Search results

  1. K

    WTB: Complete Rig

    Thanks for the offers, I found a complete shuttle AMD 64 3000+ for a good price, if that falls through I will let you guys know.
  2. K

    WTB: Complete Rig

    Nothing specific looking for an okay rig to play some games on like Half Life 2, I dont need it at the max detail or dual SLI cards or anything of that sort. My windows rig died about 4 months ago and now I am using a Macbook and I have an Ubuntu server... I havent missed having a game rig...
  3. K

    Any problems so far with your Macbook?

    Rosetta gets annoying in Dreamweaver and Photoshop but no problems like defects or anything.
  4. K

    Post Your Mac Setup!

    Ive only posted it on like 3 :p Yeah I work in IT, we use 100% MS products.
  5. K

    Post Your Mac Setup!

    My first Mac. 2.0ghz Core Duo 512mb Ram (2gb will be here wednesday) 100GB HDD
  6. K

    FS/FT: New Cingular Razr Phone

    It's black, sorry forgot to put that.
  7. K

    FS/FT: New Cingular Razr Phone

    Here is the deal. I got one in January but it had problems so I got it replaced the replacement is brand new and still has the film over the phone. However the battery, battery door and charger are all from January. So it is in a way used and in a way new. I need my phone for work...
  8. K

    Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 900 and VISTA

    Does anyone know if this videocard will work with Aeroglass and the effects in Vista? I am looking to get a laptop, which I will not game on at all but I would like to get the fancy effects with vista this year.
  9. K

    Getting some extra mileage from my G4 Good service when I got an iPod battery.
  10. K

    Presentation/Demonstration Software.

    Still havent found it.. any clues anyone? maybe? :p
  11. K

    Presentation/Demonstration Software.

    In a computer class I once took there was this software that the teacher could use to take over all the workstations to where you had to watch what they were doing on their screen like Powerpoint or Access or whatever. We are looking for something like this to do some training at my job but...
  12. K

    How to access files behind a Firewalled Windows 2000 Server?

    Yeah VPN was my only thought earlier today but then I relized the Netgear router we are using requires their VPN software for use that is $150. It appears it is not compatible with the built in VPN client of XP or 2K. I am pretty sure WIN2k Server has VPN functionality in it, does anyone...
  13. K

    How to access files behind a Firewalled Windows 2000 Server?

    I dont think it is quite that easy, is there a port for file access through the firewall to get to the server? it isnt really a service or anything.
  14. K

    How to access files behind a Firewalled Windows 2000 Server?

    I am looking for a good way to do this... There are 2 networks seperated by a firewall but I need about 3 people to be able to access a directory on the server behind the firewall, a Windows 2000 Server. I cant seem to think of a good way to do this.
  15. K

    Refurb: 20GB iPod for $219
  16. K

    HOT Dell 1704fp 17in LCD $200 w/free ship

    I got one now I can finally have Dual LCDs.
  17. K

    Samsung 915N 19in LCD 8ms response time $229

    its 329
  18. K

    Combo drive for mac mini? you can get a rebate if you sell your old combo too
  19. K

    WTB/TF Mac compatable AGP video card

    Im sure you know but just incase some PC Cards can simply be flashed with a Mac bios and it will work fine, might save you some money if you have one already.
  20. K

    Dell Stackables Back!

    $425 for me.... but I cant bring my self to spend that much on a monitor even if it is a good deal. I will just have to stick with my 1703fp, I am happy with it anyhow, I only am tempted for this because its on sale.
  21. K

    Installed SuSE 9.3 Pro, but can't get wireless working

    That happened to me as well, Suse 9.3 seems screwy for some reason. I switched to Ubuntu and I like it a lot better.
  22. K

    Linux File Server Question (should be an easy one)

    Pretty much I have a file server now, Win Server on drive 1 and all my data I share on my home network on drive 2, both NTFS. Pretty much I want to know if I can install linux on drive 1 (getting rid of win server of course) and share my drive 2 (ntfs) with the linux file system. Do I have...
  23. K

    Installed SuSE 9.3 Pro, but can't get wireless working

    Ive had a lot of troubles with Suse 9.3 but here are a couple things to try. has a sub forum for Suse that is helpful. Also does it show up under Yast and you just dont connect? If youre using KDE try setting the WEP and connection with Kinternet and if youre...
  24. K

    iBook RIPOFF, Overpriced Mac Mini

    LOL. I think you messed up, you said the ibook looks better but you said PC Laptop > iBook that is the greater than sign :p
  25. K

    Intel Celron 2.8GHZ 90nm and Soyo Motherboard $70

    Got mine running at 3.6ghz with the stock HSF but I didnt run it too long because I didnt want it to get too hot but it seemed to stay under 60c, about the same as at 2.8ghz. Plus it is a server so I dont need the extra speed.
  26. K

    Intel Celron 2.8GHZ 90nm and Soyo Motherboard $70

    I got mine last night, I built it up, gonna run it as a file server and linux box, used the retail HSF from my P4. Just going to get more ram and a large HDD for it next. :)
  27. K

    Internal Wireless Antenna Connector

    Where can I get a connector to go from the Mini PCI card to the build in Antenna Connector in a Dell laptop, I think what I need is just a 2 ended UFL connector but I cant find one. Anyone know where to get one?
  28. K

    Intel Celron 2.8GHZ 90nm and Soyo Motherboard $70

    I did in store pickup. I go to the MC here often and have had great luck and service thus far.
  29. K

    Intel Celron 2.8GHZ 90nm and Soyo Motherboard $70 It seems higher priced but add it to your card and it is only 70 bucks, I bought one to make a file server with. Also they have a Soyo plus Sempron 2400+ for 75ish.
  30. K

    WTB: Older System for a File Server

    Lots of nice offers, I have to go to work soon but I will look them over and get back to you guys. Thanks.
  31. K

    WTB: Older System for a File Server

    I want to buy an older system for a low price. I want something around 1ghz or a lower Athlon XP with 256mb ram, can be onboard video but Id like an AGP Slot. Must Have CPU Case w/PSU Motherboard Video Network CD ROM (prefer DVD) Harddrive I am not sure on how big.
  32. K

    Wireless Connection Issues. Help Needed.

    Okay so I am having some problems with my wireless connection and my laptop. There is another PC in my house, further away from the router than I use my laptop, the laptop is used in the same room. However that PC and another laptop (a friends that comes over somtimes) get a good connection...
  33. K

    Converting Mac files to PC files

    they make quark for pc dont they?
  34. K

    Scorching Hot: Two 160GB Maxtors for $90 NO REBATES

    Should be about 149GB.
  35. K

    ibook G4 1ghz for $700 AR, good idea?

    Microcenter has this for 700 after a $100 rebate (you have to sign up for their credit card) I was thinking of getting this or a mini but an ibook seems nice however the 30GB HDD seems a bit small and an airport card is another 80 bucks. Would the ibook 1.2ghz be worth the extra 220...
  36. K

    new 60gb ipod photo for 200 bucks, can this be legit?

    I live near the city, so I sent him a message to see if I can to a local pickup, we shall see :p
  37. K

    New Apple IPOD Photo 60GB for $200

    I sent him a message to see if I can buy one in person, if he says no then I will tell you, then we will know hes prolly not legit.
  38. K

    New Apple IPOD Photo 60GB for $200

    lawrence kansas is only like 45 mins from me, i could go club him with something.