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  1. J

    WGU opinions?

    Do they have any type of career services? That's one thing that I couldn't find any solid info on. When I spoke to the recruiter he just said now, but the recruiter I spoke too also sounded bored and irritated - maybe a bad day.
  2. J

    WGU opinions?

    Actually decided to try Dakota State University. It's a B&M school with a full online degree program. Going to apply for the B.S. Network and Administrator program!! I was debating on Information Systems, but I want to have eventually have a M.S. in Network and Administration from RIT and pair...
  3. J

    WGU opinions?

    I definitely put WGU over those types of schools already. I'm just worried about the negative stigma of an 'online degree'. Although, WGU and Brandman are regionally accredited which is good. Any other thoughts? Or resources I can find with legitimate reviews?
  4. J

    WGU opinions?

    Through that website, people mentioned Brandman University as well. It's regionally accredited, but the focus is more on the Business Management side of Information System Management. Any other thoughts on that?
  5. J

    WGU opinions?

    Thanks, I'll def check that site out too. Anyone other opinions? I've been following [HF] for a long time now, so definitely would love to hear from more current networking professionals.
  6. J

    WGU opinions?

    Hey guys, I know a lot of people on here are networking professionals. So thought i'd get a temperature reading on what many of you think of WGU (Western Governors University). I really want to get a B.A. in Information Technology, but I'm already 28, and I don't know if I could finish a...
  7. J

    IT Resume Thread

    Do you guys think this will do as a cover letter? Job opening is for a 'technology services team' for a company in Silicon Valley. Hello, my name is NAME and I'm interested in your open position for your technology services team and have attached my resume to this message for your review. This...
  8. J

    IT Resume Thread

    Does anyone have a template that use to be on Page 1 lol? I just started reading this thread because I need to update my resume for some openings; but all the beginning pages links are down now, which I guess is expected since it was done in 04 lol.
  9. J

    Hello, saw your post about helping make resumes. I just completed a CCNA program from my school...

    Hello, saw your post about helping make resumes. I just completed a CCNA program from my school, and everyone in that class got a invite to apply to a technician job for a company in Silicon Valley. I was wondering how much would it cost and how it would work if you could help me edit/create a...
  10. J

    Help with traffic meters

    NM i found the DDWRT website, looking into it now.
  11. J

    Help with traffic meters

    Is there a site I can research to learn more about those thirdparty firmwares other than just googling? DDWRT or Tomato or w/e? Also, are they even compatible w/ the router I have?
  12. J

    Help with traffic meters

    Router is a WNDR3700 It has a built in traffic meter, but I was wondering if there was a way to filter it per mac-id. For some reason this month our internet usage went from an avg 100gigs to 265gigs. So I need to find out what device is the culprit to fix this issue. We have two...
  13. J


    lol i'll def be streaming BF3, just not sure whether on console or pC. Can't wait till BF3 comes out, it's going to be insane.
  14. J


    So I can count you guys out, thanks!
  15. J


    If you're bored and you watch gaming streams, check mine out, I stream league, wow, and sc2. I'm saving up for a capture card so i can stream 360 and stuff too in future.
  16. J

    Corsair Vengeance™ 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 Memory Kit Drawing

    I have used Corsair memory it in every one of my setups and has never let me down! It's why I recommend it to friends and family!
  17. J

    Question regarding 'traffic' meter

    Is there a more reliable way I can test MY DL/UP traffic and I can just install it on both computers to get a correct average? It's not that important, just thought I'd ask. Just insane believing I'd use about 130gigs a month just for games and pandora lol. Now if I was a p2p freak I'm sure I'd...
  18. J

    Question regarding 'traffic' meter

    Thanks, i'll test it out.
  19. J

    Question regarding 'traffic' meter

    I am working w/ WNDR3700, and I've been trying to take a look at the traffic meter to judge how much I actually us. In 7 days I supposedly already used 30gig. There are only two computers to the network and the most we do is Pandora/gaming. Is this router incorrectly reading incoming/outgoing...
  20. J

    unidentified network

    Doesn't work with F14 either. I did end up going w/ this NIC though.
  21. J

    unidentified network

    Hello! I Have been having issues with my network adapter I just want to confirm that it is my NIC before I go out and purchase a new one. If it turns out that it is my NiC, any recommendations for someone who plays games most of the time? Setup is as follows: Duel boot with Windows 7 and...
  22. J

    Civ5 internet games

    Anyone know why it's so hard to find internet games? I played single player a couple times and was pretty fun, wanted to see how multiplayer was. But I was either getting kicked from every game or it just wouldn't load. Anyone know if there is some type of IRC chat where u find games easier...
  23. J

    Connectivity help with WNDR3700

    I disabled the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" Option, are there any other I may not be aware of?
  24. J

    Connectivity help with WNDR3700

    I can try that see if it works, but it's not possible it's a settings in the router? Something that prevents it from providing it with data, so it makes the network device think it has no connection?
  25. J

    Connectivity help with WNDR3700

    It says unplugged at all times so it's consistent, and I have been testing both network ports on my mobo. Also important to add I suppose, is that the network ports in the back DO NOT light up/show activity when I plug the cords into it FROM the router. I believe that means that it is not...
  26. J

    Connectivity help with WNDR3700

    ISP = Comcast 12mb Mobo = ga-p55a-ud4 router = WNDR3700 O/S = Win7 So since I switched to this router, I have been having connectivity issues, with MY comp only. There are a few labtops that are wireless, and an xbox360 and brothers comp wired that work perfectly. The things that I...
  27. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    SCV's also don't regen health or a shield, and have to be healed. We're also the only idiots sitting there building a base and able to be disrupted.
  28. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    Pro-league or not, I believe most people will participate (at least competitive players) in international leagues like iCCUP.
  29. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    I'm in for some tournies!
  30. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    You obviously havent tried baneling drops, they're pretty ridiculous.\ Also jutsu, you need more 2's partners mine don't play much anymore, they werej ust friends. I'm rank 7 Platinum Terran!!
  31. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    Well Zerg is by far the best race, if the person using it has good macro capabilities. Protoss are the easiest because of the variety of builds, and warp gates forgive lack of macro for a person. Terran you need a good amount of macro, micro, and most importantly meta. Which I believe makes...
  32. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    Nothing Ravens are a must vs hydra Yes
  33. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    I am rank 8-10 consistently platinum terran, I still lose to void rays sometimes. Even when I know they're coming, it's hard to adjust, terran needs so many things just to deal w/ protoss, its why matvhup is imb in my eyes. We have to get ghost, marines, marauders, medivacs, thors, vikings...
  34. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    Protoss is the most forgiving as far as races go because of warp gates. Zerg in mid late game can replenish their units faster and easier then other two races making them the easiest late game, as long as you can macro well enough.
  35. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    Start off with protoss and learn from there imo. They are by far the easiest class to learn, and not much emphasis on macro compared to zerg/terran, terran being the hardest by far. Watch every replay afterwards, you'll notice trends on peoples builds, and learn counters as soon as possible.
  36. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    Dota is the only reason why I ever played WC3 so I guess I can see where you guys are coming from.
  37. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta usernames/handles

    Ya i stay consistent top 20 i was under name quy for awhile not like it matters once koreans get the game its over for americans. They'll win with a marine and 10 scvs an shit
  38. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta usernames/handles

    Just finished my placement before I left to work. Rank 26 Platinum!! need 2's partners lets gooooooooooooooooooo someone in platinum preferably ^^
  39. J

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    Gameplay is all that matters, no RTS game will EVER EVERRR touch SC. Blizzard is by far the best gaming developers atm, they focus on GAMEPLAY which matters. Who cares how cool teh graphics are, if the game is awefully buggy and imbalanced and really not that playable it's worthless.