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  1. P

    [H] Buttons

    I'd have to say #5, with #4 coming a very close second :). Nice job on all the buttons, though. My compliments to the chefs, err, artists :D
  2. P

    Newbie WC questions

    I'm not sure if HydrX also acts as a wetting agent, but you'd probably do fine with just that as an additive. Just try it out, and good luck :)
  3. P

    Anyone have a guide to radiator construction?

    Yeah, it's not quite rectangular. Imagine that you've got a rectangle, and you draw a line from the upper-right corner to the center of the left side. Remove the triangle, and what remains is what I want the rad to be, the triangle being occupied by a custom-built reservoir. Like I said...
  4. P

    Newbie WC questions

    Wow, you pack a lot of questions :). That's good, though, it's better than being caught unawares. First, you should learn to use the search function. A quick search can answer a lot of questions, such as what additives to use, etc. From the top of my head, there's three kinds of additives...
  5. P

    Anyone have a guide to radiator construction?

    Yeah, but think of the bragging rights ;) Seriously though, I figured it'll be a lot of work. I know it's amitious, and I might very well fall flat on my face, but I'm willing to try it out. At the worst, I'll end up with a pile of junk, a change in the planned design for my case, and some...
  6. P

    Anyone have a guide to radiator construction?

    I'm in the planning phase for a system that I want to build, that's going to need a custom radiator. I thought about a bong cooler, but I don't want the hassle of having to check the water levels so often, plus there's the issue of having to replace the additives, and be on the look-out for...
  7. P

    biocide alternative for bong/evaporative cooling

    I was looking around for a waterpump to use with an evaporative cooling setup, and I found this Basically, it's a UV sterilizer, for use in aquariums to control the growth of nasties. I saw it, and I immediately though hey, why not use this...
  8. P

    WC condenstaion problems

    I haven't personally water cooled any systems, so if I'm making any mistakes, someone please point them out :D From what I've read, condensation isn't a problem, unless you're chilling the cpu to below ambient, such as would happen if you're using a peltier, or refrigeration systems. If you...
  9. P

    Absolut Watercooling

    Instructions for the resivoir would be great =). I'm especially curious, since I thought you can't run evaporative cooling on a closed loop system. I mean, doesn't the heat released by the water condensing go back into the system then, instead of carrying the heat out? But hey, if it works...