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    GPU upgrade for older MSI X58 PRO-E machine?

    I'm in the process of doing some upgrades on one of my computers which runs an i7 930 on an MSI X58 PRO-E planar. Have ordered some more RAM and a USB 3.0 expansion card already. I'm taking a close look at upgrading my GPU as well, but am not sure what would be a good choice of GPU for this...
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    Some questions on residential Ethernet installation

    Thanks for the information, Durpity! So, if I understand you correctly, the setup would be something like this: [DSL modem/router] -> [Single port line] -> [Multiport high speed switch] -> [Many lines to rest of house] Is that correct? In your comment about Cat6 being "more difficult...
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    Some questions on residential Ethernet installation

    Howdy, folks, hoping you can help with some advice on wiring a home for Ethernet. I apologize if some questions may be familiar. I’m not a networking expert, but I’ve put together more than a few Cat5 cables and understand most of the basics. The plan is to use the main room’s media cabinet...
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    Have an old Klipsch 4.1 speaker system? Did it die? I bet you can fix it!

    This thread has saved me quite a bit of money, and major thanks go out to the OP and everyone else involved in the DIY fix of the Promedia 4.1 I too noticed major static issues after unboxing my 4.1s following a recent move from state to state. The static was especially bad if I wiggled the...
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    free mouse pad

    Good find, TTP. Everyone could use another mouse pad!
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    Water cooling - how effective?

    About how effective it is: WCing is as effective as you want it to be. Use a crappy pump, with a crappy heat exchanger, and you're likely to get poor performance. Use good components, and you're likely to get very nice temps, with low noise (assuming you've got the fans on your heatercore...
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    Best Hose clamps?

    I use metal worm-drive clamps.
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    first-timer on watercooling, need help.

    Not having looked at the design of the block, I'm guessing that the two ports are located side-by-side, and neither is centrally located? If they're next to each other, it doesn't really matter. But if one is located centrally, I'd say you want that one to be the input. Also, consider which...
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    water cooling isnt... cooling...

    This may have been asked before, but are you sure your WB is mounted flat on the core? If you're not making a full surface contact, you're inhibiting the transfer of heat from the core into the block. EDIT: I don't think flow is your problem. Just an opinion. I'm not sure how the head...
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    Best style of res? Auto coolant too thick?

    I've never used bleach, because I heard that the chemicals in bleach will attack the copper. To prevent anything growing in my system, I use hospital grade betadine. A squirt or two of that into my reservoir, and nothing has grown in there for almost a year (the time of operation of my...
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    Leak testing technique?

    Mounting the components with the tubing attached is not difficult, provided you've already measured out the proper tubing lengths. Doing the same with a totally filled system is something I have never done before. I always drain my system by disconnecting one hose (usually one that will be...
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    Looking for a New res...anyone know of any good ones?

    I've tried the bay-res, too, and it sucks. My opinion, of course. As for a good reservoir, I cast my vote for home-built. It wouldn't be that much of a challenge to fabricate a custom reservoir out of PVC tubing, and it would be a lot cheaper than buying something on-line.
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    Please Suggestions/Tips for water cooling setup

    Maybe it's just me, but when I think of the word "fittings" I think of barbed hose fittings, like the ones on this page. In any case, barbed fittings are something you'll be needing. I try to use all metal fittings when possible. Brass ones. You can get them at your local hardware store...
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    how bad is this going to hurt my flow?

    Damn! I took a look at the site, and there's some pretty sweet hardware there. I like! Have you included a link to this place in your stickied thread on WC questions/vendors/answers/stuff? Edit: Oh, yeah. No, I don't think that kind of res will hurt your flow overly much.
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    Please Suggestions/Tips for water cooling setup

    No experience with this case. Suggest you ask the case modification forum. I do not use a relay. I wired my own power input with switch, so I can independently power my cooling system using the same type of power cord used by a computer. Works well. As a noob, I would suggest using a...
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    Right ratios of additives.

    Ratios for additive. Read this. For the betadine, I use a teaspoon, maybe a little more. T-line valve: just use a ball valve at the end of a short length of tubing. Can be purchased at almost any hardware store.
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    lingering heat problem

    Sounds like an airflow problem in your house. Zer0signal667's suggestion will certainly do the trick, but if you don't want to spend that kind of money, just buy a box fan and set it up at the door to your computer room, blowing cool(er) air in.
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    What does it take to maintain YOUR watercooling system?

    Did mechanical engineering at the university, and the only reason I didn't do watercooling on my rig was the time it took to set the system up my way. What I do to maintain my system? It all has to do with the initial setup, IMO. Maintenance was my primary concern, so I opted to construct...
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    is this set up worth it?

    I'd be careful if I were you. IMO, you get what you pay for.
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    Just finished my 2nd cube computer

    I'm not much for the clear PC thing, but I tell ya, my hat's off to you, man. That's some damn fine work!
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    Case recommendations to accomodate water easily?

    First reply would be: build your own external unit. Another case that is commonly WCed is the Chieftec line of cases. The YY-0221 was the first case I ever WCed. You may get better answers from the Case Modding Forum.
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    question for people using watercooling

    Eheim 1250
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    opinions on watercooled rigged?

    That's the same heatercore I use! I agree with Kronchev, a bit of paint on the heatercore would do wonders for the case's appearance. EDIT: and is that a kink I see on the inlet to the CPU block?
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    I would appreciate a little advice/help.

    I've not done any WCing on the really new hardware (A64, X800, NF3), but I'll try to help with the equipment that doesn't change with the silicon: the pump and the heat exchanger. Pumps that are commonly used include: Eheim 1250 (my personal favorite), Danner Mag 3 or Mag 5, Hydor L30, and...
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    my computer heats my house

    No LANs for that fellow, it would seem!
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    Panaflo or Vantec Stealth? Colorful brand fans?

    The Vantec Stealths are nearly silent when operating at normal voltage. The Panaflo M1A, when operating at normal voltage, produces more noise. If you want the quietest Panaflo, use the L1A. I chose the M1A for its CFM, and use my fan controller to manage the noise, because my computer is...
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    my computer heats my house

    Found it. Below ground radiator.
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    Panaflo or Vantec Stealth? Colorful brand fans?

    I've had Vantec Stealth 80mm fans running in my parents' machine for a while now, and have not noticed any change in noise. Panaflos are great fans, and always on my short list when looking for a new fan. I use Panaflo M1As in my Lian-Li, connected to a rheobus. Nice and quiet. If noise...
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    Where to Mount Pump? Picture to help you help me :)

    If you design the mounting system properly, there shouldn't be much noise at all. It's my opinion that your main enemy, when talking about the typical pump, is vibration. Damp out the vibration, and you're well on your way to silent operation.
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    my computer heats my house

    Outdoor radiator? Sure, it would work. But (and there's always one of these, it seems) you'll have to take into account ambient air temperature, and the wear and tear of the weather. Is the air outside cool enough such that you don't need any fans? Also consider the joys of animal life...
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    Free T-Shirt from Omtool

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    $15 Amazon Gift if you pass the IT quiz.

    Missed one, but didn't get any other confirmation other than what my score was. Guess I'll have to wait and see :confused:
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    Confused about quick-connects

    I'm using McMaster-Carr brass hydraulic double shut-off quick-disconnects designed for 1/2" NPT. Both stem and socket (whatever they're called) are female NPT threaded, so I can thread them onto any kind of barbed fitting with NPT threads. Cost me an arm and a leg, but they're built like...
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    Where to Mount Pump? Picture to help you help me :)

    Took a look at your schematic. No dimensions are given, so it's kind of difficult to make any suggestions without some numbers to work with. You could probably fit the pump to the rear of the heatercore, positioned close to the side of the case furthest from the mobo. Or, since you've...
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    advice needed for ambitious WC project (dual Opt, RAID, more)

    Flow meters come in different varieties, but the majority of these units are pretty expensive. You could probably obtain one from McMaster-Carr. Is it your intention to be able to read precisely the rate of flow, or just confirm that water is flowing? In the case of the former, you'll be...
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    advice needed for ambitious WC project (dual Opt, RAID, more)

    While I don't necessarily share Kronchev's rather passionate dislike for the Koolance product line, I totally agree with him in that you do not want to use Koolance on your system. Perhaps what you should be looking for are passive HDD coolers. I don't know how much space you have to work...
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    my computer heats my house

    NASA uses liquid cooled "undies" to keep astronauts cool during EVA, IIRC. As for liquid cooling skin on earth, just use a spray bottle. ;)
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    My first 'built from scratch case'!!!

    Those can be had from places like Lowe's Hardware, or from one of my favored sources, McMaster-Carr.
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    My first 'built from scratch case'!!!

    What's a good gauge thickness to use for a computer enclosure? Just curious. Also, I heard somewhere that wood cases are better at noise damping. Can anyone confirm?
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    Any pre-made kits worth buying?

    D-Tek Customs sells this unit that may serve well for your WC needs. Be careful with the Bay Res, as they have been known to crack. It would also help us if you were to tell us just how much free space you have to work with. What kind of case? The reason is that if you are running with very...