Search results

  1. 4

    Anyone know of a DisplayPort to DVI-D Dual link adaptor @1440p 120Hz?

    Can't promise that this will do 120hz, but I can confirm that it is dual link, as I use it to drive a 2560x1600 Dell 3007WFP.
  2. 4

    Acer Predator X27 4K G-Sync Display is Loud and Cheap

    money is money, if it's not worth $2K to you, it's not worth $2K! complain all you want about price. i haven't seen anyone question where l88bastard and Vega are coming from, but, you should go dig up their post histories, because these guys have gone through multiple iterations of the most...
  3. 4

    FCC Votes To Protect Net Neutrality, Reclassify Broadband

    Buying internet service isn't like buying a can of soup or a car - the "free market" ideals don't really hold up. With the reclassification of broadband to 25Mbps, the proposed TWC-Comcast merger would actually hold 56% of the broadband market. Do you think this is a positive thing...
  4. 4

    Intel NUC Kit NUC5i5RYK Review

    These look to be in full-distribution on Amazon now. Buddy of mine ordered a 5i5RYK with a Transcend SSD yesterday. Excited to play around with it! Looking to get one too.
  5. 4

    FrozenCPU Shuts Its Doors

    Isn't it a little premature to post something like this? Compelling gossip, but this is just an unsubstantiated forum post....
  6. 4

    Looking to move away from my Apple Cinema 27 to two/three 24" LCDs, recommendations

    Are you trying to game across 3 monitors? Are you trying to get 2-3 monitors under $700? Budget?
  7. 4

    Am I just spoiled?

    Also on dual HP E221 monitors here at work. They suck. However, better to have the resolution on these than the dual 1280x1024 monitors I used to be on. Not a huge deal for coding and email, but still...
  8. 4

    Killing Net Neutrality Helps Underdogs Succeed

    I just had to quote this again because it's such an awesome takedown. Fuck these guys.
  9. 4

    Verizon Seeks Payment For Carrying Netflix Traffic

    Remember, free markets mean the people with all the money get to do what they want. Free markets don't mean ensuring the free ability to compete, and free markets don't mean preventing oligopolies that can buy our politicians....
  10. 4

    Windows 8.1 Update Will Hide Tile Interface By Default?

    You're not on 8.1 Update 1 yet?
  11. 4

    Snowden Offers Brazil Help In Exchange For Asylum

    Authoritarians out in full-force in this thread....
  12. 4

    Lookin to Build a PFsense Box

    I have this board doing routing duties with pfSense at a business I have stake in: Connectivity is critical, VOIP is used all day long. They would need me if there were technical issues, no one on hand is...
  13. 4

    HOT Sennheiser HD650 $319

    Wow, I did not wake up this morning expecting to spend $290 on headphones.... Damn you OP!
  14. 4

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I have one of these in black. If it has the issue where the screen is massively overbright and washed out, you can fix it by soldering in 1 resistor. Got mine for free and fixed it for less than a dollar! :D 1600x1200 @85hz, 1024x768 @150hz FTW
  15. 4

    North Carolina Banning Tesla To Prevent Unfair Competition?

    If you think this is an issue of government regulating business, you're wrong - it's the other way around. Read up about the franchise laws that are on the books.... they serve the existing dealers, not you! Here's somewhere to begin...
  16. 4

    LCD Televisions with 4:4:4 Subsampling and low Input Lag.

    We need to see some pictures of your surround setup :)
  17. 4

    Forced Baptism In Bioshock Infinite = Refund?

    Manufactured outrage over nothing to attract blog hits, stupid. Par for the course for a Gawker site. Nice spelling by the guy in question; "muselms."
  18. 4

    getting into bitcoining?

    Or the currency would just devalue....
  19. 4

    When you're sitting in a chevy and you feel something heavy

    When you're sitting in a chevy and you feel something heavy
  20. 4

    The Largest Computer Ever Built

    Caselabs TX-10D unavailable for comment.
  21. 4

    LG 29EA93

    Didn't the Anand review mention that the earlier revision firmware never shipped in the US?
  22. 4

    Vega's Perfect Motion Clarity 2D Lightboost Titan Portrait Surround Gloss Build

    How far away is your PC from the keyboard/monitors? Any signal loss? Just using USB extension cables + DVI cables?
  23. 4

    "Big Dongle" Jokes Get Everyone Fired

    Wow, this thread got out of hand. Sad that that the guy got fired, if that hadn't happened, nothing newsworthy would have happened.
  24. 4

    pfsense 2.0.1 OpenVPN Configuration Guide

    I'm using this as a base to get started. I'm running into some issues, I'll post back later after I've worked them out. Appreciate you creating the thread.
  25. 4

    Games with the best level design

    No and no! Get the 1.19 patch, fans reversed-engineered the source code leak and fixed everything up! See here:
  26. 4

    Let's All Shed Tears For The Crappy Startups

    LOL, pure gold.... or maybe I'm just halfway between a hangover and caffeinated.
  27. 4

    Belize PM says McAfee Is Bonkers

    Here's a couple articles on the man. Long but well worth reading. They make a pretty convincing case that...
  28. 4

    WTB: Very CHEAP PCI-E low end card 4770, GT 210 /220 240

    If you're still interested I've got a 210 to sell
  29. 4

    Clean Your Damn Computer: Keyboard Edition

    Toast? Pretzel sticks?
  30. 4

    Best TV to use as a monitor

    This thread is relevant to your interests:
  31. 4

    Intel Reaches Breakthrough in Chassis Design for Future Ultrabooks

    Hopefully in time for the Haswell ultrabook I intend to buy :cool: No edit button on this forum? posted this reply on the FB/Yahoo thread by accident...
  32. 4

    Yahoo and Facebook in Advanced Settlement Negotiations

    Hopefully in time for the Haswell ultrabook I intend to buy
  33. 4

    First Media server build

    I've been putting this together this week for an unRAID server: Lian Li PC-v354 ASRock 880GM-LE FX Athlon X2 Regor 3.2Ghz...
  34. 4

    How to get rid of the coax cable running across the floor?

    I would be weary of any wireless solution. The second there is any small interrupt, you're going to get macroblocking/stuttering/other strange, very distracting issues with live TV. This isn't like webstreaming with buffering and all. Just my biased opinion, having not used any of the...
  35. 4

    Should I convert to mATX?

    If you want a new toy and were looking at the Lian Li V-354, do what I'm doing - pick it up to build a small, attractive, unRaid based NAS.
  36. 4

    Thinking about making a foldable MAME cabinet, looking for suggestions :)

    This forum isn't much of a hotbed for MAME building. However, this was posted recently in the SFF forum which I liked. Sounds like you'll be able to do it no problem, with plenty of time/effort/sweat. All the info is out there and all the...
  37. 4

    Was the HDD Crisis Fake?

    Sorry for posting a topical picture that visitors to the thread may not have seen. Next time I'll check with you first, or consider the thread "tile" before posting.
  38. 4

    Schiit Audio

    Any chance you could list where you sourced the parts from?