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  1. P

    Help: GTX295 electrical squeel + only one GPU working! :'(

    There's no point in testing each gpu individualy, but you can ensure they are both working by using nhancer to enable the ingame sli indicator, for gtx 295's you will need to use a modified nhancer config file linked below.
  2. P

    So what exactly is really the issue people have with the GTX 295?

    I haven't had any issues with my BFG GTX 295, just the standard dual gpu related problems such as having to wait for drivers at times ( However I use nhancer to make my own sli profiles at times) and the odd micro-stutter/ frame synchronisation. The micro-stutter issues I have only 'noticed' in...
  3. P

    F.E.A.R. 2 demo coming tomorrow

    Though the game was 'fun' and there were some improvements over the original, it's clear that it's been dragged down by console hardware limitations and is no longer the cutting edge graphical master piece the original once was. Some of the best things about the original fear such as smart AI...
  4. P

    GTX 295 - My Impressions

    I did post that same info with the same source to you...
  5. P

    GTX295 is NOT the card for 2560x1600...

    Thanks for the reply, sounds like nvidia might have the micro stutter under control finally. I also read in the bit-tech review that nvidia describes the crysis issues as driver related and that they will fix them in future driver releases, they also posted a fix which they say was provided by...
  6. P

    BFGTech GeForce GTX 295 @ [H]

    Sorry didn't read through the whole thread but what's the microstutter situation like on this card?
  7. P

    GTX295 is NOT the card for 2560x1600...

    Agreed that you can't see more than the refresh rate but you sure can 'feel' the difference in terms of game responsiveness in fast paced fps games, atleast I can in games like fear combat, same goes for v-sync as it introduces extra response lag. back on topic, the gtx 295 has almost...
  8. P

    Funny noise from GTX 280 when running atitool artifact tester.

    That's quite common, I get it with my GTX280 and had it with my 8800GTX too.
  9. P

    Your card of choice in 2008

    I voted for the gtx 280, had it since june and coming from 8800 gtx sli I was genuinely surprised at how much better all my games felt; largely due to higher minimum fps and the ability to pickup any game without having to worry about sli support.