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  1. J

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    Went exploring today to find a certain crashed ship. Took a Connie out to give it some size perspective. Realized I could almost fit inside the engine....
  2. J

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    Finally started playing 3.0 yesterday. Outside of server stability issues and a handful of annoying bugs (reported what I could), the game is starting to look and feel like, well, an actual game. Able to complete a few missions and then started to get the hang of running cargo to/from ports...
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    AMD Ryzen 5 Reviewer's Kit Giveaway

    Count me in
  4. J

    What's a good bargain board for an i5-7600K Kaby Lake

    I think you'll be happy with it. The SATA connectors are to the upper right of the chipset heat spreader. The RGB LED glowing red in the pic kind of hides them.
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    What's a good bargain board for an i5-7600K Kaby Lake

    Probably a little late to the game, but I recently picked up this z270 board for $140: Felt like a good board with a very decent feature list for the price. Due to where my desktop is set...
  6. J

    Starting New WC Build (First Time) - EKWB Kit?

    First off, case arrived today. Quite an improvement of my much beloved but aged Lian Li PC 65. New case is slightly bigger, but feels so much roomier. And, the key point, won't require Dremel work to make it workable for internal watercooling. That said, after doing a lot of research last...
  7. J

    Starting New WC Build (First Time) - EKWB Kit?

    Thanks for all the feedback. Case arrives this week so I can be hands on with it before finalizing overall design. When measuring it all out, I will look to see what angled fittings will be necessary. Good call on the PWM fan adapter and PWM fans. Definitely will be adding those to the...
  8. J

    Starting New WC Build (First Time) - EKWB Kit?

    Finally getting around to putting together a new build (come on Ryzen reviews :)) and have always wanted to do a custom WC loop. My plan is to just water cool the CPU for now, but want to leave room to possibly add another radiator for the GPU in a year or two. Doing this for both performance...
  9. J

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    It's basically the baby PU. Multi crew is what jumps out, but it should also have missions, some fps play and be a HUGE map with places to explore. Possibly also some exposure to NPC interaction. It will be the point where they can start adding and testing all elements of the PU in one module...
  10. J

    Nvidia Game-Ready Drivers To Be Locked Behind GeForce Experience

    I'm not a big fan of this, as I've had issues with GFE on both my laptop and desktop. Program sometimes gets hung up or won't open when accessing from the system tray. Annoying when I keep getting a message from the program in the tray saying there are new drivers yet won't let me open to...
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    1.2 has been publicly released. If you hadn't tried the social module yet, now's the time.
  12. J

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    I backed Star Citizen way back in October 2012, and even then, before the "feature creep", felt it would take at least 3 years for this game to come to life. This is a very ambitious, complex project. I don't get why people were realistically expecting a two year target for a full game. Based...
  13. J

    Seasonic Snow Silent 1050W Luck Draw!!!!!

    The combination of reliability (is anyone better than Seasonic?), the quiet performance and the unique color has me eyeing either the 750 or 1050 for my planned new system.
  14. J

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    Damn you, Chris Roberts! Made it three years without spending any more money on this game, and, then you put up the Tali base with LTI, so I just had to buy. Now, the vanguard with, possibly, LTI. Must...fight...urge.
  15. J

    ASUS North America - ASUS Z170 Motherboards Q&A Thread

    Looking to upgrade to a 6700k and plan on going with an Asus mobo, but with built in WiFi since I want to avoid using an add-in card. Any chance of seeing a ROG board with built-in WiFi? I see the Deluxe has it, but would prefer going ROG.
  16. J

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    The Glaive looks awesome. I like how it resembles the Cylon raider. Had to jump on the Retaliator with LTI. I promised myself I'd avoid spending money on the game (got the Mercenary LTI original backer pack back in Oct 2012). But this game is starting to really come to life, and contributing...
  17. J

    [H] Star Citizen group Game package Giveaway

    Awesome giveaway idea. I'll have to try and make the second and third drawings.
  18. J

    Warm? Lenovo Notebook with GT650M SLI for $899.

    Still can't decide if I should go for this or take advantage of Lenovo's sale on the non-SLI version with the i7 + 16GB SSD for $879.
  19. J

    Older Rig - Potential Upgrade Options

    Thanks. I should have noted that I'm running Win7 Pro 64 bit. That should clear up the ram limitation.
  20. J

    Older Rig - Potential Upgrade Options

    Hi All, With my work schedule finally coming back to reality, I'm getting back into gaming again. I mostly play MMOs (STO until Elder Scrolls Online or something else comes out) and the occasional game of Company of Heroes, but will play more once CoH 2 is released. Right now, I've got the...
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    Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

    I logged in for the first time in months to test out ftp. So, they let you play the best part of the game for free (the storylines are entertaining) and let you sample the worst parts of the game (PVP, space missions, endgame, etc.) in order to entice you to sub. EA should get an award for this ;)
  22. J

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    I've been waiting for something like this come along for a decade. Someone needs to invent a time machine so I can travel to 2014 to play this game :D
  23. J

    Thinking its time for an upgrade

    OK, it has been a while since I have done anything to my computer. 2 years I believe. I feel its time to finally do a refresh, but I have been out of the loop for so long I have lost track of what hardware is the direction to go. Here is a list of what I am thinking: 1. Obviously, want to...
  24. J

    Anybody here good with Excel Macros??

    Find and replace works with the blank spaces, which is good enough for me. I can't believe I did not think of that. Thank You. Zero
  25. J

    Anybody here good with Excel Macros??

    Hello All, I have been working on an excel data file that is exported from database. The problem is, the file lists numbers in the format that looks like this: ' ######### (apostrophe, five spaces, then a bunch of numbers) However, to run a comparison with another data sheet, I...
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    Winner. If you are so concerned about new tech coming out, go with an evga and when the new video cards come out, you can easily step up to the newest technology.
  27. J

    More Xbox 360s Dec. 22nd

    First of all, I would like to thank everyone here and at fatwallet that convinced me to go to BB today, because I am now the proud owner of an Xbox 360. Now, here's the story..... I had not even planned to go out and get a 360 this morning, but could not sleep this morning so I decided to...
  28. J

    Anyone still waiting on their xbox 360 Preorders from Game Stop/EB World?

    Preordered at the beginning of Sept., was told I was on the second shipment, but did not find out what number. Haven't recieved mine yet and dont expect to hear anything until Feb. At this point, I dont want the damn thing, I just plan on shifting my preorder to a PS3 as soon as they start...
  29. J

    gamestop has 360's

    QFT I have yet to receive a call from Gamestop since they told me I would not get it on launch day. It has been pissing me off that I keep seeing these expensive bundles available yet I have to sit here and wait for a phone call I am now not expecting until January. I am almost at the point...
  30. J

    xbox 360 2nd Shipment? I got mine!!

    What # where you on the waiting list at gamestop B&M? Where you supposed to be on first or second shipment? I'm wondering b/c i am on the second shipment and am starting to wonder if I will get a call this week. Zero
  31. J

    Anyone sick of the egg?

    I have the same problem with Fed Ex as well. Although, I usually dont get a door tag until it is the last delivery attempt. There have been several times I have been home on the computer checking on my delivery, only to see that my package was supposedly attempted to be delivered five minutes...
  32. J

    Microsoft lost $4 billion on the X-Box

    Couldn't agree more, although this would be more an accounting or finance class (both of which I major in). $4 Billion loss can mean a crapload of things. First, the most expensive thing is R&D, which has no bearing on market share. You have to remember, Microsoft was not a console builder...
  33. J

    Xbox price, explain.

    I think I can help on the price difference.... First is what has been mentioned, taxes. The second is that the XBOX sold in the U.S. is not the same as the XBOX sold in Europe. First, it requires a different power plug/supply, as the standard in Europe is not the same as that of America...
  34. J

    [H] review of BFG 7800GT OC

    MSRP is where the $150 difference is from. GTX is MSRP @ $599 GT is MSRP @ $449 The GTX has come down in price, but at release they were at MSRP. Give the GT a couple weeks, I bet they can be found for around $400 or less. Zero
  35. J

    Is AGP near death?

    AGP is not dead or near death, it just happens to be having failing health. Right now, AGP is beggining to be phased out of the high end graphics segment. However, AGP should still continue in the mid to low end range of cards for some time.nVidia has not released an AGP version of the 7800...
  36. J

    FS: yamaha surround sound speakers

    Please buy me bump
  37. J

    BF2 Mods you're looking forward to?

    This sounds like tons of fun. I can see myself as a lion stalking the hunters in their stupid orange hats, waiting to pounce. That could entertain me for hours. Zero
  38. J

    Difference between DFI UT SLI-DR and non-UT SLI-DR?

    I found this on another board from a supposed DFI expert: Thanks for stopping by and great choice of mother-boards. The only difference is how the two products are marketed to the public. The UT package, supports a smaller bundle, therefore a smaller price tag. However the motherboards are...