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  1. R

    The 2012 Post Pics Of Your Rig Thread!

    specs in sig.
  2. R

    Lightning 7970 Crossfire Crashing/Freezing

    try a different crossfire bridge?
  3. R

    Dell U30011 Rev A07 anti glare reduced!

    Is the same new anti glare for the U2711?
  4. R

    AMD Quadfire with ASUS 7970 DCII and SAPPHIRE 7970OC

    I would stay away from quadfire. Go tri if you want more than 2 cards.
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    7970 CFX & BF3 Settings

    then what is the question....
  6. R

    7970 CFX & BF3 Settings

    Don't see how its a disadvantage. But, you are not doing it right regardless. You should not use AFR mode as there is already a default profile that is correct for bf3.
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    7970 CFX & BF3 Settings

    1680x1050 with all low settings and 7970 crossfire? Troll?
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    7970 CFX & BF3 Settings

  9. R

    Mediocre results with the Magicool 2x180mm radiator

    well the magicool radiator has almost 50% more surface area than the swiftech so it should perform better.
  10. R

    7850 OCing memory too high decreases FPS

    CRC error correction. :p
  11. R

    Antec 620 + 6970 temperatures?

    How... Did you turn the vapor chamber into a balloon?
  12. R

    GeForce GTX 680 3-Way SLI & Radeon 7970 Tri-Fire Review @ [H]

    Sooo. Comparing SGSSAA on AMD vs no SGSSAA on nvidia is apples to apples?
  13. R

    Post your DX11 ComputeMark Scores

    Rig in sig.
  14. R

    XFX and the GTX680

    XFX hasn't produced high end nvidia cards for a WHILE.
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    NVIDIA Kepler GeForce GTX 680 SLI Video Card Review @ [H]

    For science. High: Ultra: High: Ultra: There is a pretty large difference in the distance detail with high vs ultra. Now all I need is a 1gb and 2gb card for more...
  16. R

    Temperature Check... is this ok?

    I bet your 580 overclocked that far pulls nearly twice the power as a 7970.
  17. R

    7970 CFX OC vs GTX 680 SLI OC @ 3600x1920

    what made you sell them?
  18. R

    Possible problems with Crossfire. Advice requested.

    Do you happen to have page file disabled?
  19. R

    Temperature Check... is this ok?

    Temps look pretty good for just a pull fan setup on that rad. If you went push/pull I bet you would see a decent temp drop.
  20. R

    HD 7970's in Crossfire - An Enthusiasts Rant

    Total opposite here. Bought 3 on launch day, 0 problems since then.
  21. R

    GTX 680: VRM modification

    Nope. adding them won't do anything. The little chip they use is programmed for whatever power configuration it has and can only be programmed once.
  22. R

    Low GPU usage in BF3 on 7970 Crossfire

    I have the same issue as the OP.
  23. R

    Applying thermal compound to an exposed GPU core?

    I just blob a ton of it on the die in an X shape and let it ooze wherever it wants to go. If you wanted to be anal about it, then the spread method would be the best.
  24. R

    GK104 = GTX 680 (confirmed), paper launching soon [SA]

    That's going to be a royal pain in the ass to unplug the wires.. lol
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    3 Rad 1 pump, loop question

    Oh yeah, didn't see what pump he was running. Might want to think about picking up a swiftech mcp35x
  26. R

    3 Rad 1 pump, loop question

    just go res/pump>cpu>mobo>gpu>rad>rad>rad> Loop order doesn't really matter, and radiators are pretty low restriction. I run two 3x120 rads, 3 gpu waterblocks, and a cpu block. I still have decent flow rate with a single pump.
  27. R

    Owners who run their 7970 at STOCK

    40% on a 7970 is pretty load...
  28. R

    NVIDIA GeForce 295.73 WHQL Drivers Released

    I doubt you need +20 powertune. I can overclock my cards to 1250/1750 with 0% power tune and they don't throttle at all.
  29. R

    Accelero 7970 VRM Temps too high?

    Mine barely broke 75c on the stock air coolers, so I would say 100c is way too high. On water they don't go over 50c.
  30. R

    AMD Catalyst 12.2 Pre-Certified Driver 2/16/2012

    Same, overclocking works fine and bf3 seems to run much better.
  31. R

    The Post Pics Of Your Rig Thread! - ABSOLUTELY NO COMMENTS

    Mine has worked fine since day 1.
  32. R

    7970 pointer corruption

    Nope. I had it once on my 6970's, and so far once on my 7970's too. Never on my 5870's though.
  33. R

    7970 benchies...

    Get a new cpu..
  34. R

    7970 benchies...

    It won't show any instability... Drop it to 1375. The fps gain with 1575 is only a couple fps.
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    7970 benchies...

    Also, how do you know 1575 memory is stable? It could be unstable and since DDR5 is ECC memory it will just kill your performance.
  36. R

    7970 benchies...

    CPU limit and it sounds like you are using hacked drivers since you are using an 8800gtx for physx... Remove the 8800 paper weight and install proper 11.12 RC11 drivers. Also what res are you playing with?