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  1. P

    ASUS P8P67 series Double POST at Cold Boot Fix

    The bit in bold seems to have fixed it. Although I still had problems with the frequency at 350KHz, so I set it to 300KHz. Is that sensible? I tried unplugging the router, but that didn't seem to make any difference. However if it happens again the next thing I will try is unplugging my...
  2. P

    ASUS P8P67 series Double POST at Cold Boot Fix

    I'm sorry that you misinterpreted my post. I wasn't arguing, I was just asking. If it does work I'd like to know why it works, so I can learn something from it. I know tone can be difficult to determine when communicating through text, but surely it's easier to give someone the benefit of the...
  3. P

    ASUS P8P67 series Double POST at Cold Boot Fix

    I don't understand what this has to do with wireless stuff. The PC is connected to a wireless router, but through ethernet, not through wifi. I've tried changing this through the AI Suite software, but when I restart it always goes back to 103.
  4. P

    ASUS P8P67 series Double POST at Cold Boot Fix

    I'm having this problem. Using the latest BIOS (1850) and it's still happening. I've tried everything in this thread, but nothing has fixed it. When I turn my machine on the fans start up for a few seconds and the power light goes on. Then it all switches off, and then it starts up again...