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    2005 Post Your Workstation

    You wouldn't happen to be from Calgary by chance?
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    Few Praetorian Mods

    How did you attach your side panel?
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    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Thanks for the comments. Is there anyway to get sustained power through an inverter or something like that?
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    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Klown, do you want to tell me how you managed to hook up those car subs and amps to your system? Where did you manage to get that battery pack?
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    Splinter Cell Chaos theory Demo

    Any reason why I can't get the resolution to go above 800x600?
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    And myself on Currie.
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    Westmount School resides on Currie Crescent, which is just off of Vaughn Street and Duffield Street. Vaughn and Duffield are interesected by 9th and are relatively close to the road that leads out to the Base. So, you live near Edmonton Street and Grace Street then? Just off of 9th?
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    All caps warning: HOLY SHIT STINN!!! You are from Moose Jaw too? I didn't think people from Moose Jaw even knew how to use the internet! Where abouts do you live in the big MJ? I live on South Hill by WestMount school. I simply can't believe that another soul on this planet from MJ...
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    My order didn't go through for some reason with my Credit Card, so when NCIX credited back my Credit Card I replaced my order through Direct Deposit and price-matched to Minidisc. :D
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    Thanks for the update Stinn. I'm awaiting Price Match on my HD 497's. All that's left is to find a Shure dealer in Canada. The pair I just got are from the states and customs was a real bitch to get through.
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    Just put my order in. I didn't pricematch it though, but I'm fine with that.
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    Shameless bump.
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    Awesome, make sure to post back when they are actually boxed and shipped. That would be a huge step. I would order them immediately if I knew they were in stock for sure. In the mean time to tie me over, I picked up some Shure E2C ear plugs, awesome little devils, but expensive to import.
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    Keep this thread updated if possible; I'd really like to know.
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    Is Minidisc a reliable corporation? I've read some reviews, and they all seemed pretty positive. I'd be very willing to purchase from them.
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    Canadians, where did you buy your senn's?

    Good luck getting the HD497 headphones in stock at NCIX. Even though it says they are in stock on the website, they aren't actually in stock in their own warehouse. It just means that they can get them from Sennheiser. You should really call them and ask if they actually have them in stock...
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    Post Your College Setups!!!

    Yeah, I completely realized how stupid my post was after I posted it.
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    Post Your College Setups!!!

    KnaSen where did you get your wallpaper? Any linkage? I have the exact same wall, but the colors are inverted.
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    Audigy 2 OEM or Chaintech AV-710?

    I just researched the product code, and it looks as though the Audigy is a "Value" edition; does that make a difference? Has Creative improved upon their drivers?
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    Audigy 2 OEM or Chaintech AV-710?

    Deeply sorry for bringing up this debated subject, but I did a forum search and I didn't find the answer I was looking for. I have to make a choice by the end of tonight. Both sound cards are exactly the same price up here in Canada, so price isn't the factor. It's either the Creative...
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    Getting a BenQ FP937s+ for Christmas, any reviews or opinions?

    I've had mine for about a month, and its pure heaven! Ask any questions you would like, and I will try to answer them.
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    BENQ LCD Monitors

    I guess it just shows how much user opinions differ. I'm considering getting another FP937s because I love mine so much. Don't think I'm a total n00b either, I upgraded from a 17 inch Apple Cinema Display paired with a 17 inch ViewSonic VP171B.
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    BENQ LCD Monitors

    I own the BenQ FP937s, purchased from Staples in Canada. I really have enjoyed every moment that I've been with it. It's a 19 incher that rings in at a 12ms response time. I notice no ghosting in games or movies.
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    Dell 2005FPW Blurring Issue In Games

    I have a 12ms LCD, and things still blur when moving really fast. I'm never really moving fast enough to worry about it though, so I don't worry about it. It's most noticeable when you are running next to someone in a multiplayer game and looking at them.
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    Viewsonic 201s (Silver) $999 Canadian

    Can you give me some more information. I just called Staples in my town, and they gave me the entire run-around about how it's impossible, they wouldn't even check how much the coupon code was worth for me.
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    Sony 21" CP-G520P for 500$ CDN Should I?

    Give me the guys name and number and I will buy it from him. I live in Canada too.
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    Dell 2001FP available for $629 til Sunday...BARGAIN OF BARGAIN'S... GUYS!

    Is this available in Canada? I enter the coupon code, and it says that it has been accepted, but my price never gets updated.
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    Lian-Li PC-V1100 case......not for 15K rpm drives

    Holy Snap! Taaj, you too? I looks like all the GS'ers are coming over here.
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    Lian-Li PC-V1100 case......not for 15K rpm drives

    John, you wouldn't happen to be from Cincinatti? Would you?
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    most quiet stock cooled 6800nu?

    I cannot hear my Leadtek Vanilla whatsoever in my case. It's the only fan I have in my case, everything else is watercooled.
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    Good HSF for A64 3000+ and MSI K8N Neo Platinum.

    Without starting a new thread, I would also like a recommendation. I would like a heatsink for my AMD 64 3000+ and my Asus K8V SE Deluxe motherboard. I won't be doing much overclocking, just want a generally cooler system. So far, I've already ruled out the XP-120 Thermalright because I...
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    Viewsonic VP912b 12ms mini-review

    Yes, that was exactly my question. How stupid I was to type the wrong monitor name, when i should have said VP912B. I've just been bombarded with so much nomenclature, it's hard to remember it all.
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    Viewsonic VP912b 12ms mini-review

    How does the VP191B handle different resolutions? Namely 1024x768. I'm just worried that it will make my games look horrible at lower resolutions. Could you please check that out and get back to me? If you could do that, I would be forever in your debt. Unfortuneately, there isn't...
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    A few words about external hard drives

    I just purchased a Bytecc Hard Drive Enclosure and a 120Gb 7200.7 Seagate Barracuda drive. Everything went pretty damn easily. Within two hours it was installed, formatted, and had 20Gb worth of MP3's and pictures on it. It is pretty noisy though.
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    Formatting a hard drive in an external enclosure?

    Thanks for all of your help guys! I kind of figured it out on my own. I just right clicked on "My Computer" and went into "Manage" and then "Disk Management" from there. I found the commands to format and partition the drive. Everything is working perfectly now. It took me roughly an...
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    Formatting a hard drive in an external enclosure?

    Hello, I'm having a bit of a problem here. I know it's not usually possible, but it has to be this time. I bought a Seagate IDE 120Gb 7200.7 hard drive and a Bytecc Aluminum hard drive enclosure. Now, Windows XP detects my hard drive, but it will not show up in "My Computer." I know...
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    Poll: my z560s have/have not blown

    Mine are not blown after close to a year. Gaming, movies, but mostly music. Still going strong, I might add. Connected to NForce 2 SoundStorm in an Abit NF7-S.
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    Sennheiser HD497

    NCIX has pissed me off in the past. Especially with things they have to special order. It usually takes more than a month, instead of the one or two days that they say. I was just looking for another reason not to buy from them. The rule with NCIX is just to make sure that it is in stock, if...
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    Sennheiser HD497

    Thanks for the help everyone, now I just have to muster up enough cahones to actually order the things from NCIX. It will be a long wait though, probably two weeks, because they are special orders.