rez textures. Copy and pasted items throughout (you see the same 2 cars copy and pasted all over, and the...
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    X360 & MCE 2005 - Is it smooth?

    it is the best the signal can get. heh. you cannot tell the difference in quality through the xbox360 and if you plugged it directly into your tv. the pvr150 doesn't have a hardware decoder though, so it uses up quite a bit of CPU power to decode.
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    Best RTS ever?!

    well the problem with TA multiplayer is that after getting deep within a multiplayer game, the game randomly crashes. You play for 2 hours with 4 people and 4 AI, and then you or one of your friends crash. Since there hasn't been any patches for this game in years no one can fix it. The only...
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    X360 & MCE 2005 - Is it smooth?

    the cheapest one i can get. :) the WinTV PVR 150 MCE. should cost arount $75
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    Best RTS ever?!

    Total Annhilation
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    X360 & MCE 2005 - Is it smooth?

    i use it for tv and recording. it is good. i set it to record all my favourite shows. the tv guide it has is also good. The speed of the remote response is dependant on how fast your pc is. But otherwise the standard button delay is about half a second. One CRAZY awesome thing is that...
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    is BLACK going to be released on the PC?

    black is an average FPS at best. Run and gun. There is no story whatsoever. The cutscenes don't even seem to relate to the game at all. graphics wise, it is standard FPS graphics, with low rez textures. Copy and pasted items throughout (you see the same 2 cars copy and pasted all over, and...
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    C&C games freezing in The First Decade

    i believe for C&C and red alert you need IPX for network play. don't know about internet play
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    Modded xbox controller + PoP:T2T = no worky?

    if developers dont put in support for gamepad, then it will not work in the game. blame developers. :)
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    C&C games freezing in The First Decade
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    C&C games freezing in The First Decade

    all i know is there is a patch coming for red alert
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    what makes RTS's fun?

    they dont return fire or move when attacked if they cannot see the enemy. :) and you can make small amounts of larger more powerful units for some dumb reason.
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    what makes RTS's fun?

    The things that make RTS fun: minimal micromanagement of units/resources. no unit limits no fighting the interface (crappy warcraft interface does this to makes it a "harder" game) customizability of maps/units. example: So lets take TA/C&C Versus Starcraft/warcraft. Warcraft massive...
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    Command and Conquer: The First Decade

    how do you speed up the game in generals? that game is so god damn slow. Your tanks move like snails, your infantry can run twice as fast (and that is still slow).
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    Command and Conquer: The First Decade

    You also cannot play in a window or change resolutions for older games, so if you have widescreen, everything will look kinda weird. :/ EA cash grab.
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    Command and Conquer: The First Decade

    No online play for older games. I think the games still reference to the now defunct "Westwood Chat" game browser when you click the internet button. EA official response: "If you are getting an error while attempting to connect to online services, and you get a message prompting you to...
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    American Indians Boycott GUN; Activision says 'It's Realistic!'

    they should stop making games where americans kill germans too. How about games where germans kill americans? I mean that is realistic too.
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    Looking for new Party Games.

    you dont know jack 1 2 3 4 5 6 ride + whatever
  37. Q

    my arcade cab mini project they have AV adapters for Xbox and PS2. and controller adapters too. some of the games that have trouble is elevator action returns, those crazy marvel vs capcom games where you move the screen around a lot, darkstalkers is kinda slow (or maybe it is...
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    my arcade cab mini project

    it costs $200 for the original cabinet. includes everything the original cabinet had, except it was missing 1 coin mech. all done Now that is it done, i want to upgrade it. The xbox doesnt play a lot of heavy 2D games. But it plays ALL NEOgeo games fine, and most of the capcom games...
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    my arcade cab mini project

    I received my adapter today from the UK (that was fast!), So spent all day stripping the arcade cabinet to get rid of all the old crap, and rewiring the thing. and here we go! Yes it is an Xbox. :) And those are my PC speakers. I know i have to clean up the wiring. I need to drill...
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    my arcade cab mini project

    ok here we go again. I am making my own custom contol panel. Cut your plywood and plexiglass to size, then sandwich the plexi glass so when you drill you dont crack the glass. After the drilling is done. I had to clean up since i did it in doors and woodchips were everywhere. Then slap...