Search results

  1. D

    hp dv4t or lenovo t400?

    Good decision... I have about 300 T400's deployed and we love them. Very very rugged machines. you wont be disapointed.
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    What Is The Best Theft Recovery System

    I run Computrace on about 1100 laptops at work. We usually get about 10 or so stolen each year. They do very good at tracking them down but if they can't they pay out cash. I would suggest them to anyone. btw.... Absolute is Computrace and Lojack...... I think Lojack is personal and...
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    Windows 7 & Gadgets question

    well... certainly good points all around, but I find myself doing allot of actions that require a quick glance at the Calendar and the gadget always being displayed was pretty convient. dont get me wrong its not an os killer for me by far... I'll just need to find a work around or something.
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    Windows 7 & Gadgets question

    So i liked the feature in Vista that would only open a window as wide as the gadget bar. I really like 7 but it bugs me that either my gadgets are behind a window or on top of it. Anyway to set it like Vista so windows will only open as wide as the Gadgets? thanks D.
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    script to check for software on a batch of remote machines???

    I need to check a batch of 50 machines for installed software. Anyone have anything that would work?
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    Wired and Wireless both on. can I use 2 net sources at once?

    good points... I didnt think about the fact I would turn myself into a bridge. More than likely in turn making my machine the weakest point in our security. thanks for pointing that out. I'll just continue to disconnect from our main LAN and connect to the wireless DSL. Its only a few...
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    Wired and Wireless both on. can I use 2 net sources at once?

    Ok so Im using Vista.... At work our lan is pretty locked down when it comes to internet, but I have a DSL (with a wireless router) at my desk for testing and web researching for tech issues.... Can I configure Vista to use both interfaces at once? My work wired lan for Mail, network...
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    What is your IT department doing about

    we have about 2200 systems mostly on XP, a few odd ball 95's because of old manufacturing equipment.... We deploy / refresh about 30 systems a month all with XP. But we are getting our first Vista machines in a few weeks. Lenovo X300's for a select few people ( me being one ). So we will...
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    USB port replicators??? any advice for my X300

    well.... Looks like I am going to have to deploy some Lenovo X300's at work. Some of my users dont need or want a doc, but if one was avaible I would be able to offer it as an option. I see Lenovo has a USB one that does just about everything, but I've never actually seen one work. anyone...
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    Lenovo Now or Lenovo Later?

    few things to consider... 1. being the Centrino 2 chipset, you can switch from integrated graphics to discrete and prolong your battery power by a great deal. 2.the T61's are being phased out. We are a all Lenovo work shop here ( about 500 deployed ) and the only version of the T's that will...
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    Software push to 50 Win XP machines? how to

    Other than Win SmS is there anything else out there that I can push a software install across in a domain to 50 ish desktops? The dept. decided after we imaged and installed the machines they wanted an additional piece of software. any tips or idea's? thanks D
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    15 days to refreshed thinkpad line release?

    so the SL is the new series?
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    Map software for a sales force....

    I've been given the task of locating some software that our sales team can use to redraw sales area's. I guess that have used mappoint in the past, but I was really hoping for something WEB based. What I need is something with a US map where we can pretty much plot out area's where certain...
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    IBM resource monitoring????

    Both Dell and HP have free programs that can be installed on a server and will monitor said Manufactures networked devices. I'm looking to be able to monitor a decent number of IBM machines for health, Bios vers. ect... Has anyone ever herd of a IBM version? sadly the Dell one will only...
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    Need help picking 15.4" laptop

    the t61's are pretty rugged. We have a large number of them deployed at my work in a factory setting. They hold up really well... ps be safe in Iraq. d.
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    Woot Off

    how much were the ipods?
  17. D

    WTB - PCI Express Vid Card for around $50

    evga 7800gt 50.00 + 5.00 for shipping d.
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    Polk R150 pair 81.15

    great speakers for the price. I use them for rears in my home theater. d.
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    DOM , createElement and childAppend question...

    ok so i managed to get this going: works good. But I would actually like to replace one image with another one when you click on it, so far with this I can only add a new image to the screen so when you click on 3 thumbnails you end up with 3 larger pics in the new div...
  20. D

    DOM , createElement and childAppend question...

    So im feeding a path to a function. The string is actually the path of a photo. What I want to do is have the function createElement('img') and then add it to a createElement('div') my code works if i just add it to the body. but not when I want to add it to a new div. lgImg =...
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    Php array question....

    just to be clear... it works like a charm. I was just curious as to what or how that was lol...
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    Php array question....

    Tim.... i love you!!!! =) seriously though thanks a ton. I knew it was going to be a loop but I just didn't have enough exp to figure out what exactly i needed to do. (Im still in the learning phase hehe) you experienced dev's make this [H] a great community to belong to... thanks...
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    Php array question....

    I have an array loaded with images. and I can display all those images, but I only want to display say 10 or so at a time. I'm sure there is a way to only display part of the array at a time. I tried slice and looked at range but couldnt figure out how to tie either in. here is my code...
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    JavaScript variable into a string.. correct syntax?

    worked like a champ.... thanks a ton... I've only been doing web stuff for a year and sometimes my planning ability is a little farther along than my technical ability. The dang syntax usually takes me longer to muddle out than anything... You guys in this forum are AWESOME!!!!! thanks...
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    JavaScript variable into a string.. correct syntax?

    Im trying to pull a value from a text box and insert it into a URL string to open a new window. I just cant seem to get the syntax correct for using the variable in the string. Can anyone tell my what im doing wrong? I tested with an alert box and can see the new variable being loaded...
  26. D

    using php and an array to display thumbs

    ya i actually got my brain to catch that one hahaha... thanks for the heads up though...
  27. D

    using php and an array to display thumbs

    worked like a charm... wow ive been trying that on and off for 2 days but couldnt get it to work. I wasnt putting echo "<img src=\"$img\">"; in quotes. sometimes the you look through the forest to see the tree's i guess... lol thanks..
  28. D

    using php and an array to display thumbs

    you lost me bille sorry =( I guess the problem im having is figuring out how to take a directory with thumbnail images and write a script that will put those on in some html. basically i dont want to have to do <img src="blahblah"> 50 times. let alone have to worry about updating...
  29. D

    using php and an array to display thumbs

    I have a dir with about 20 thumbs in it. Is there a easy way to make PhP cycle through an array and display those on a page? I have some php/js experience I just cant get my head around how to do this. I use this to display a random pic from the dir, so i was hoping I could just add on to it...
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    Online Payment Calculator

    colors are beyond horrible and make it look low class ( to much lime green ). IMO. d.
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    Pricing freelance web work?? another question

    Thanks for the input. Your pretty much dead on with what some friends where telling me, thanks again d.
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    Pricing freelance web work?? another question

    Im just finishing up my associates degree in web dev and I have a few small business's in my area that I have talked to about doing a web site for. My problem is I have no idea how to price them and be attractive and fair in the price at the sametime. The sites will be mostly advertisement...
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    FS: Sony HDR-FX7 HD camcorder

    bump for a nice porn making cam
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    FS: q6600-220.00 & tons of other items cheap..( MB,RAM,PS,VD)

    sorry, yes its sold. I forgot to list it under the sold section. dan
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    FS: q6600-220.00 & tons of other items cheap..( MB,RAM,PS,VD)

    bump... next shipping day is Monday 3/16 d.
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    FS: q6600-220.00 & tons of other items cheap..( MB,RAM,PS,VD)

    yes its still avaible... you can figure shipping 3lbs from 44035 for your shipping cost. ill pm you my paypall dan
  37. D

    FS: q6600-220.00 & tons of other items cheap..( MB,RAM,PS,VD)

    I apologize, this tread generated way more attention than I thought it would. I'll double check that exact model number on the MSI board d.