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  1. S

    XFX Radeon HD 6990 Drawing!

    allways used ati since 3dfx buy out then went to saphire.<< spelt worng on purpose LOL but since i got a xfx ill never go back to anything else love the waiting to test before just posting ever driver that comes out and when i do update there drivers just work great for me. if this is still...
  2. S

    FS CoolerMaster Real Power Pro 1250w PSU

    looks like a good deal. but have to many psu's right now.
  3. S

    2 4870x2s in crossfire...

    go into device manager and do a manual install of the drivers. hit update driver , then manual browse for c:/ati/drivers something something...... it will be in there. the error will go away.
  4. S

    AMD and priceless moment!

    if that was for me? Thanks. but i dont use the dfi. mine is Asus M3A32-MVP :) look at the voltages in the pics though. 64bit takes more volts to get clocked up. im actualy running it now @ 2.9ghz 1.32v in vista64 and 3.1ghz 1.37v in XpPro. those are the stable max clocks on my set...
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    AMD and priceless moment!

    XpPro on air :D Vista 64 on air :D
  6. S

    9850 anyone?

    odered mine. did you get yours yet ?
  7. S

    The 9850 Fiasco - Many AM2 Boards just cant run it!

    Its very strange that one week after B3 release. All of a suden all these boards can not handle a 125w cpu. I helped someone build what i call a mini spider over the weekend. 780g gigabyte w/9850x4. Running very nice. All went in without any hickups. With only onboard Grafics. They noticed it...
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    AMD and priceless moment!

    about that heat load....... and power consumption. they allways bring that up dont they. with more and more being loaded onto the die. there will be less on the board right. so at the moment the AMD's apears to consume alot of power compaired to a Intel. total system power consumptions...
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    AMD and priceless moment!

    was for both. sry bud only seen the core 2. so wasnt sure what you meant. this tells us that phenom scales very very very well. :D :eek: :)
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    AMD and priceless moment!

    and before the next one posts............................ YES we all know the q9650 will Oc to over 4ghz. thats not the point. LOL
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    AMD and priceless moment!

    no thats the quad against quad. 9850x4 going toe to toe with q9650 a $1000+ dollar intel quad. :)
  12. S

    AMD and priceless moment!

    Now i said I was not going to do this, comparing Intel to AMD is against the rules but this just tickled me a little. I know its only 3Dmark 06 but some guys live and die by this bench. Specs are: Intel: 9650quad at 3.4GHZ (340x10) Ram OCZ 6400EB at 1020MHZ 5-5-5-15 tweaked out on 780i...
  13. S

    AMD Phenom X4 9850 Retail - $251 (Pre Order)

    according to the reviews i have read. The 9850 x4 @ 2.9-3.1ghz is passing the q6600 and hanging out in the q6700 nieghborhood. :)
  14. S

    AMD Phenom X4 9850 Retail - $251 (Pre Order)

    should be on the egg after the first. :)
  15. S

    AMD B3 Phenom Fixes TLB Issues @ [H]

    hey great job on the OC. heres someone else with 3.0 stable what board are you using ? has a full report showing it hang ing there real strong @ 3.0ghz
  16. S

    9x50 Opteron reviews - post them here

    by "right" i meant the way phenoms were built. to be on a 790fx board with ati grafic cards. "Spider" as for the numbers i qouted those were not on LN or dry ice. the higher number there was on a thermaltake cooling tower with TEC's added to the HS's. oh and no they were not hand picked...
  17. S

    9x50 Opteron reviews - post them here

    in all the reviews they either never touched voltage or very little voltage ajustments. no HT or memory ajustments at all. so i dont think the reviews did the 9850 justice. also seemed most of them used nvidia based motherboards. atleast here at H they 2/3 of the way and use a propper am2+...
  18. S

    9x50 Opteron reviews - post them here

    Memory Controller Frequency: Up to 2.0GHz with Dual Dynamic Power Management HyperTransport 3.0: One 16-bit/16-bit link @ up to 4000MHz full duplex Total Processor Bandwidth: Up to 31.5 GB/s bandwidth :)
  19. S

    AMD B3 Phenom Fixes TLB Issues @ [H]

    you say the giga is your favorite board. but it seems to have been romoved from giga site and is no longer in production. awaiting your 9850 review.
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    AMD 2008 Q1 financials

    you do relize amd sells about 30% in desktop market and 50% in server/workstation market. i guess some of you dont.
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    AMD 2008 Q1 financials

    i would expect the numbers to be lower than projected. but at a loss no.
  22. S

    AMD Phenom 9850 vs X2 6000+

    i have read reports of even the B2 being between 15-20% faster clock for clock per core over the x2's. so using the lower number at stock speeds. that would make a 2.5ghz phenom = to a 2.875ghz x2 per core. awaiting the B3's. ;)
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    3.2 Spider System ??

    that place styill hasnt sold one. on ebay that is. but hey they reached 3.0 on this site. so its not like 3.0 isnt possible. but either way. on the last call i had with that place i did get them to admit it was not garanteed 3.2. but as you said between 2.8 and 3.2. my build is on hold...
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    AM2 compatible with 1066mhz DDR2?

    1066 is suported on alot of am2 boards. but what you will find is that its is only with am2+ cpu's. phenom.
  25. S

    AMD Forum

    goto your settings after login. set it to show all. tehre all there. mine was doing that last week.
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    If you had a FX-62...

    i play ut2k4, doom3, qauke4, and others and have no probs. on my old 2800+barton and 9700pro ati. I dont see how your haveing problems?
  27. S

    my friend wants me to get him a new pc

    xigmatek is thermaltake. good stuff. too bad you didnt wait the extra 5-10 days for phenom 9850. either way your "friend" ill have a great pc.
  28. S

    AMD lays off 5%...

    well they are either ignoring it or just blind ^^^^
  29. S

    9850 BE and 9750 LISTED

    well the b2 is 4.5 mb and they say L3 has been increased. wich is what intel is "borrowing". so the B3 can not be 4mb total on all 3 levels. b2 = L1(128x4)+ L2(512x4) + L3(2048) = 4608 or 4.5MB B3 = no one knows except AMD. (and Intel it seems) all others only rumors right now...
  30. S

    9850 BE and 9750 LISTED

    no its not the same. the L3 has been increased to 4mb and there is no tlb. the on off fix wont even show in your bios when your drop the B3 in. intel likes it so much there "borrowing" the design for nehalem. :) do a search for "nehalem phenom" in google...
  31. S

    New build, which CPU to get?

    9850 even :) few more dollars but worth it. the same thing happen to my thread when i asked about a set up i am building. (with the buy a intel) if they wanted that i believe the would have ended there thread with something along the lines of.... Or should i get an intel? maybe even...
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    5600+ Black Edition

    more than likely a Windsor not a brisbane. but either way there ending the last calls for the other Windsors. 5000+ 6000+ and 6400+ is what i read somewere.
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    Phenom 9500 vs 3500+

    well avtualy as you put it. the phenoms have set the standard as far as bandwidwidth and clocks. so were are U?
  34. S

    3.2 Spider System ??

    EDIT: Wrong Forum few too many beers last night.
  35. S

    Upgrade from AMD 6400+ BE to Phenom 9600 Black Edition?

    yep 4 MB L3 and B3 is coming in a few weeks hold onto your tigger. 9850 do a google you will see. you wan to t wait a few more. :)
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    Phenom 9500 vs 3500+

    i see this argument alot. about "oh the software isnt made for multicore." but think about it if your mega tasking. wouldnt you prefer there not multi threaded aps? you open 4 single threaded apps. they all have there own core. just something to ponder.
  37. S

    3.2 Spider System ??

    im not wanting to buy there system. i was planning a similar system and stubled upon that one that is using all the same parts i was picking out on the "egg". so here read this fine print: FU! :rolleyes: oh i reported them to eghey LOL never done that before.
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    3.2 Spider System ??

    well even with there accent they said it will be @ 3.2 ghz. and it shows Check the Sheet to see how much $money$ you save from our Free OC service Model Clock Speed AMD Phenom™ Quad-Core 9600 Overcloced by ETC OC Service Package 3.20 GHz Intel® Core™2 Quad Q6600 2.40 GHz Intel®...
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    3.2 Spider System ??

    i asked them that when i called they said no. it will be 3.2ghz. it doesnt say upto.
  40. S

    3.2 Spider System ??

    2x3870x2 is max in any system or 4x3870. but you probly know that.