Search results

  1. E

    HTTP tunnelling

    but due to the lack of help i will close this thread, thanks for nothing....
  2. E

    HTTP tunnelling

    Well i would like to say thanks for the lack of help and also to those who like to post, just to are doing the same thing i am asking about myspace, but with hardforum.
  3. E

    HTTP tunnelling

    The reason i need/want this is that i am sometimes trapped at my work and can not leave and i'm not suppose to be working, and the admins approved the use of the site i want to have access to, but they are retarded and can't give access to just me for the port. The told me about http tunneling...
  4. E

    HTTP tunnelling

    All i have access to is http port, so remote desktop wont work.
  5. E

    HTTP tunnelling

    I am trying to tunnel though to my work from my home server. Does anyone know how to start this process or even know how to do this?
  6. E

    HOT! iRiver 20GB Portable Media Center - $289.00 Shipped

    plus i heard that the speaker sounds tinny, and isn't very loud
  7. E

    [H] Box / Child's Play Donation Giveaway

    Will you post a counter of how many people entered? Would really like to see what my odds are. :D
  8. E

    Steve's donation drives questions

  9. E

    Steve's donation drives questions

    I am not sure this is the right thread (so, if it isn't please let me know and I will delete it and move it to the proper one). Does anyone know how Steve picks his winners for the donation drives he holds? Thanks to anyone who knows this answer and if you answer this Steve, thanks again for...
  10. E

    5 dollar computer* at Steve's alter. site

    Auction closed
  11. E

    5 dollar computer* at Steve's alter. site

    or instead of google cache, you can use http://****************************/auction/pa2005.html it is what I use. I hate when my company does that too.
  12. E

    5 dollar computer* at Steve's alter. site

    Update only 50 spots left. Come on, if you only enter once that is still a 1:500 chance...which is better than any lottery ticket or winning a race at the track.
  13. E

    5 dollar computer* at Steve's alter. site

    I know this might get banned, or moved to a different location. But, please let me know about it nicely. Enough with that. Steve's alter. site Hypothermia is have a donation drive for Child's Play. There are two pretty kick-ass systems on the line. Please donate...
  14. E

    Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

    Darn it KodiakStar, I can never seem to past you. also, how do you get the hardfolding badge to display like that. I pasted the code given to my signature block but still won't work. It only works when I put it into the message.
  15. E

    Video card for MythTV setup

    thanks for the input
  16. E

    Video card for MythTV setup

    Thanks for the input.
  17. E

    Video card for MythTV setup

    The question is, what is the best video card to run with MythTV on the Fedora 3 core. Note: I am not asking about the tv tuner (but if you want to give input to that as well, it would be helpful). Thanks for all the input.
  18. E

    Video card for MythTV setup

    I know this is a hardware issue, but it is for the Linux side and there is not many spots to post. The question is, what is the best video card to run with MythTV on the Fedora 3 core. I am not asking about the tv tuner (but if you want to give input to that as well, it would be helpful)...
  19. E

    5 Dollar computer * HardOCP / Hypothermia Donation Drive

    This is off the topic of page 3....but there is only 100 spots left. Go and donate and hopefully you will win...if not, hopefully I will :)
  20. E

    5 Dollar computer * HardOCP / Hypothermia Donation Drive

    Only 250 spots left. Get in while you can. For 5 dollars you can get a computer (if your name is drawn) and help out a good cause.
  21. E

    5 Dollar computer * HardOCP / Hypothermia Donation Drive

    Me my sister and brother pooled together 100 dollars from our savings. 75 dollars for our chance to win (15 chances, yeah we got 3% of the total chances) and 25 dollars just for the charity (grandpa used to be in the military, very proud to be american). Just hope our savings don't go in vain. ;)
  22. E

    MythTV set-up

    All I know is Myth doesn't like ATI products that well. That is what I get from reading all of the Forums.
  23. E

    Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

    Ezkill Last updated: Thu May 5 09:00:02 PDT 2005 Thu May 5 16:00:02 UTC 2005 Date of last work unit 2005-05-03 13:09:58 Total score 123317 Overall rank (if points are combined) 3092 of 454440 Active processors (within 50 days) 2 Active processors (within 7 days) 1...
  24. E

    iPod repair with no warranty: options?

    What is wrong with it? There are some websites that repair certain things wrong with it for at most 70 dollars (don't know the conversion to GBP, but I think its ~32GBP). Let me know and I will try to guide you.
  25. E

    Episode 3 Game

    And surpisingly it follows the movie pretty well. Oops...I'm not suppose to say that.... :p
  26. E

    10.4.1 Coming in May

    Give it a week, and patches will be out for it just like windows and any other operating system. With that said, I still can't wait for it to come out.
  27. E

    5 Dollar computer * HardOCP / Hypothermia Donation Drive

    Sorry got alittle excited (and by alittle, I nearly pee'd my pants excited), I just think its a great thing Steve (HardOCP and Hypothermia) are doing and wish more websites would do things of this magnitude. So, with that being said get ready to donate this Friday May 6, 2005
  28. E

    5 Dollar computer * HardOCP / Hypothermia Donation Drive

    Come on everyone, this is a great deal and a great thing to support. *You win a computer for just 5 bucks. http://****************************/
  29. E

    how does this sound

    I heard you could OC the 6600gt up too the 6800gt as long as you have proper cooling. I think that is why he getting two 6600gt cards....
  30. E

    Port Forwarding on Linksys BEFW11S4

    I would get some port scanner to make sure you are running those servers on the port you listed above. Also, I don't know why but I have heard that some linksys set-ups you have to forward the port below it and above it. I didn't believe it till someone show it to me. Also, totally not...
  31. E

    Online store software

    What kind of operation are you looking for? Meaning secure, size of database of stored items, and bandwidth limitations...all really big factors in determine which software you want to use, cause some are not bandwidth friendly and some can't handle some databases. Look at this stuff when...
  32. E

    MythTV set-up

    Are you running on two systems? I heard alot of people running the frontend and backend on the same system and it seems to work better for them. Let me know.
  33. E

    MythTV set-up

    Let me know chief how it works out. And to anyone else that has a MythTV setup let me know how it is going.
  34. E

    What do you think of this computer?

    worth the money if you are lazy and want a system built already.
  35. E

    Wireless range extenders

    along with those options, you might want to try a high gain antenna on your linksys access point. This will give you a better received signal on your USB client device, but as to increase the USB client output signal, you can always hack the device to increase the output power, but before care...
  36. E

    MythTV set-up

    How do you connect up to your cable box, if you use one? And if you do, who is your cable provider and what software did you use to communicate with it? Also, did you have the web interface set-up? If so, how well did it operate?
  37. E

    Who is smart enough to figure out this problem.

    Basically yeah, you won't believe how many VBscripts, .bat files, and other crap I have done to this system all because I can't put software onto the system and the software I can takes 6-8 months to get approved, so I have to try to do everything myself. I want to thank you all for your input.
  38. E

    MythTV set-up

    Not sure if this is the correct thread but, Please post your MythTV set-ups here, both hardware and software set-ups. I am trying to set-up a PVR and would like to know what everyone else has.
  39. E

    Who is smart enough to figure out this problem.

    Can't put any software onto this system, but thanks for the link.