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    Recommend a CPU cooler for an i7 2600k

    So far so good! The all black look is awesome - I'm used to all the boards with a bunch of colors. I haven't had a chance to play around in the Bios much yet, but hope to this weekend. I was happy that all of my components went together without a hiccup and fired right up.
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    Recommend a CPU cooler for an i7 2600k

    They are the high profile ones. Thanks for all the info and I will go do some research on those gt fans!
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    Recommend a CPU cooler for an i7 2600k

    Dang it... I meant to post this in the parent forum. Can a mod move this? Sorry :(
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    Recommend a CPU cooler for an i7 2600k

    Fellas, I'm having a tough time deciding on a cpu cooler for my new build. I'm currently running the stock cooler. I do plan on overclocking my 2600k, just haven't done so yet (just built it this weekend). I'm not trying to set any oc records either, just a nice mild overclock. I'm very...
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    The Router Recommendations Thread (Consumer)

    Hey Fellas, Can someone tell me if what I am doing is overkill in terms of paying too much for a router? This is my first time in setting up a network and what my router needs to have: - Gigabit ports - N band wireless I have comcast coming into my motorola sb5120 (i think) modem in my...
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    120Hz LCD Info Thread

    I have the AW2310 and I like it alot. I just transitioned from my 1999 Dell Trinitron CRT 19" :) I actually ordered the DELL 2209WA and the AW2310 at the same time thinking I was going to keep both for different purposes. We use IPS panels at work and I like them alot for web...
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    How hard is it for a gamer to transition from a mx518 to g500?

    Fellas, I've been running a mx518 for years and wanted to try something new. The 2 on the short list are the g500 and the deathadder. Went to Best Buy and both feel comfortable, actually the DA felt a tad better because of the side buttons. After researching here, it seems the 1800 dpi...
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    Just ordered the Dell UltraSharp 2209WA

    Hey guys, I need quick confirmation I setup my custom resolution @75Hz correctly. I feel like it was too easy! All I did was under Advance Custom Resolutions, was change Timing Standard: Automatic to CVT Reduced Blank and bump up the Refresh Rate to 75. Is that it? I don't have to muck...
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    Just ordered the Dell UltraSharp 2209WA

    I haven't gotten any replies in my other thread, so I will ask here, which is probably more appropriate. I just wanted to know if anyone else feels the text and colors aren't outstanding? I know alot of you are praising the text and colors, but I use an older 2001FP IPS panel at work and...
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    Need help with 2209WA and Alienware 23" OptX

    Fellas, I'm making an attempt to ditch my 19" Dell CRT for hardcore competitive gaming purposes. I purchased both these monitors in hope one would wow me over, but both have issues, according to my eyes :) But before I start sending monitors back to Dell, I want to be sure I've tried...
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    Which Keyboard should I get? Deck Legend vs Logitech g19

    Omerta, what board did you have before? The pics of the deck boards make it seem like the F keys are a bit further up on the board than most commercial boards. I'm not sure if you can comment on this or not, but I need those F keys for gaming! I'm in the market for a new board and really...
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    What video card for 120Hz monitor?

    So, checked another thread, not sure if this still stands, but I would be looking at $350-380 for the GTX460 and $600-625 for the GTX480. Are these the only 2 flavors they are releasing this month?
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    What video card for 120Hz monitor?

    Good info kllr, thank you. I was set on getting the 5850 or better, but I keep reading on BFBC2's forums about long map loads, artifcat issues, etc with ATI drivers. I know some are running fine, but I've never bought ATI before and now I have cold feet about it. As for DX11, from what I...
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    What video card for 120Hz monitor?

    How would I know what cards can run one of these monitors at 120Hz? Kllr, I want to wait, but I'm gettin' antsy :) Are nvidia cards way overpriced right now like ATI's are? I saw the 275 on sale for $198 and from what I see online that is a pretty good deal, no? I wonder if a 275 could...
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    What video card for 120Hz monitor?

    Eh, for now just refresh. I want to upgrade my card regardless, but I want to try one of these 120Hz monitors to see if its a decent replacement for my CRT. If not, its going back and I will just keep the card until something better comes along.
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    What video card for 120Hz monitor?

    Fellas, I'm in the market to upgrade my monitor and video card. What I want to know is if you need a powerful card to power a 120Hz monitor. I'm looking to play BFBC2 with most settings maxed. Current specs: i7 920 6GB OCZ 8800GT 512 650 PS OCZ Win7 x64 Right now, I can play...
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    BFG RMA questions/stories?

    So I saw the BFG 275 on sale at microcenter, was thinking about picking it up since it looked like a good deal at $198, but is the consensus to stay away from BFG? I did have a card from them a long time ago, the fan cracked and broke some how. I think I just took it back.
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    Video Card for BC2

    Hey Met, One of my clan buddies is also running a GTS 320MB and its pretty rough for him. His proc is way older though and he's gonna get the 5850 soon. I'm just waiting for prices to come down myself before I make the jump. Not to highjack, but does anyone know if the ATI long wait times...
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    New Logitech G110 Gaming Keyboard

    how is this kb for fps gaming? i'm looking to replace my saitek eclipse. has anyone made the move from a saitek to this one - does it feel the same or close enough?
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    Just ordered the Dell UltraSharp 2209WA

    Hey guys, I might be in the same boat, not sure yet. I had originally emailed Christa, and another guy replied back. Just late last week I was quoted the price, I emailed him yesterday, and this morning and have not heard back. I was getting very quick replies before, so who knows. If...
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    Just ordered the Dell UltraSharp 2209WA

    I'm wanting to order one, but now it seems like they have backlight issues? I've got my contact at Dell ready to ship for $212 thanks to this thread, but getting cold feet now.
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    Dell U2410

    Thanks for the info. I'm hardcore in the sense I'm on a team and we compete in leagues and ladders almost always and having competed heavy in BF2 and now soon to be BFBC2, I need the best. I am looking at the 120Hz monitors, knowing its a TN panel I might compliment it with a 2209WA since they...
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    Dell U2410

    I'm not sure if this is a good place to ask this, or if I should just start a new thread. I'm a hardcore gamer, still CRT, aside from the 120Hz TN panels, I'm looking at this monitor and the 2209WA (we use IPS monitors here at work) . The 2410 has the game mode, but can it be set to 75Hz in...
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    Acer 120Hz 23.6" 1920x1080 LCD... but it's orange!

    Thank you for the info!
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    Acer 120Hz 23.6" 1920x1080 LCD... but it's orange!

    Fellas, Got a noobish question. I'm looking to pick up a 120Hz monitor strictly for gaming. In order to get 120Hz, it requires pugging it into 2 DVI ports on the back of the video card, if I'm not mistaken. If I get a second monitor, say the Dell 2209WA, would I still be able to use it at...
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    120hz LCD Monitors?

    thanks fellas
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    120hz LCD Monitors?

    Sort of on topic, are there more 120Hz monitors coming out in the next few months regardless of size?
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    LCD for a CRT fanatic?

    I'm in the same boat, still using my 19" dell CRT for gaming. I use IPS monitors here at work, they are nice for text/web browsing, but my guess is that it will suck for FPS games. I'm trying to hold out for the new HP monitor coming out in hopes that it might pass as a decent gaming monitor.
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    HP ZR24w

    im in the market for a new monitor, need one soon, from the description/specs does the 24" look like it could be used as a gaming monitor only? i see the dell 24" ips panel has the gaming mode, wonder if this one might have the same. i'm still crt at home and ips at work, so im nervous of...
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    I luv my MX 518 BUT

    I'm getting ready to install win7 64bit and have an mx518, but I use SetPoint to reconfigure some of the buttons for my gaming needs and custom dpi. Even though you guys are using it successfully in win7, I guess I'm screwed if I want to use the custom features of setpoint?