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  1. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    Been searching, but what about ddc pumps? It seems that most ppl just go for d5, but from what I read, ddc might be more suited for my "oily" setup as it has higher pressure..
  2. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    Thats why it is out of question. Howerver, it has good thermal properties.
  3. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    Mercury in the loop, never thought of this, but of course it is out of the question (although it has good thermals, we have to give it on that). The oil I am using is not going to interact with any plastics and o-rings (for o-rings not so sure but if its good for plastics I suppose it is good...
  4. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    I thought that d5 was near silent.. And what is this mercury loop??
  5. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    True for water. For oil it needs to be a little more. So d5 all the way?
  6. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    When I was testing, I stopped the pump to see the effect. The temps rose immediatelly, so I really gonna need redundacy or a killswitch, but with water you can work with very little flowrate. I don't know what happens if a pump stops in a waterloop, but water equalizes across the loop in no time.
  7. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    What don't you believe? If a d5 is enough for syrup then why some configs use 2 d5's with water??
  8. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    Edit: I changed the title to be more appropriate. We strayed off the topic. Don't you worry, I 'll explaine when time is right.
  9. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    Radiator will be at distance, oil expensive. So big radiator with water loop -> heat exchanger -> oil loop.
  10. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    I don't want to go sub-ambient. The exchanger will cool the oil via water. I 'll explain this later on. The link has a VPP755 not d5. I only hear the best for the D5, but I don't know if it safe to assume that 1350lph ( is going...
  11. J

    Help for pump selection on oil-cooling.

    Hello, --Before starting, I won't answer to any details right now, in order to avoid off-topics, but I will post everything once my project is complete.-- The for-now details, my questions and my preliminary testing: I want to liquid-cool my system WITHOUT water. I am using oil, and I need...
  12. J

    Hello, I have seen you posts about the thinktank, although you host site for the photos is...

    Hello, I have seen you posts about the thinktank, although you host site for the photos is down. I want to ask you some questions about my project on watercooling and your help is very much needed as you have experience on this. If you want to talk via skype pls let me know! Thank you for your...
  13. J

    Hello, I am interested in colorful cvn x570m gaming w/ using 2 gpus @ x8x8. I don't know if this...

    Hello, I am interested in colorful cvn x570m gaming w/ using 2 gpus @ x8x8. I don't know if this supports bifurcation (I know that first pcie is directly to the cpu that does the bifurcation but I don't know if mobo has to support it too). Any info? If yes then do I need a splitter with plx...
  14. J

    Enabling software RAID 5 in Windows 7

    That windows updates are the cause for braking the the RAID array? I think that updates are breaking the whole system generaly and notf just the RAID array. And please don't count the true recipe for disaster called windows "malware version X"; anything can go wrong with this OS and that's one...
  15. J

    Enabling software RAID 5 in Windows 7

    AFAIK, in widows, you can't mess witha a software RAID (by software RAID I mean software, not mobo-enabled RAID, nor pcie RAID card of course), mainly because you cannot make the partition that houses the OS "RAID-able". You have a seperate "RAID-able" partition and you throw whatever...
  16. J

    Enabling software RAID 5 in Windows 7

    It's greyed-out, and stays grayed-out. Win7 and server 08 have the same gui and menus, but the actual volume manger is different. That's why there is the grayed-out option. Are you sure? Software RAID 5 in win7 pro?
  17. J

    Enabling software RAID 5 in Windows 7

    Whereas software doesn't require anything. Take a raid array working in a windows machine, and move it to another just like that. Also, as I said, I don't have free pcie so software is the option. If it was too challenging I wouldn't post in the first place. There are options for RAID, I can do...
  18. J

    Enabling software RAID 5 in Windows 7

    Hardware RAID is not an option: chipset: -AM4 mobos don't support it (it's not standard) -its not portable (software RAID array can be transfered and work directly in another system) pcie card: -requires free pcie lanes i (I don't have) -also not portable without using the same card / what...
  19. J

    Enabling software RAID 5 in Windows 7

    Hello, I want to do RAID 5 in SOFTWARE in windows 7 but unfortunately the option is for win server 08. It's artificial limitation. Does anyone know how to workaround this? Windows xp can do it via hack.