Search results

  1. M

    japanese games and blood type

    cus it's cool to donate blood :P
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    sim micdonalds

    tip, lower the cows to one or two
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    Off Topic: Weight Lifting Accident video

    you will find a picture at rotten . com
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    Post your videos thread! (Broadband required!)

    LOL, you potion spammer. You almost had that half human / donkey thing at the end.
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    Do you hate widescreen? Are you male?

    male 1920x1200 (16:10) hp l2335 love it :)
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    Ordering soon - last check!

    looks nice, but what operating system are you loading, if it's window xp :eek:
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    It's BF2 1.3 Patch Day!

    freaking sweet, does that mean armored fury coming this week?
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    [H] BF2 Weekend 5-20/5-21

    yuppers, my game handle is PemptyMoune and i used c4 a lot :D
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    [H] BF2 Weekend 5-20/5-21

    the squad play is freaking sweet with the squad i was in, everyone in didn’t chat much but they knew what they were doing depending on the situation. and i was the only one with the 2[H]4U tag on :p
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    [H] BF2 Weekend 5-20/5-21

    it was good, chaos everywhere :D even hummers got stuck in a time warp at karkard. lol
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    flashing bios then clearing cmos??

    omg it works now, just installed a better psu, pci card, ENERMAX EG851AX-VH(W) FM EPS12V 660W Power Supply 90 SAPPHIRE RADEON 7000 64M DDR PCI then change the settings in my x5da8 bios to used 64mb RAM, APG to primary. i did not install the drivers that came with the pci card, windows...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    i got a hp 23 incher with two 17 inch avidav
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    What strange, pointless things do you do in games?

    i do the same thing, but instead of fires, i make 50 buck to ride a ride going in to a lake. hehehe
  14. M

    What strange, pointless things do you do in games?

    in couter strike soucre i shoot barrels, bottoles and unend up playing soccer......GOALLLLL!!!!!! :D
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    GTA San Andreas MODS

    yo check it i remeber i downloading the batmoble car, and i was like nan ana na an batman, batman
  16. M

    Duck Hunt, Wii style.

    wheres that damn dog at, should be picking up my kills, bad lazy dog, bad
  17. M

    How large is your SteamApps Folder?

    mines 17.9 GB codename gordon conidition zero condition zero deleted scenes counter-strike counter-strike:source drawinia demo half life 2 half life 2 deathmatch half life 2 lost coast half life deathmatch:source rag doll kung fu demo shadowgrounds demo sin 1 sin 1 mutiplayer...
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    flashing bios then clearing cmos??

    help!!! now i am trying to run three monitors. am i suppose to set the primary to pci in the cmos? for some reason in the windows xp display properties i see four boxes labled 1, 2, 3, 4. right now i am using box 1 and 2. box one is set at 1920X1200 and box two is set at 1280X1024. and i...
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    Xbox 360 Owners and your LCD Screens
  20. M

    Xbox 360 Owners and your LCD Screens

    I think there using a tv tuner card, with the auido cables conected to the tuner and then to there sound card, thus getting sound by running there tuner program set to composite. i totally gussing on this, i think thats how it works.
  21. M

    capturing video from a web page

    check this out snagit
  22. M

    flashing bios then clearing cmos??

    hey, i fix my problem. it seems that if i set the video card memory size to 64 from 256 in the setup in the cmos, windows xp can read the full amount of RAM. but does this affect the games that i play? does anybody knows why that it happens. :confused:
  23. M

    flashing bios then clearing cmos??

    Ops, I think I mess up my Supermicro X5DA8 motherboard, I like had a 1.2b bios number and I update the bios to 1.3b and it will want to read some of my RAM like 2.5 gigs one day and the next day it will read the full amount like 3.5 gigs and down to 1.5 gigs. I flash the same bios number...
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    Turret Defense

    that's easy just press enter...or start by building a bunch of gunners and save up for more power plants and add/replace more gunners
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    Turret Defense

    try pressing the enter key, it skips levels :D
  26. M

    BF2 survey

    It’s a yes or no survey. 1. Have you ever ram head on with an enemy chopper that is about to take off while driving a transport vehicle? 2. Have you ever tried taking out a bridge/ enemy commander’s assets with a chopper before? (Ex. land ramming) 3. Have you ever come across a moment...
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    The Official [H] Screenshot thread

    roninblade, the pic is Photoshop, because as soon as the c4 button is press the main gun appears, there is no -5 ticket score in BF2 only 0 tickets and the game round is over, also the max kill list can only displays 5 kill names before resetting cause the chat box is a bit too big :D
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    The Official [H] Screenshot thread

    this one is not mine, but it is so awesome :D
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    BF2: who do you play as?

    mmm.. i wonder why. i must of been on the wrong side of the barrel. Move a few step after spawning BOOM HEADSHOT, jump in an AA seat BOOM HEADSHOT, duct for cover in a bush BOOM HEADSHOT, staring up a chopper BOOM HEADSHOT, using the hummer mounted gun BOOM HEADSHOT. I perfer tubing people...
  30. M

    flying planes on BF2 single player?

    check out El Alamein Day 1 it has a huge open area with 6 planes and two heilos. best part about it is that it has bots that knows how to fight with the AA missles and jets.
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    Sim Hell

    that was weird, the meat grinder just brings him back to where he started from
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    Battlefield 2 CPU analysis

    one from and for GPU try
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    photoshop cs/cs2 book recommendations

    goodtutorials move to good-tutorials
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    NFS:MW save game file

    check this out
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    My Computer Windows XP

    A better way to do it is open my computer icon, right click in an empty space near the icons, highlight arrange icons by type & show in groups. Having show in groups gives you that line.
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    50% of male Pr0n Stars use a PSP ;)

    this could be bad, anal i hate anal
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    Jet Moto....anyone miss it?

    Oh snap, that game brings back good memories. My favorite thing in the game is doing tricks and hearing people cheer depending on the trick, works great with the speed boost cheat and playing on that Hawaii track with those big ass rocks sticking out of the ocean. Hehe, never did care for the...
  38. M

    NFS:MW ride tuning tips/general FAQ - NEED YOUR HELP -

    Once I found out about the options to tune my car I just put everything on all the plus side. Never knew what it really meant other then getting too many pin strips on the sides.
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    Need For Speed Most Wanted POST YOUR CARS!

    Bam, with the Lotus.
  40. M

    Need For Speed Most Wanted POST YOUR CARS!

    lol, got to drive that in #41 from the challenge series, I notice that all cars that are seen in the roads can be driven even the cops.