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  1. L

    Corsair MM300 Extended Mousepad - $14.99

    MM300 is definitely one of the top pads out there.
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    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    For me the difference is: -with dual screens, W11 can only open calendar on the main screen, in W10 both screens worked -file explorer is slower than windows 95 on a crappy old HDD, thanks to all those onedrive integrations making it heavy as hell +AI calendar thingy where you can type...
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    PCIe Express 7.0 specs version 0.5 now available to PCI-SIG members, on track to launch in 2025

    im still on pcie2 since the Z97 implementation for pcie3 was bugged and causes issues lol
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    Global sales of XBox are so bad developers wonder if supporting the console is worth it for them

    How does Steam do it? Subscription doesn't include game servers by the way, so you don't pay for them, and game publishers always take them down after a certain amount of years.
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    Global sales of XBox are so bad developers wonder if supporting the console is worth it for them

    Won't matter. Subscription prices stay same even if you change to a next gen console before 14 years.
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    Global sales of XBox are so bad developers wonder if supporting the console is worth it for them

    PS3 was 14 years for me. Bought in 2010 with BFBC2 as my main game, and now EA shut the servers down. If PS3 had had these current subscriptions, it would have cost me additional 1000€.
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    Global sales of XBox are so bad developers wonder if supporting the console is worth it for them

    Generally console costs around 600€ and the lifecycle costs from subscriptions is 1000€ which is just insane. If the console itself was free, then the subscription would make sense. My use for a console would be basically playing CoD or Battlefield online. So this forced subscription is making...
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    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    It's also xbox game bar dependent. So that's two software layers which may or may not work. Especially in the future.
  9. L

    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    Even more reason to wait for a 16 core CCD
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    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    Wait, so the 7950X3D only has 8 cores with the V-cache?
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    HP wants more of your money

    I remember one of those at grandpa's cottage. It was simply a long bucket with a cover dug into the ground, worked lol.
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    HP wants more of your money

    Soon we'll be paying monthly fees for our fridges, toasters, water boilers, ovens, you name it.
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    [Rumour] PS5 Pro dev kit prototypes will be going to 1st party developers within the next couple of months

    Yeah. They just pulled a fee out of their ass to see if people would be stupid enough to pay; and they were.
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    [Rumour] PS5 Pro dev kit prototypes will be going to 1st party developers within the next couple of months

    Said $9.99/month on Sony website. Still doesn't change the situation; at $80/year I would've been ripped $1040 just for access rights to Battlefield. $1360 if I had bought the PS3 closer to release instead of 2010.
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    [Rumour] PS5 Pro dev kit prototypes will be going to 1st party developers within the next couple of months

    See my post above $9.99/mo subscription will turn into that, this is a total ripoff that takes advantage from short sightedness...
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    [Rumour] PS5 Pro dev kit prototypes will be going to 1st party developers within the next couple of months

    That's why I likely won't get a PS5 to replace my PS3. I just can't stand the idea of being ripped extra 1500 dollars with subscriptions to just get access to a game I own. Lol. Consoles are for dirty rich people only it seems these days.
  17. L

    [Rumour] PS5 Pro dev kit prototypes will be going to 1st party developers within the next couple of months

    Well I mostly play multiplayer shooters such as Battlefield. Therefore the subscription fees on PS5 are not an option, it's 100% forced.
  18. L

    [Rumour] PS5 Pro dev kit prototypes will be going to 1st party developers within the next couple of months

    $500? Why didn't you count the monthly fees that are required nowadays? I've had a PS3 since 2010, which now reached the end of it's lifecycle this christmas when Battlefield servers were shut down. If it had these current mandatory subscription fees, the total price would be: $500 + ($9,99 *...
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    New multi-threading technique promises to double processing speeds

    This is why you get maximum threads available on your CPU and dont settle for the "6 or 8 cores is enough"
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    AMD Confirms Zen 5 will Get Ryzen 8000 Series Branding, "Navi 3.5" Graphics in 2024Z

    Counter-measures for the stutter caused by CCD jumping are relying totally on software like Xbox Game Bar. Some have to resort to core parking and other shenanigans. That's just something that I need to check off the list. And with the PS4 generation being dropped out from productions...
  21. L

    AMD Confirms Zen 5 will Get Ryzen 8000 Series Branding, "Navi 3.5" Graphics in 2024Z

    Fact is still that all cores on a single CCD is the key for guaranteed microstutter-free performance. I want all the threads, but without risk for stuttering.
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    AMD Confirms Zen 5 will Get Ryzen 8000 Series Branding, "Navi 3.5" Graphics in 2024Z

    I'm still rolling with my 4790K. I refuse to get anything other than 16 cores on the same CCD, since current gen consoles are 16 threads.
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    Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

    Fuck Ubisoft for also pushing woke, R6S is ruined after they sacked the devs in 2019 and hired a woke crew in their place
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    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    It always pays off to have extra cores over the current perceived "enough". For example you can today still do okay with a 7700K, but if you chose 7600K because "almost no game can effectively use more than 4 threads", you are totally screwed. From what I read it's still possible Zen 5 would...
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    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    Well that's just great. "Install Ask toolbar to get performance in games, and even then it might stutter because the toolbar doesn't recognize games" What a shame that Zen 5 is still 8-core CCD, hasn't the process gotten small enough to make 16-core CCDs? I guess I'll be gaming on PS5 for 2024...
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    Ubisoft cancels three more games, issues dire update

    Haha, nothing to do with transforming games into a platform for pushing political agendas from twitter trends thinking that's what players want. Siege is a goddamn Sponge Bob cartoon circus fest in 2023.
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    They really all came crawlin' back to Steam, didn't they?

    Bloatware, useless games that nobody wants to play. But I guess you can get a dopamine rush for getting free products, myself I require a good game that's worth playing.
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    27" 240hz OLED Monitor!!! (but there's a catch...)

    1440p at 30,6" would be perfect 96PPI, where windows fonts are designed. Sadly QHD is always 31.5" and 27" for some reason.
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    Will Zen 4 be the real deal and a worthy upgrade from Zen 3

    i'll be a happy guinea pig finally upgrading from a 4790K
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    The Slowing Growth of vRam in Games

    More like 10 years. 1080p still controls a 66% share and 1440p adoption is at 10%. 4K a whopping 2%...
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    Upgrade or wait: mid 2022 edition

    Mid 2010s was a completely different beast. Top end CPU for 300€ and top end GPU for 400€. Now these figures are double-triple. Current situation is similar to 1990s, when you could say it was a rich person's hobby.
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    EVGA GTX 980 Ti dropped dead after changing thermal paste

    Maybe time to oven the 980 ti?
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    Upgrade or wait: mid 2022 edition

    Battlefield is literally dead now after the 2042 release and likely won't have any more releases in the series. Even the highly criticized BF5 has more players online. If you read above what I said about the MW: Remastered example, consoles have a clear advantage since the they just ported and...
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    Upgrade or wait: mid 2022 edition

    Yeah, released like 10 years ago... I'd actually play CS if it was something like CS:S was, but of course it's full of the usual pink rabbit hats everywhere with the "cool customizing". R6: Siege really hit the spot around 2015-2016, but then the pink rabbit hats crawled into Siege as well...
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    Upgrade or wait: mid 2022 edition

    Well, the PC shooter market is dead. Especially after Battlefield committed the classic go woke go broke suicide. Maybe something will fill the market gap in the years to come, but as of now consoles are optimal choice for simple classic shooters.
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    Upgrade or wait: mid 2022 edition

    These don't do the trick, they require too much from fellow players, so most of the time you are just wandering around in silence with nobody communicating in your squad. Take a few potshots after 15 minutes of silence, nothing, and then quit in boredom. Something like Ready or Not would do the...
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    Upgrade or wait: mid 2022 edition

    I'm also leaning towards just getting a PS5. When you think of it, the PC gaming market is dead currently. For example, what if I want to play a nice simple shooter where ADHD characters don't slide around like watching a rock concert with pink furry rabbit hat costumes "because customizing is...
  38. L

    RTX 4xxx / RX 7xxx speculation

    Nah.. At 10 years the PSU is becoming a risk -> PSU needs upgrade GPU upgrade for a 2012 PC means there's something like a 1070-1080 bought around 2017 -> GPU needs upgrade. Modern GPU's/CPU's require a high airflow mesh case -> case needs upgrade. Memory will be DDR3 -> also needs upgrade...
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    Ryzen 7 5800X3D Beats Core i9-12900KS By 16% In Shadow of the Tomb Raider

    It's useful data for a long term builder. 720p results today show you the difference when you upgrade to RTX 5000 series later on. Excluding maybe 4K and bigger resolutions, those will be GPU constrained for a long time still.