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  1. F

    5870 or 6950 upgrade for 1920x1200 FPS gaming and E8400 CPU

    Yep... 6950 is probably the way to go; thanks for the input!
  2. F

    5870 or 6950 upgrade for 1920x1200 FPS gaming and E8400 CPU

    Ah, had forgotten about the x38 supporting CF, thanks! Yeah, that 6950 is very tempting... but then again, so's that 5870 for $100 less! Decisions decisions... UtopiA, how has the 5870 worked for you?
  3. F

    5870 or 6950 upgrade for 1920x1200 FPS gaming and E8400 CPU

    I've been off the scene for awhile, but have some Christmas money to spend and would like to get a new vid card... so I've been reading up on the latest stuff for several hours, and I'd like to get some community thoughts! I'd like to go with an ATI card; I won't be able to do CF with my mobo...
  4. F

    China Blocks Internet Access to New York Times

    Man, I bet proxy servers are all the rage over there... assuming they're not blocked
  5. F

    Painting Acrylic?

    awesome, thanks!
  6. F

    Painting Acrylic?

    So I'm thinking of getting a new system together and would like to do something a little different for a case... I'm not a huge fan of the "all-acrylic" cases, but I was thinking it might be pretty cool to get one and then tape out a bunch of designs and paint it. I'm guessing that plain ole'...
  7. F

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    heck yea
  8. F

    Company Makes Million Dollar Laptop

    so if you lose the $100K diamond (just a guess), you can no longer use the $1 million laptop ;) lmao.
  9. F

    BFG 6800 OC 16pipelines,6vertex issues

    The easiest way to tell is just do some gaming ;) if everything seems to be in order, you've got 4 new pipelines... if things cease to function, then they must have been bad. Anyway, I unlocked mine no problemo, just finished playing through Far Cry again, very nice. The method for...
  10. F

    For those who unlocked your 6800nu, was it HW masked?

    Worked great for me! And I thought the success rate was more like 70%, wasn't it?
  11. F

    BFG 6800 OC 16pipelines,6vertex issues

    that's strange... I wouldn't have expected results like that if the pipes were screwed up, just artifacting. Especially since this is a softmod, not necessarily an overclock, and something that can be undone. Did the problem go away when you went back to default settings?
  12. F


    Ditto! Just cleaned mine out a few weeks ago, couldn't believe the buildup under that thing :eek: Time to get some filters or somethin. Or clean more often. Psh, yeah right :D
  13. F

    Help killing Krieger at the end of Far Cry

    Thanks for the tips! I actually did another search after my above post, and realized the simple mistake I kept making was bringing the rocket launcher :rolleyes: So yeah, once I ditched that, sniped those freakin jumpy guys, it wasn't too bad at all.... so I ended up beating it on my second...
  14. F

    Help killing Krieger at the end of Far Cry

    Well, this is a few days old, but I was curious how you managed to beat the last level without cheats? I'm there right now, and all I can say is :eek: But yeah, what weapons did you use and how did you do it? Thanks.
  15. F

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    Just saw Tero's apology... I must say it's refreshing to actually get an apology rather than have them push ahead legally (with or without a leg to stand on), hopefully a better understanding of the place for synthetic benchmarks will come out of this. Burn-in tests anyone? Edit: just saw...
  16. F's Seagate 200GB IDE for $60 after rebate

    And to think I was all excited about getting this thing in the mail today :( .... well, my invoice has both 9/4/04 and 9/20/04 on it and pretty close to eachother, with no real indication of the ship date... but i'm sure they know which is which :mad: I'm gonna mail the rebate anyway, and maybe...
  17. F

    Hidden PC Project - pics!

    Thanks! I haven't worked with wood much myself, so it's good to hear that from you :D Can't wait to tackle the next one...
  18. F's Seagate 200GB IDE for $60 after rebate

    Ponderous... they still say they'll come in today... although those that have been cancelled are definitely cancelled. So hopefully by tomorrow we'll stop getting that "back ordered" on the tracking.
  19. F's Seagate 200GB IDE for $60 after rebate

    Should've waited till at least tomorrow, they've been saying a restock is in order for tomorrow... if not, THEN cancel... ah well ;)
  20. F's Seagate 200GB IDE for $60 after rebate

    Phew! After a lot of holding, I got some lady saying that they expect to be back in stock by the 9th of this month... sure hope it happens.
  21. F

    Hidden PC Project - pics!

    Awesome! Totally... I'm thinking I'll do the couch next, it will have to be without the parents knowledge of course ;) but I'm sure they'll love it when it's done. Thanks bro, 'preciate the props... AND for checking out the log! Now to go school the hell out of some PC's... :D Oh, and to...
  22. F's Seagate 200GB IDE for $60 after rebate

    ARGH!! I just got this in my email, I'm about to call them: "Thank you for your order! We apologize but the item(s) you ordered is currently out of stock and we are unable to provide a definite ship date at this time. However, we continually receive new merchandise in our warehouse and...
  23. F

    Hidden PC Project - pics!

    Thanks! Yep, it's thermaltake, moves a lot of air but stays quiet, the PSU and 80mm take it out. Good Idea, I'll keep that in mind for next time... After getting this done, I'd really like to do it again, maybe get enough money to get some SFF/slim drive/etc... and pack more in. Yeah...
  24. F

    Hidden PC Project - pics!

    Thanks! Yeah, my goal was to spend zero dollars, and I got close, I think the most I spent was probably around $30-$40, so not bad for us with no cash. And about the Legos... I dunno, I guess it's cause I've got a lot of legos from when I was a kid, and my brother has even more... and...
  25. F

    Hidden PC Project - pics!

    I just finished posting the worklog for this over here, but I figured I'd put up some of the nicer shots here too. Check out the worklog for all the info on what I did and what things are, but here are the system specs: P3 530Mhz Voodoo2 12mb SLI through intel graphics chip of 4 MB 384 MB...
  26. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    I'm sure it would, but it was more entertaining this way ;) But yeah, I'm gonna see if I can actually get it to run. Which reminds me, forgot to post the system specs! P3 530Mhz Voodoo2 SLI 384 MB sdram 54mbs intel wireless card 20gb HD running on WinXP Yeah, probably cause of the...
  27. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Thanks! Yeah, dumb vidcam.
  28. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Now hopefully you mods won't mind this, but it was late and I figured, "why not?" If it's a problem, feel free to delete ;) I was going to do some Far Cry testing, but I wasn't able to get it to run... don't worry though, I'm in contact with UbiSoft to figure out what the problem is. In...
  29. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Alright, now the nicer pics. You can click them to check out the High Quality shots, they're a bit too large to just directly post. Here's the typical beauty shot. Here's the PSU side shot. You can see how the power button actually comes out from the case a bit, from sinking that Lego...
  30. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Well, I eventually got the PSU in. Like I said, this is also really really tight, much more than the HD and 90mm fan. There is zero space between it and the 80mm fan, as well as between the wall, the PSU, and the HD. I actually have one of the side screws of the HD going through the back grill...
  31. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Moving on, here's a shot of the 80mm... tough to see from the crappy picture, but it's very close to the back, probably about 1/8" or so from the sliding door. What's a mod without some plexiglass? I'll tell ya what: Not nearly as cool. So here's the obligatory plexi, attached to the hard...
  32. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Well, now with everything cut and basically ready to go, it's time to assemble! I superglued each of my lego 'stand-offs' to the wood. You can also see the power LED and HD LED there in front, also superglued. The Legos aren't at right angles because to get them in, I held them in the holes on...
  33. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Anyway, having fixed another error, I moved onto the modder's mesh I got in the mail from, thanks Bill! I really wanted an excuse to use some mesh, and when I ended up hacking off the side of the PSU, I realized I had found my excuse ;) I used run-of-the-mill wire cutters...
  34. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Next up I needed to consider airflow. I really didn't want to have this thing needing to be open to run, so I picked up an extra 80mm and 90mm fan to put in. The sheets of paper shown here are the result of about two weeks of debate as to how to do fan grills. Big gaping holes with standard...
  35. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Okay, next: Here's a before shot of the inside right wall and here's the after shot of the left wall... and the after shot of the right wall. Why shave that ridge down? Well, I needed to get more stuff into the box, so I decided I would put the other items on top of a platform above...
  36. F

    Worklog: Hidden PC (HPC)

    Hey Everybody! Well, this is my first mod project, and it's actually been completed for awhile, but I do have a worklog I'd like to share. I'll try to spread the pictures out, with the bad-quality worklog first, then some nicer shots at the end... and as long as its ok, some "benchmarks" at...
  37. F

    The Humorous Screenshot Thread!

    True dat, just played DC so long I'd forgotten that the game didn't start as such ;)
  38. F

    The Humorous Screenshot Thread!

    yeah, pretty funny... first one is Battle of the Bulge, second is Bocage (first could be Bocage as well... but probably not).
  39. F

    The Humorous Screenshot Thread!

    Here's a few DC screens (not by me though): "Fire in the hoAAAAAHH!!!!" "Master of the Force" "Wheee!!! (Six Flags)"
  40. F

    What's the dumbest thing you've ever done to your computer?

    Ooo, I got one similar. Was finishing working on a school programming project (coincidentally, my FINAL school project) that was due the next day, and needed to put all of my source files into a new folder. So I create the folder and start doing mv File1 ProjectFolder mv File2...