Search results

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    WTB 1366 mobo

    I bricked an MSI X58 Pro-E that was going to become my desktop at work, the first BIOS I ever bricked in ~20 years of touching computers. I am unable to flash it with an SPI programmer and really don't want to try soldering a new BIOS on for a work machine. I require a triple channel 1366...
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    wtb: intel quad core, 8gb ram, non-asus mobo

    Yeah, after multiple horrible experiences, I just simply can not bring myself to purchase another product of theirs again. It does make it harder, considering it seems most motherboards for sale on here are Asus. I priced out a machine with a Q6600, 8GB ram, and a mobo from 3 different people...
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    wtb: intel quad core, 8gb ram, non-asus mobo

    I need something more useful/efficient than my current virtual machine host, a dual 940 pin Opteron 280 setup. What I need: 4 cores with Intel-VT 8GB of memory 1 onboard NIC 2x PCI-E slots, one x4 capable and one x1 capable non-Asus motherboard, I refuse to be subjected to their...
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    FS: Ram and Video Cards

    I would be happy to take 4x2gb off of your hands for 70 dollars...
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    duke nudem
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    Awesome LGA775 motherboards, PSU's, GPU's, etc. for super cheap!

    good lord, a 4x4 platform board ... I will have to think about it I know my temperamental board will fail eventually
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    FS: Computer Memory ECC REG/Fully Buffered ( DDR, DDR2, FB-DDR2 ), RAID SATA Card

    I would like all 4 of the 2gb ecc ddr 400 is my math right? 128 shipped?
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    Latching Sata Cables FTW!

    i got green locking sata cables for my icy dock hot swaps ... i found that 2 out of the 4 connectors on the icy docks dont lock so they constantly fall out i also found that with a little bit of force i can rip the sata connector clean off of the motherboard i was forced to rip the...
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    WTB: canon s400 for parts

    come on, someone has gotta have one of these in a broken state
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    WTB: canon s400 for parts

    man its been a while since i was on here...... if you are interested in it, heatware is under this nick (most likely) but entries will be a tad bit old my trusty s400 has a few problems and rather than explain to canon which parts i would need and then pay quite a bit for them, i come here...
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    Nvidia 7800 Launch Video???

    it was an hr+ streaming, forget if i pulled it down tho gl locating it, you want the corp side and not the nzone stuff
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    Nvidia 7800 Launch Video???

    it will take about a week, did for the last one (geforcelan1/6800 launch) at least they had some big fancy cameras, it should be real decent quality .... unlike mine ;) if you want a few highlights, you can have a look here :) im working on the discriptions right now..... i can tell you...
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    2004 Post Your Workstation

    thats the freebsd install... lately i like openbsd better... i must get around to trying netbsd hey, at least it isnt 1 of those fuckin linux distros w/ their x based installers
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    2004 Post Your Workstation

    Dudeyourlame: so im lazy, why do you care ? pixelbaker: nice to hear :) sdclassic: serious flat4: it isnt hard Circuitbreaker8: haha, you are funny wood: after looking the definition up, i would say not much (if at all)... i dont feel trapped, i am however set im my ways so whatever it...
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    2004 Post Your Workstation

    ty at least 3 years uhh define clean... to see the floor would be 1999 or so, to take off the top layer is less than a year sure :) over my dead body :eek:
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    2004 Post Your Workstation

    well, lets see... the old config: before my pm box is full of offers, the a64 is gone the somewhat current config: im starting to take over the basement too: note the microvax and openvms documentation...
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    Unreal Tournament 3.0 Engine Shots Off NVidia 6800 Ultra

    my site has had 300k since it was linked to on the [H] main page it did 20gb and i decided movies are a bit taxing on the server :eek: fuckin far cry vid did around 7gb by its self...
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    6800 running the Unrealengine3

    no picture or video does it justice ... it was stunning
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    student's laptop

    the mm10 has a transmeta crusoe 5800, the mm20 has the newer transmeta (look it up yourself, lazy bum) that trumps the crusoe my hinge doesnt have any play and i got it in september also, uh, sharps service dept isnt great imo, they crossed my laptop (with all those stickers) for...
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    student's laptop

    here is a pic of it open the key size takes some getting use to but i rarely make mistakes now (well, due to key size :p) there is 1 issue on the mm10, the mouse buttons can be hit by the lid when it is down, i think they fixed that for the mm20 (the mouse buttons look diff in the pic) it...
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    student's laptop

    i had a 7+ lb amd 14" laptop with shitty ass gfx, hotter than hell chip, and crap batt life i looked for another amd laptop w/ nvidia gfx, it didnt exist (dunno bout now) i quickly realized my arm wasnt taking to this lead brick (and it had a couple problems hw wise anyhow) so, as the amd...
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    student's laptop

    sharp mm series = light (2.2 lb), 3hr batt (big batt ($200) = 6 to 9), and is just at 1.5k its a 10" screen tho (1024x768) i have an mm10, seen here, and i do not see myself having anything bigger anytime in the future the new 1 (mm20) has a better proc and ati gfx (the reason im not...
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    2 pepsi Codes

    dont be lazy, use google.
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    slk-948 + ga-k8vnxp

    we are set on the ga-k8vnxp, nothing i have seen says its worse than the nvidia version i know the best cooling is watercooling, but it will be air cooled and not watercooled, end of story great, suggest the heatsink i was looking at, leaving out the reason i am here in case you didnt read...
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    slk-948 + ga-k8vnxp

    ok, im going to build an a64 (will be my first time building a a64 :eek: ) for a friend who is in iraq currently we are set on this mobo, it will have a 3400+ i think the slk would be a good hs for the job but the mobo compatiblity chart only lists a cousin of the ga-k8vnxp, the ga-k8vnnxp...
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    Anyone ever get high pitch noises/screeches?

    other way around how to read: black to black, red to positive (red or yellow in this case) on mine, the 20 setting in dc voltage (not v ~, thats ac) works fine my 12 v line is 12.36, in mbm its 12.19, and my 5 v line is 5.09, in mbm its 4.63
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    Anyone ever get high pitch noises/screeches?

    turn off smooth scrolling in the advanced tab of internet options
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    free jelly bellys! ummmm...yum

    it would be quicker for me to drive 20-30 mins out to the factory for a tour (where you get free candy!) years ago the tour had a small operation feel, you were out on the floor, now i understand its an overhead walkway :\
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    High Pitched Noises when I scroll

    ty, you are a god
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    High Pitched Noises when I scroll

    my sff has this problem, it was also coming out of the onboard audio so i use a secondary card (which took some doing since it is a sff) incase someone doesnt know what this is: here is what it sounds like over the fans, here with the fans somewhat removed it couldnt be my southbridge, its...
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    [H] In trouble!?!

    when the phantom console is released, it will have a bitboys gfx card and its first game will be duke nukem forever if bitboys and 3drealms were to take the actions of infinium, lawyers would be busy for years edit: if this actualy goes to trial, i think it will be the biggest [H]...
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    Old/Rare CPU Collections

    oldest i have is a tandy 1400lt 8086 laptop with 230k (i think) of ram :o have a 386, few 486, couple 586/p1 then i have (err had, i mislocated 1 and gave a friend another) this collection of amds: 486 | 586 | k6-2 366 650 duron | 1.33 thunderbird | 1900+ palimino 2400+ throughbred...
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    Are LCDs "ever" coming out with NO Dead Pixels?

    on both of my 18" dell, my 15" sony, and my 10" laptop i see no dead pixels