Search results

  1. L

    Unlimited Bandwidth Doesn’t Mean “Unlimited”

    For the past 7 years at least in Portugal any high speed connection you get has a limit. Luckily for the consumer, along with the welcome package, driver cd, modem, cables, etc, is a second cd. What does that cd contain you ask? Ahhhhh a small footprint bandwith program, that when installed...
  2. L

    Ageia's PhysX Needs a Killer App @ [H] Enthusiast

    I hope they make it , but the gut tells me that both ATI and Nvidia are going to come out with their own versions built in to their own video cards,or PCI independent for that matter and Ageia is going to become a Voodoo on the timeline. Either way as a [H]ard core gamer it's as important as a...
  3. L

    Wtb\wtt A64 Stock Heatsink

    Never mind i got one of my buds to give me one. Thanks for looking.
  4. L

    Wtb\wtt A64 Stock Heatsink

    I need a stock all aluminum (not the copper based with fins) A64 heatsink. Used to have them laying around and gave them away to my friends as they needed them. Now I need one and don't have any :(.
  5. L

    Whats in your socket 939?

    Here , here...
  6. L

    On the market for 2x1024mb Dual kit

    I need a 1024x2 2gb kit not 512x2 1gb kit. Thanks for looking. ;)
  7. L

    On the market for 2x1024mb Dual kit

    I'm looking in to the corsair TWINX2048-3200C2PT , but I am running a AMD64 , and they mention only latencies of 2.5-x-x-x are supported , but on Intel based platforms you can get 2-x-x-x Does anyone know of a 2x1024mb kit that can do CAS2 on on a A64? Could i try to squeeze CAS2 out of this...
  8. L

    Battlefield 2: What do you think after playing the demo?

    It's amazing. It has game of the year written all over it. I'd say 70% of the ppl that are BF fans in these forums but are saying they don't like it is cause this game puts a beating on their hardware.
  9. L

    Need a laptop for my GF There you go, They got great reviews on PC Magazin or PCWORLD , don't remeber which 1.
  10. L

    What I think about [Hard]ocp!

    I personally don't care about how [H] conducts their hardware reviews. Biased ? Are you serious ? Are you that tired when you read tech news that you can't click on 1 of the links that [H] happens to have listed for the same product lauch for comparison? Next thing you know ppl will be saying...
  11. L

    6800GT > 6800 Ultra flash (successful, and details!)

    Worked for me. Carry on soldiers.
  12. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ORB ***

    Cornelious , this just out... Cheating in 3dmark05!!! As the creater of the sticky i think the right thing to do is restart it. As a patch has been issued already to close the hole. All the info here: And now...
  13. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ORB ***

    Cornelious you know your on now! 5812 Points AMD64 3000+ @2.5ghz 6800GT 371\1247 (Getting Warmed up :P )
  14. L

    3DMark 2005 released!

    Wow they already are starting with the driver OPT's , and the thing just came out today . No wonder [H] could care less about it. They didn't even advertize the lauch in their news listing. (Not professional IMO) Now they want you to pay 20$ for the other half of the pretty demo? LOL Sure...
  15. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    :D I'm running @ of room here. Even with this 3200+ clawhammer , i'm still lacking voltage and a proper cooling system (water\promy) But i think i'll manage to stay somewhere on top 20 till next next upgrade.
  16. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    76892 Points Got a "new" CPU (Clawhammer) Will only post 1 more score after i install a fresh copy of WinXp (SP2) By christmas i'll be on the 3000+ S939 chip hopefully with some liquids in the case. Finally i can have my weekends...
  17. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    I don't doubt you have it but on your ARC sheet, yours is the only 1 that says just 2600 listed under windows xp build. If it helps the scoring then more power to you :P I do recall windows beeing alot faster before SP1 , however SP2 brings some of it back. My next score will only be posted...
  18. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    Doesn't seam like you had installed when you got the score. Doesn't show on the ARC posting. All others say sp1 2600 or sp2 2600 yours just says 2600
  19. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    Your also the only person running Windows XP without any SP (Service Pack) :cool:
  20. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    My strong point beeing the only A64 3000+ S754 on the list of course. ;)
  21. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    Hehe do i win the bang for the buck award? :P
  22. L

    1.5v/3.3v AGP slot questions...

    Backwards compatible motherboards such as yours normally come with a plastic spacer to the left on the AGP slot. Removing it turns you AGP slot in to a AGP PRO slot. Fill that gap with something non conductive , there by preventing a video card to be inserted over that designated area and you...
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    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    Yo Jigga ! Keep it interesting will ya?! Show me what you got :D btw i got another score ready ... :) who's coming down next ? Cornelious maybe? hehehehe
  24. L


    No need for such extremedies. (< Is that a word?) Forget coolbits as a OC tool , Nvidia has implemented in most drivers after 2003 something to keep you form OCing their cards. I work for a Nvidia based company :) The good news is they haven't done the same to apps of such nature like...
  25. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    75876 Points AMD 64 3000+ @ 2.560Ghz BFG 6800 GT @ 446\1300
  26. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    73760 POINTS ORIONNT YOU BTCH YOUR GOING DOWN LOL :) 6800GT@410\1000 A643000+@2560mhz
  27. L

    *** The Official [H]ard ARC ***

    Looks like I made me a spot on the list . 72792 points. ABIT KV8-PRO BFG 6800 GT AMD 64 3000+ GEIL PC4000 2.5-4-4-7
  28. L

    Test Bench\Bed

    They used to b all over the net , now i can't find a place that sells them anymore. It' looks like a metal frame basicly , in a cube shape , giving you 2 shelves to lay ur components on . Comes dissasembled , anyone know whomakes them @ least? Thanks.
  29. L

    merged: NV40 Review and the [H] reviewing system.

    I've had [H] as my home page for about 3 years. Sad that a garbage review like of this morning would be what would make me register the forums. Wtf was that review all about? I visit [H] for reviews because i don't need to expect fairness , because it could always be taken for granted...