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  1. T

    Sony: 'You Can't Effectively Test' For Games Like Driveclub

    Sony knows what open beta is, because Planetside 2 has been in open beta for the last 2 years.
  2. T

    Comcast Is Investigating a Customer Service Call From Hell

    Wow he's lucky it only took 8 minutes. It took me 19 minutes the time I tried to disconnect because I was leaving the state but they couldn't seem to understand why they couldn't keep me as a customer still even though they weren't in that area to provide me service. Wish I would have recorded...
  3. T

    "Reading Rainbow" Kickstarter Campaign Attracted 105K Backers

    I loved Reading Rainbow as a kid and this kickstarter was great... but the Potato Salad one... omg potato salad!
  4. T

    Atari Games Rescued from NM Landfill Up for Sale

    Gee thanks! Thanks for making my already worthless copy of E.T. even more worthless by selling more of them!
  5. T

    League of Legends Pro Plays With Collapsed Lung

    I can admit to playing Everquest 2 back in the day in the hospital with a collapsed lung.
  6. T

    Ten Minutes Of H1Z1 Gameplay Footage

    Have you played Planetside 2? Vehicle physics in PS2 is ridiculously stupid.
  7. T

    SSD Deal of the Day

    Just seems disturbing how many reallocated sectors are on that drive on Tech Report... I know this is a lot of cycling of the drive but still....
  8. T

    SSD Deal of the Day

    Isn't this the TLC NAND one that the TechReport is currently doing the endurance test on with other SSDs?
  9. T

    EA Taking Lessons From BF4 Launch

    This sounds familiar.... oh wait! I found the story...
  10. T

    White Xbox One Launch Team Console

    Some retr0bright will fix that old yellow ABS plastic real quick!
  11. T

    Game Dev Abuses Copyright to Censor Negative Review?

    Well I'm surprised he lasted 21 minutes considering how bad the game is. If anything as a developer I'd take the criticism and try to fix the issues rather than cover it up by claiming a copyright infringement.
  12. T

    Six Tech Relics Still Sold in Stores

    They forgot dot-matrix printers!
  13. T

    Happy Birthday To Me!

    Old fart. ;)
  14. T

    Ping Pong Goes High Tech

    That looks cool but I bet it's a bit harder to play with the distractions. :P
  15. T

    UK to Google: Delete Street View Data Or Else

    Maybe the NSA didn't want Google to delete it. ;) :P
  16. T

    AMD's Xbox One Deal Valued At More Than $3B

    So if the deal between AMD and Microsoft is around 3 billion I can imagine their deal with Sony is valued around the same. So that's quite a bit of cash for AMD right there from two console giants.
  17. T

    AMD Catalyst 13.1 WHQL Now Available

    Yeah I'm having some issues with this new driver as well. I have flickering and artifacts on the desktop at idle occasionally now in Win7-64bit with my 7870. I rolled back to the previous driver and the problem went away. I think I'll wait till they hotfix this and then get it...
  18. T

    Building A Nuclear-Fusion Reactor With eBay Parts

    Nothing new to see here. A kid made a fusion reactor at age 14.
  19. T

    Canon's Mouse Calculator Hits U.S.

    Now just add a solar panel to it for the calculator and then it'd be even more geeky.
  20. T

    NES PC Build Project

    Probably should have tried using Retr0Brite to clean up that old ABS plastic.
  21. T

    Conspiracy Theory of the Day

    Wow guys you didn't get too far into the links from that page apppently. This is the post from the lady who did the color composite back in April.
  22. T

    Leaked Radeon HD 6800 Benchmarks?

    The link is messed up on the front page. But it seems to be about right. VR-Zone posted a couple of benchmarks too that seem to show similar benches.
  23. T

    Foxconn Hiking Prices to Cover China Pay Increase

    As far as I know they're still jumping.
  24. T

    Street View Sighting of the Day

  25. T

    Fermi Running Unigine Heaven DX11 Benchmark?

    I can't see the wood screws on the card from this side to see if it's a real Fermi card or not!
  26. T

    Most High-Tech Cop Car Ever

    If you ask me that new concept police car beats out the Caprice for high tech stuff.
  27. T

    The 10 Best (and 10 Worst) Companies for Customer Service

    I already said that too. I found the source of the article and it was posted in November of 2006. This article is old news.
  28. T

    The 10 Best (and 10 Worst) Companies for Customer Service

    Never mind I found it, Nov 2006.
  29. T

    The 10 Best (and 10 Worst) Companies for Customer Service

    Ummm.. how old is this list anyways? SBC and AT&T were merged last time I checked... and Circuit City has bit the dust. And by looking at it I'd assume this was done in 06 since they keep mentioning it in the article...
  30. T

    Micro-Payments Considered for WSJ Website

    People still read the WSJ?
  31. T

    Texting and Trains Don’t Mix

    Driving and texting ANYTHING don't mix period. Even if it's a car, a bus, or train. Come on people be smarter than that and put the phone down while driving a moving vehicle.
  32. T

    Ten Technologies About to Go Extinct

    The only reason why typewriters have hung around for so long is that they are an impact type print machine. Your fancy laser or inkjet no matter how nice won't punch down enough force thru a carbon copy to get text thru. Same with dot matrix printers they are a niche device but for some payroll...
  33. T

    Google Walks Away from Digg Acquisition Deal

    I don't think news that can be skewed as a popularity contest really is all that great.
  34. T

    Getting the Best Buy on a Power Supply @ [H]

    It's nice that someone finally reviewed some of these store branded PSUs. I've always thought they were dodgy products and this just goes to prove they aren't worth the price you pay for them. Thanks for doing this review!
  35. T

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Oh good lord what a way to make a bazillion post thread. :P
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    FS 2x1GB DDR2 533 ECC

    price drop to $100
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    FS 2x1GB DDR2 533 ECC

  38. T

    FS 2x1GB DDR2 533 ECC

    I have two sticks of Crucial memory at 1 Gig each. I purchased these sticks for a future project which never came to be. So I'm selling them as new sticks. These were purchased at Newegg HERE at 138.99 when I bought them new. I'm selling them at $100 each with $8 shipping via UPS. Once again...