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  1. T

    Question about Abit motherboards.

    You can change an AWARD-BIOS graphic yourself. Many altered BIOS were published by a few people for older ABIT boards like the KR7 and KG7 lines. I am not sure if anyone has worked on any of the more recent BIOS releases, but I don't see why it couldn't be done. WARNING: This is not for...
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    Defective Ram *pic*

    Looks like you treated that RAM about the same as you treated that table, Bambam. Remind me to put away the china if you ever come to visit.
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    HELP something exploded

    I had a hard time finding the serial number on my Abit board too. As I recall there was one small sticker on the front and another little sticker on the backside of the board; each sticker had different numbers. They both looked like they could be the SN but only one of them was. When did you...
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    HELP something exploded

    Master Boot Record. Critical boot information on your hard disk; if this data is compromised the disk can appear useless when it can actually be easily and quickly fixed. However based on what you've subsequently posted this does not seem to be the problem. Are you sure you're out of warranty...
  5. T

    HELP something exploded

    Yes in all likelihood your older mobo cannot handle the 2800+. But it is a very good sign that you got to the BIOS stage and it recognized that the chip existed at all. Sounds like you might've dodged a bullet there! It's a simple task to go to the current motherboard's support page and read...
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    HELP something exploded

    One final note: If you think about it, it makes sense that the sound was as you described, since it was caused by hundreds of little contacts shorting out at the same time. Something to remember for future troubleshooting here on the [H].
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    HELP something exploded

    Yeah, you have my sympathies, raptors. Chalk it up to a learning experience. We've all been there one way or another so don't feel too bad. Just be more careful in the future ;) BTW it's unfortunate, but you are partially a victim of poor case design. In a well-designed case, it should be...
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    HELP something exploded

    Without seeing exactly the part you are referring to, it sounds like those are the spacers. Spacers are very important. Whenever you install a motherboard into a case there needs to be a little distance between the underside of the mobo and the case itself, otherwise all the little metal pins...
  9. T

    HELP something exploded

    The male molex connects to your PS. The extra female molex is for a pass-through so you can plug something else in (like another fan or whathaveyou) and not lose any power outputs from your PS. The tiny one with two wires is a mobo connector since many motherboards can control fan speeds...
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    HELP something exploded

    Waitaminit... are you saying the case fans each have two power headers on them? What kind of connectors are they? The only reason I can think of a case manufacturer putting two power leads on one fan is so you have the choice to use either a mobo-controlled power output or regular molex power...
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    HELP something exploded

    I would proceed very carefully if you are set on testing everything out right away. Firstly, do the inspection I recommended in my previous post to find the location of the short. Second, there is extensive info on the web on how to test an ATX power supply without plugging in a motherboard...
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    HELP something exploded

    Terrible story, dude! I'm assuming that everything you put into the new case worked perfectly together in your old case, including the power supply? My guess is that you suffered a horrible ground short. Try inspecting every component very carefully to see if you can find exactly which...
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    SATA: supports PATA?

    Sorry for the rather newb-like question, but I haven't found definitive info about this after searching around for a while. Will I be able to use my existing PATA drives on a SATA interface?
  14. T

    home-built USB adaptor advice wanted

    I need to make a USB adaptor that will have motherboard pins on one side and a female USB socket on the other. The backstory is, my motherboard's USB went kaput so I installed a USB card with an internal port, which I want to connect to my Lian-Li case's USB header cable, which plugs into bare...
  15. T

    looking for widescreen LCD

    Could anyone give a recommendation/suggestion for a good widescreen LCD monitor? I've browsed around and most of what I see are combo HDTV/monitors with a 1280x768 resolution, but I'm preferably looking for a pure widescreen monitor with a higher res and of course, excellent visual quality...