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  1. M

    Sound Blaster Tactic3D Sigma Gaming Headset Review @ [H]

    I really wanted to like the alpha version of these headphones. They sounded good but the amount of tweaking needed per game to make them sound good is exhausting to me, personally. The ear cups of the sigma are horribly small from the sides and crush your ears. I can't say the same about the...
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    Pakistan Blocks YouTube, Facebook

    The question is not "how" they would react, because we already know that...the question is "why" to infuriate someone with such BS...seriously why to be so stubborn and deliberately do something which makes another person angry, after have been told several times explicitly not to do such a...
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    MSI 790FX-GD70 AMD Motherboard @ [H]

    its a request to please change the Phenom II 3.2 GHZ tabs everywhere in the charts to the more appropriate Phenom II x2 550 3.2 GHZ...otherwise if a person looks at the charts alone then he might get the wrong impression that you have used an x4 955 with also works at 3.2GHZ
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    Ultra Responds To Incorrect PSU Label Issue

    o come on ...thats a lot of sweat talk but lets hope the customers "do" really get the promised 850watts supply without a hassle...until i see ppl really getting those promised replacements for free easily "in their hands", i am still skeptical of their word
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    Is Your Ultra 750W X2 PSU Really a 550W?

    i dont think newegg sells any ultra products..or does it?
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    Is Your Ultra 750W X2 PSU Really a 550W?

    am not surprised at all...since ultra, systemax (i may have misspelled it) and some other brands are actually products of tigerdirect....i have never had any personal business done with them but i did some research a while back when i was deciding betwen newegg and them for buying...
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    Intel Tears Apart NVIDIA Ion in Document

    whats amusing to me is that how this all started with intel saying "nvidia doesnt have the license to make chipsets for memory integrated procs" and now suddenly all of that is lost and what it feels like, is a five year old complaining...cause my daddy's car is betterrrr then your dads!!!! :D
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    CPU Upgrade Opinion?

    oh just get the x3 710 ..its not a black edition but its still a monster of a cpu and overclocks god too even with the locked multi.....its much much better then any of other procs u have mentioned
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    Turn that X3 720 into a X4 945 BE

    the OP has a video linked on the first post...check it doesn't look fake to me now...but he did'nt do any stress testing to show if the fourth core can stand some pressure
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    upgrade problem :(

    sometimes u need a fresh windows with a new processor upgrade...but more importantly check the vcore in your bios..i have read many ppl having trouble just like u even after a new bios update some motherboards are delivering low voltage to the cpu by default....if the that is the case increase...
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    Finally upgrading from Opty 165..go with 3X 720 or what? please advice

    your link is broken..i think u meant this.. it has the Q6600 vs the other PIIs
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    AnandTech's Phenom II vs Intel Q9XXX vs Core i7, CFX & Non-CFX review!

    exactly....what the hell does anyone gain from a sys sandra synthetic benchmark of a hundred different parameters when it helps nada in real life evident the corei7 beats the PII by a mile in those synthetics but falls behind in a few real world to me that synthetic...
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    CM-690 help with onboard sound

    wow such an old thread but just replying in case some one has the same problem with the hd sound and 690 front port...well after installing the drivers and the cables click the red speaker icon (realtek HD audio manager) or whatever icon u have for your sound card and disable the auto jack...