Search results

  1. N

    Internet Making it Easier to Become a Terrorist

    Thanks for the info, LA Times :rolleyes:
  2. N

    Illegal Downloading No Different from Stealing a Handbag

    Took the words right out of my mouth.
  3. N

    oh heck yeah, Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II released on iphone

    $8.99 isn't half bad for the hours you can get out of these two games. Downloading now.
  4. N

    Your favorite Apps (ipod touch/iphone)

    I just downloaded Run!. Awesome game!
  5. N

    Work Phone - limited choice - Help me decide.

    From those four, I would pick the Palm Pre Plus. If given the choice, I'd pick the Blackberry Bold 9700, Nexus One or Motorola Droid/Milestone.
  6. N

    lg rumor2

    I have one. It's great for phone calls and texting and tolerable for web browsing when you install Opera Mini. I haven't had any reliability problems yet, it's built a bit more solid than the original Rumor I think. I know a lot of people with the Rumor(1) who have had problems with the phone...
  7. N

    Buying Palm the wrong decision?

    My friend has a Palm Pre, he really likes it. Developer support for apps could definitely be better, but it's a solid phone either way. My next one will be running Android though.
  8. N

    Countdown to Destruction Starts Again

    Ah well, 2012 is a long wait anyway, might as well get it over with now.
  9. N

    Maine Bill Would Require Warning on Mobile Phones

    The paranoia continues. If you google 'cell phone radiation' (or something to that effect), the things you see people claiming are hilarious, especially those personal headache testimonials.
  10. N

    Buy A Real Law Degree On Craigslist

    That's awesome. What can't you buy on Craigslist? ;)
  11. N

    Assassin’s Creed II DRM Requires Full-Time Internet Connection

    I won't be buying this. I wouldn't buy it for PC anyway when I have a PS3 but this DRM BS just seals the deal.
  12. N

    The "new" HardForum 10 years

    10 years? Wow. Glad to be a member for almost 1/10 of that, lol. :D
  13. N

    Another Study On Violent Video Games

    Violent video games? Oh, the horror!
  14. N

    How well will the PS3 Do now?

    I think the slimmer, cheaper PS3 will boost sales significantly for the console. There are loads of fun, exclusive games (and non-exclusive games) for the PS3, whoever says there isn't hasn't looked far. I have all three consoles and I paid over $500 for my PS3 after launch and I'm very...
  15. N

    4Chan Cuts Loose on Evangelical Christians

    4chan is truly pathetic.
  16. N

    AT&T vs Verizon

    I found Verizon had better coverage around the US and the AT&T data network was pretty congested, but I would still take GSM[HSPA] over CDMA[EVDO] because of the selection of phones, the SIM card swapping (on unlocked phones), etc.
  17. N

    Forza 3... Who's Getting It?

    I'd get it but I'm broke.
  18. N

    TomTom GPS iPhone App Shows Up in New Zealand

    Over $100 for an iPhone app? I'll pass. If I wanted GPS at that price I would opt for a physical unit that I could mount in my car (or wherever), not a simple app on my iPod...
  19. N

    Turn Your Coffee Table Into Universal Remote

    x2 I'm way too lazy to move more than needed to change the channel.
  20. N

    Google Reserves 1 Million Phone Numbers

    Sucks that you can't get a Canadian number.
  21. N

    Accidently ran an open WiFi network for a couple days, should I be worried?

    There was a network called that on my old street. xD
  22. N

    Man Allergic to Wi-Fi

    FOX News. The little credibility this story may have had is now gone.
  23. N

    Top 3 iPhone Apps: Weed, Booze and Partial Nudity

    Lol, why doesn't this surprise me?
  24. N

    How Much Does YouTube Make Off Popular Videos?

    If Hulu was available in Canada, I'd gladly pay a subscription fee to watch it (or tolerate more ads).
  25. N

    Facebook Hits One Billion Video Views

    Yay for Facebook?
  26. N

    Facebook Relents, Lets You Change Your Username

    Meh, I used firstname.lastname for my username. Registered it a few days after they started letting you have usernames and there are 4 or 5 other people on Facebook with the same name as me.
  27. N

    Magnavox Blu-Ray Players $98 at WalMart

    Not a bad deal for a blu-ray player, but is Magnavox a reliable brand?
  28. N

    The upcoming PC games you will buy

    The only PC game I'll be buying in the near future will be Diablo III, whenever it gets released.
  29. N

    So what is the retail price of COD: MW2 for PC, $59.99?

    Yep... which is why I don't buy new releases anymore. $70 + 13% HST = $79.10 for a game.
  30. N

    what wirless adapters do [H] goers generally recommend

    I bought a Trendnet B/G adapter from TigerDirect and it worked pretty good, but I find I get the furthest range and best performance with my internal wireless on my laptop, which, according to Network Connections, is apparently a "Atheros AR5006EG Wireless Network Adapter".
  31. N

    WiMax with no protection?

    Can you filter MAC addresses? Probably not if it doesn't even support WEP/WPA/WPA2.
  32. N

    Looking for reliable internet access

    Cox? Opt for dial-up instead.
  33. N

    DRM is Dead, RIAA Says

    Wow, the RIAA really said that? It only took them, what, 10 years to figure out that DRM is pointless?
  34. N

    Distracted Driving is Dangerous... and People Don't Care

    Newfoundland and Labrador bans cell phone use while driving too, but you can use a bluetooth headset. It doesn't seem to be working too well considering I see at least 10 people talking on their cell phone every day driving around and twice as many people with their heads down staring at...
  35. N

    New Pirate Bay to Be Based on Give-And-Take Models

    I'll say it again... Without a doubt, TPB will become the next Napster. There's just no way this is going to work.
  36. N

    CCCP vs VLC

    Meh. The only thing I'm doing when I'm watching video is watching video so it can use as much CPU as it wants.
  37. N

    How Many IM Clients do run?

    All of my friends use MSN so I just run the latest Windows Live Messenger with Messenger Plus! and Messenger Discovery.
  38. N

    CCCP vs VLC

    I've been using VLC for a while now and it plays everything I've tried to play seamlessly.
  39. N

    Where do you guys get your games?

    I usually buy from Wal-Mart, HMV (though it's usually extremely overpriced) or EB Games.