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  1. B

    ATI on Doom3 benchmarks

    I think its funny how ATI is totally dismissing Doom 3 as "not available yet", but are getting people to buy their cards based on HL 2, which isn't even gold and has been delayed numerous times. Lets see, if rumor is to go gold in 3 weeks...that means maybe we'll see it by x-mas.
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    Warm: Bestbuy Logitech MX510 optical mouse

    OK, so is anyone else bothered by this "having to upgrade" to a 510 to get a mouse that will do what a 500 should do. Its BS that in order for your MX mouse to work in games you have to get a 510. I doubt its hardware that makes the 510 work in games, and i'd bet they could do it no problem...
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    MS Intellimouse Explorer Optical 4.0 Tilt Wheel Mouse $20

    OK 1) Intellimouse 4.0 does have better sensor than 3.0. Supposedly is the same sensor (or at least same resolution) as the MX500/700. 2) I think MS mice are better than the logitech mice purely in the driver arena. Sure Logitech has made good strides with it, but last I tried my mx500...
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    36.7gb Raptor $109 One Day Sale

    were these the new ones or the old ones? The new ones have fluid bearings now correct? They supposed to be much quieter.
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    Sony 36" HDTV Display problems

    Thanks guys!!!! I'll look into powerstrip tonight. Oddly enough the TV says it only supports 480i&p and 1080i (no 720p). That could easily be why I could only get it to do 480p. I'll post here with any results.
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    Sony 36" HDTV Display problems

    Hi all, I'm trying to hook my PC (with an AIW 8500 with component HDTV adapter) up to my roomates 36" HDTV Sony (KV-36HS20). It says it works in 480i, 480p, and 1080i. I can't get it to work in 1080i. Does anyone have any experience with this or any tips for HDTV viewing using ATI Cards...