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    Discussion about the future of the [H] DC team

    Man, wouldn't that be awesome, I missed the constant threat of burning my house down, but it was worth it, and so much fun.
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    [FS] Turnkey, [H]ard 48 Core 4P

    <3 u And yes, it's still for sale.
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    [FS] Turnkey, [H]ard 48 Core 4P

    Comin' in like a wrecking ball. Dropping the price to $900, I'll also consider trades.
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    [FS] Turnkey, [H]ard 48 Core 4P

    I'll try and run a Kill-A-Watt after I get home from the office today, currently the number escapes me :D
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    [FS] Turnkey, [H]ard 48 Core 4P

    So, the time has come where I'm being forced to release one of my AMD 4Ps back into the wild (Apparently the power bills are angering some of my home's inhabitants), so I figure I might as well give the [H]orde that has treated me so well a shot at keeping it going! Anyway, Here's what's up for...
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    New and Improved Watercooling Sticky - Post Your Systems Here

    I'll need a few more pictures later, but here's the rig without the cables in 900D, i7 3770K (4.2GHz, need more OC), 2x7970 (1GHZ, one not, 1250MHz, 1075MHz, also needs OC), 16gb mixed DDR3 (Excuse the colors, I need new ram) Heatkiller Blocks, XPSC Dual Bayres D5, 3/8" tubing, 2x 360mm rads...
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    vasi0n iOS 7.x Jailbreak released today!

    Well I haven't updated it since 7.0 so I'm not exactly sure (Jailbreak inept to be quite honest) Re-loading the backup I had saved and I'll try again. if it works, I'll have to see what I can do with it, time for some googling! Edit: Well it looked like it worked its-self out once I restored...
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    vasi0n iOS 7.x Jailbreak released today!

    Welp, I gave it a shot (Bone stock iOS 7.0 iPad mini) Went through the steps, now I'm on the infinite apple boot logo, I reboot the device (home&lock) and it does the same thing but won't pull up on my PC. Any ideas?
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    Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

    92 on the team now, about to break 60mil, and steadily chugging along at about 1-1.4Mil PPD. Keep on going [H]ard for [H]umanity guys and gals!
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    Vote: Hard DC'er of November 2013

    Yeah I keep hear the same things about some Featherweight mod, prancing around here, involved in extensive shenanigans What a goober
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    As I've said earlier, I love love love this game, it's gotten more playing time then AC4 or Killzone on my PS4 thus far
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    PS4's sabotaged by forced migrant workers/students?

    BTW, if there is a problem with your console, I doubt the store you purchased it from will let you exchange it. My bet is, you'll have to send it to sony for warranty work (1 year, which is pretty neat)
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    So after spending a weekend with my PS4, a list. Games: Resogun, it's simply a ball of fun, great little game, I love it. Killzone 4, Completely different from previous Killzone titles, pretty good AC4, not bad, same AC feel, I'm liking it a fair amount Controller: I want to fly to Japan to...
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    Booted up fine, updating via USB now
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    Question, doe anyone have a picture of the popped up metal piece that might cause an issue?
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    I should read better
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    That's a given fact :p
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    This isn't a console debate thread, I think we can all agree on certain things but this isn't the place. There's plenty to do if you want to play Killzone, Knack, AC IV (Also PC), NFS Rivals, NBA 2K14, and so on, The line up is alright at best, but I would say wait for a bit, personally, I'll...
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    I'm getting the download on my phone while I'm at the office so I can update it as soon as I get home, we'll see how it works out...
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    PS4 Hard Drive Upgrade

    From what I've been told, the Hybrid SSDs are pretty useless without an application to tell it what needs to go into cache and what can stay on the disk. I'd probably just throw a Black or equivalent in there. But I agree, it's not a $1k console, but then again, you could use the SSD in your DD
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    Got some new hardware, prepare yourselves top 100

    Don't you dare to insult the great state of Texas, at least, not here, we have an IRC for that.
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    Got some new hardware, prepare yourselves top 100

    Well, it's got 2x100CFM silent exhaust fans in the ceiling, and I leave the door open, going to vent the door probably or something so I can close it and lock in most of the noise. Betas aren't exactly quiet. Also, there's a fan on the back of the rack you can't see giving it a bit of cross mobo...
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    The Official PS4 Thread: Greatness Awaits

    Yes, but there is an immense difference between the force generated by a spinning disk, and physically pushing on the console...
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    The Official PS4 Thread: Greatness Awaits

    After a long hard look (he hee, my inner child giggled tbh) it looks like it should have rubber feet. But it also looks warped. so I'll look for myself and report my findings tomorrow :D
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    The Official PS4 Thread: Greatness Awaits

    Jesus, I haven't seen that... That's pretty shitty that a $400 piece of hardware would ship in that condition. That being said, I've still got my fingers crossed I get working HDMI ports and a flat console (Which shouldn't need to be said, then again, it's been 8 years since the last console...
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    The Official PS4 Thread: Greatness Awaits

    Please tell me people aren't standing their console up without the stand... And incase some are still un-aware. The PS4 does NOT ship with the base to stand the console vertically, you current options are, Horizontal, Buy one, or Print one (I thankfully have a 3D printer so this is a...
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    The Official PS4 Thread: Greatness Awaits

    Yeah, this is something I both like and dislike about the Controller vs Xbone's controller, With the Xbone, the rechargeable battery was an option, not included, which is good so you could hotswap a fresh pack when it died instead of being tethered. Now the DS4, I'll assume that turning off...
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    The Official PS4 Thread: Greatness Awaits

    According to IGN, Killzone Shadowfall is better than it's predecessors, and a step in the right direction, so I'm looking forward to it... Their Revew is here.
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    xbox one or ps4?

    JRPGs Are you me? Hopefully they'll make good emulators now that the architecture is the same as PC.
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    Got some new hardware, prepare yourselves top 100

    Added a new 4p last night, I should churn out 1-1.5mil PPD total now. Now I won't be with the big guys anytime soon, but I will start nibbling at you heels. Here's my (Totally not a closet) 4p room.
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    xbox one or ps4?

    Agreed, I might add The Order 1886, but that's a few months out.
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    xbox one or ps4?

    A few things, I don't think it's appropriate to judge someone's credibility mid thread. If we're going to subjectively judge the UI, the Xbox One's looks cool, personally I'm not a fan of Ads all over a service I'm paying for, the apps are neat but one major flaw. All of those apps will be...
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    xbox one or ps4?

    To be fair, that's entirely on the developers. The tech and software was there, it just needed to be adopted by game dev's. It's the same (albeit improved) on the PS4, and IGN has some pretty sweet of NFS and BF4 on the Vita, which is pretty cool. It obviously will not be the same as sitting at...
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    xbox one or ps4?

    It's the only game I know of currently (That I really want, it looks awesome), but if the 360 is any guide to follow, there will be many more that come to PC.
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    xbox one or ps4?

    The "Most" Comment wasn't appropriate, It should have been "Most I want to play" Again, I want to play titanfall, but I can get it on PC. I can't really think of a whole bunch of other Exclusives at the moment (That I personally want) that the Xbox one has, that won't most likely be on PC. But...
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    xbox one or ps4?

    Sure if you want to write it off, that's your prerogitave, and I won't argue that it's fanboyish, but it seems to be justified if you've followed anything about consoles for the past 8 months I may have went a bit fan boyish, but if I'm a fanboy for anything it's PC, It simply makes no sense to...
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    xbox one or ps4?

    Here's how I decided. What do I want? Exclusives I can't play on my PC. Who has those? PS4: Can't play those exclusives on my PC, so I'll need a console if I want them Xbox One: 80% of the "Exclusives" I can also play on PC, save Forza and Halo 11 or whatever. Who has tried to screw me the...
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    PS4 Hard Drive Upgrade

    Wait, before you continue explaining why he/she is wrong. Okay, good to go.:cool:
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    Killzone on PS4 launch day?

    Yup, 7 day free trial
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    Killzone on PS4 launch day?

    The PS4 itself comes with a month free, let me open the game's box and see.