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  1. E

    When does the replacement for the 120hz 750d come out???

    Here's one thing that bothers me about the Asus: "Unfortunately, even with the panel set to zero output, the lowest we were able to achieve was a little over 136 cd/m2 which is perfect for most viewers but it may still be too much for some. " I use my current 60hz 27" LCD at 105cdm2. I...
  2. E

    When does the replacement for the 120hz 750d come out???

    I want to buy a 120hz monitor over 24 inches. The 750d seems to have stopped being produced, all the other 27inch 120hz panels seem to suck. What do?
  3. E

    Nvidia driver issues

    There is no attitude, there is only people coming in this thread that don't even know what the word "INPUT LAG" even means then telling me there is no problem with the driver inadvertently calling me a liar, like I'm just making this up out of thin air. How do you expect me to react? The...
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    Nvidia driver issues

    Which is why it's so annoying when an avalanche of people like that continuously post in the thread saying there is no problem. It makes me feel like I'm the guy in the movie Idiocracy and I'm trying to fix my front lawn and all these people are running up watering it with gatorade. I'm just...
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    Nvidia driver issues

    If the increased input lag with newer nvidia drivers is not a problem for you, then go do something else with your life instead of trying to argue in my thread, it's that simple. Trying to call me a liar and saying there is no problem is not being civil.
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    Nvidia driver issues

    All the people who post on this forum using 60ms input lag S-PVA Samsung LCD's don't notice any problem with their PC either. Does that mean there is no input lag problem with those screens? No, it doesn't. If those people can't notice 60ms input lag, they aren't going to notice the probably...
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    Nvidia driver issues

    I made this thread knowing perfectly well that 90% of responses were going to be from Nvidia shills or internet forum troll contrarians that just want to argue if the sky is blue or not. I have tested this stuff extensively and the only variable that causes the laggy/sloppy mouse movement is...
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    Nvidia driver issues

    I don't know what kind of absurd responses these are. My DPC latency is 30. People keep trying to shift the blame from the drivers to me when the *only variable* that I need to change to see the problem is changing from 186.82 drivers to any newer drivers. I'm 30 years old with a comp sci...
  9. E

    Nvidia driver issues

    You've got to be kidding. 7ms feels almost the same as using a CRT whereas 28ms input lag is almost unbearable for even mozilla browsing. Like I said, the mouse and mouse settings you use are a huge factor in noticing stuff like this as well. When you crank the dpi high and set cursor speed...
  10. E

    Nvidia driver issues

    And people also buy Dell 2408wfp PVA LCD screens with 60ms input lag and type the exact same sentence you just did. "I don't see any problem". Yes, people on this forum do that by the boatload. The problem is there. I see it on two different computers with two different graphics cards. Here...
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    Nvidia driver issues

    I don't know the exact driver number when this problem started, all I know is drivers below the 190.xx series seem to be safe. All the new drivers I've tried have GOD AWFUL mouse movement. It feels like they just slapped 10-15ms additional input lag on every driver series above that. My...
  12. E

    Will this 27" Samsung P2770 1080p I got run at 70+ hz?

    Well the 23inch 1920x1080 NEC IPS can be forced to run at 72hz over DVI so I don't see why this one wouldn't go higher. I just don't know what timings to try.
  13. E

    The Perils of Eye Strain

    To stare at a monitor for long periods of time, the brightness needs to be around 100-120cdm2. As for other factors, LED backlights have a lot less eyestrain than CCFL and glossy mirror screens like on some HP's will cause more eyestrain. Also, many CCFL backlights will flicker when the...
  14. E

    Will this 27" Samsung P2770 1080p I got run at 70+ hz?

    Here are the default timings under nvidia control panel. Anybody know what settings will work for higher hz?
  15. E

    HP ZR24w

  16. E

    27-inch 120 Hz PG276H from Asus

    it's not much taller than 24" 16:10
  17. E

    HP ZR24w

    E-IPS is not the same as regular IPS. You just think it is because you're comparing a crappy monitor (Dell U2410 wide gamut) with another crappy monitor (the ea231wmi). Both the Dell 2209wa and NEC ea231wmi look like poop straight out of the box at default settings. After optimizing the...
  18. E

    HP ZR24w

    I'd say not really. I've used both 2209wa and ea231wmi E-IPS panels and they don't look nearly as good as a 20wmgx2 H-IPS or older Apple Cinema Display or old HP IPS.
  19. E

    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    Mine weren't. I distinctly remember touching the 2209wa screen and when I moved my finger across it, it felt smooth. When i moved my finger across the ea231wmi's screen, it felt rough like sandpaper. Text was also harder to read on the NEC.
  20. E

    So is eyefinity really worth it?

    Not my fault if someone can't cope with the natural pecking order of the world. I don't walk up to a grizzly bear and start crying at it because I'm not as physically or mentally tough as it is.
  21. E

    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    Yea right. The ea231wmi looks worse than the Dell 2209wa and the 20wmgx2 looks far better than either of them. The 2209wa has a much better AG coating and doesn't have backlight bleed from all four corners.
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    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    They're roughly the same height since the ea231wmi is 16:9 and the 20wmgx2 isn't. The panel looks like a flaming turd in comparison to the 20wmgx2 though.
  23. E

    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    It's junk. Has the worst anti-glare coating I've ever seen on a monitor and it's also extremely tiny. Besides those issues, it doesn't look anywhere near as good as a NEC 20wmgx2.
  24. E

    asus vh242h or vw246h or other?

    This guy forgets to mention that VA panels are even worse for doing any kind of color work due to black crush effect which is worse than TN panel viewing angles. Tired of these IPS spammers in every thread. There are no good IPS panels out for under $1000. No the Dell 2209wa isn't good. It...
  25. E

    So is eyefinity really worth it?

    Sexism: a term coined in the mid-20th century,[1] is the belief or attitude that one gender or sex is inferior to, less competent If men on a bell curve always score higher in cognitive reasoning tests, maybe the word sexism should be changed to "reality". It's also true that women...
  26. E

    HP ZR24w

    Forget that guy. The real question is, is this monitor going to suck or not....
  27. E

    Choppy gaming when turning ect.

    This chop you speak of can be caused by a few different things. Turning Vscync on is by far the dumbest way to fix it. 1) Mouse settings - If you crank your mouse DPI up then turn your cursor movement speed way down, the mouse camera pan becomes too slow and too sensitive for a 60fps game to...
  28. E

    Sharp 700UN as monitor: Quality & Performance Review

    From an amazon review: "Average input lag. Using Guitar Hero 3 lag calibration tool, I was able to get 48 milisec in Game mode, and between 90 - 130 milisec in other modes. " Doesn't sound that impressive on the input lag section. Also what is the pixel structure on the panel like. Many...
  29. E

    the mysteries of lcd eyestrain. why?!

    I believe it's 240-320hz
  30. E

    120mhz LCD monitors is not what most Gamers wanted!

    Yes it's the opposite. 120hz PC monitors don't interpolate frames, it's a real 120hz refresh rate. The TV's do interpolate frames but not the three 120hz pc monitors.
  31. E

    the mysteries of lcd eyestrain. why?!

    Screen coating is the #1 factor in eyestrain imo but LED lighting does have less eyestrain than CCFL too. Basically you want to find a panel with the least amount of anti-glare coating possible without having an actual high gloss finish like the HP w2408 then just turn the brightness down to...
  32. E

    120mhz LCD monitors is not what most Gamers wanted!

    Yep exactly. I've never even used a CRT that could do higher than 85hz at 1600x1200. I want a 27inch 16:9 LCD that does 75-85hz.
  33. E

    A (gaming) monitor with good blacks

    2209wa is a major pain in the ass to calibrate but it will do good blacks at around 110cdm2. You really need a calibration unit better than spyder2 to use the thing because the factory settings for gamma ramp are terrible.
  34. E

    NEC ea231wmi = turd of a monitor

    This is hilarious. He's getting all angry and acting like I'm making a personal attack on him by saying these monitors are unusable due to the ridiculous AG coating on them. Must work for NEC or LG's panel manufacturing to try and claim the coating on these monitors isn't a problem. Sorry to...
  35. E

    Man smashes 27 TN panels in a Walmart

    The title is wrong, those were all Samsung S-PVA panels and he was enraged by the input lag and black crush effect on his xbox.
  36. E

    NEC ea231wmi = turd of a monitor

    The NEC is so small that viewing angles aren't an issue even if the NEC was a TN panel. What are you gonna do, sit on your couch 50 feet away and watch a 1080p movie on the postage stamp size NEC with it's superior viewing angles? The whole viewing angle argument doesn't even matter on a...
  37. E

    Best monitor choice (~$2000 / ~$4000 max)

    I would try the U2711 due to it having the best black level of any large IPS. If it doesn't look good, return it. For gaming there are only 3 choices anyone should consider right now: 1) U2711 IPS $1000 2) 27inch 2ms Samsung TN panel $375 3) 120hz 23.6" Acer $399 (but that size in 16:9 is too...
  38. E

    NEC EA231WMi Backlight bleed

    There's my review:
  39. E

    NEC ea231wmi = turd of a monitor

    The anti-glare coating on this monitor is THE WORST I HAVE EVER SEEN ON ANY PANEL EVER. If you touch the screen and slide your finger across it, it feels like you're touching a rhinoceros hide. An LCD screen is supposed to feel smooth, not like you're touching a piece of sandpaper. Reading...
  40. E

    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    No, because spyder2 sucks and when I used it to calibrate with 2.2 gamma, the picture turned out too dark then I tried 2.1 and the gamma was better but it added a green tint to the greys so maybe if I calibrate it like 400 times it will give me a good one.