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  1. T

    It's official Apple "NOT" going with Intel....

    Thats the dumbest thing I have ever read. And that says alot next to some of my posts. Apple is not mainstream. Maybe in Film/Audio/Digital production. But they are what...3 percent int he computer market for home users? Dell only offers a certain case, same with Gateway, Sony, etc. Those...
  2. T

    External Harddrive woes

    This trick worked for me is a long shot. Most of the time when a drive goes Tango Uniform (tits up), that clicking noise you hear...its the arm, or what ever you call it, stuck on one spot. The controllers for that thingy :) are shot. I went to the store, purchased the EXACT...
  3. T

    Alternative to iPhoto?

    iPhoto 5 And let me tell you, iView loads 37,000 images alot faster than iPhoto ever did. Plus I can scroll through the thumbnails, something I could not have done with iPhoto. I am much happier now, thanks alot.
  4. T

    Alternative to iPhoto?

    Well I tried iView for about an hour, and purchased it. So far it can handle the amount of images that I have, plus one feature I like is it will give the relative path for that image. At 200.00 I would say that was more than I was wiling to pay, but if it works, buy it. Thanks guys.
  5. T

    Alternative to iPhoto?

    I really hate iPhoto. I dont care what version it is. I have well over 30,000 images and anything over 10,000 iPhoto pulls a fit. So, Picasa works great on PC's, what do we have?
  6. T

    Screen shots are one thing...

    Thanks, I will give that software a try. However, Since I am using both video outs on the G5 for my monitors, I cant do video out to the Camera, which is a really good idea I did not think of.
  7. T

    G4 vs. Centrino

    If you are going to render PS files with 75 layers in them with 13 GB file sizes, then yes you need a G5. Typical PS stuff that might have 15 layers with an image of 5000x3200 at 72dpi, your fine on a powerbook. Believe me, you can bog a G5 down just as quick as a Powerbook. I have a G4...
  8. T

    Screen shots are one thing...

    But can I take a video screen shot? I need to show my progress on a DVD project. I would like to be able to take a video screen shot of my work, so I can go through all menus while they are active and just send an Mpeg of what I am doing. Is this possible? And no it would not be...
  9. T

    hell froze over! (RIP one button mouse)

    I knew he was talking about IBM. But I take every chance I can to bash those asshats up in Redmond.
  10. T

    hell froze over! (RIP one button mouse)

    Yes, however at least it does not take them 5 years to produce a shitty upgraded version of an OS they allready have out. (windows) after copying the work other companies have put into their OS. I always liked the single button mouse that came with my Mac. I used the arrows to scroll, and key...
  11. T

    I need an Alarm Clock!

    I found that after trying to load the 27,000 images in iPhoto that I have required a restart, and deletion of all of those photos to not kill the 4gb's of memory I have. Also when using DVD Studio Pro 2 for long periods of time, and alot of simulations, that I need to restart the mac, I guess...
  12. T

    Just got Tiger..

    Its funny how most Apple owners will question the ability to load software they pay for, on their second computer. PC people spread their software like herpes
  13. T

    I dont want to use itunes... any other options?

    Whats with the 20megs of Ram thing? I love iTunes, could not imangine using anything else. Now iPhoto is a different story, would be nice if I could put Picasa on the mac, and walk away from iPhoto.
  14. T

    *Warning Rant* [Don't Use Apple Products If you live out of 50 states]

    Ship it to a friend in the states, and have them take it to an Apple store. Then your friend ships it back. Easy, clean, simple.
  15. T

    Why wont the drives show up?

  16. T

    Why wont the drives show up?

    Still does not show up the other drives. What am I doing wrong? Neither drive has an OS, just a blank drive.
  17. T

    Why wont the drives show up?

    Target Disk mode? I hold down the T while it boots up, and I get a blue screen with a floating Firewire sign. I have a digital Audio G4 I have the 200 on primary, 120 is under the DVD Burner on what would be Slot 3? OSX disk is out of the machine, it does not need to be in there. All I...
  18. T

    Why wont the drives show up?

    I have a G4 500 that I am using for a firewire drive enclosure. I have 2 blank drives in it, and a drive with OSX. If the drive with OSX is in it alone, it will show up. If the 200gb drive is in with the 120, only the 200 will show up. At no point will all 3, or even the 120, and 200 show up...
  19. T

    Ghetto Cup Holder iPod Car Mount ...

    I bought an iPod stand that was for a desk, and used Velcro to put it in my Jeep. Even when I go offroad it does not come out of its holder.
  20. T

    FTP Client for Mac OS X

    I use Transmit. Easy, clean, and nice. Cheap to.
  21. T

    web server on a G4?

    The Gui confuses me. i suppose, that if I want to use it, I should just pick up a book. Or, maybe I should just go with BSD instead. :)
  22. T

    web server on a G4?

    So, is it hard to learn? I am sure it has all sorts of features that I am not used to. previous servers ran Free BSD, and even then it was kinda sorta easy. I just wont by a PC when I have a perfectly good G4 I can use for it.
  23. T

    web server on a G4?

    I need a new web server. I have a spare G4 533 laying around. Question. Is OSX server worth it? or is there a PPC build of BSD Unix, or another option. I need PHP 5, MySql, DNS, the works. What are my options. I ask as I heard OSX server sucks, that it is slow.
  24. T

    need some help

    People were still buying Powermac G4's, even after the G5 was released. Even if you bought the last PPC based Mac, you would still be fine for 2 years with that machine.
  25. T

    Software for Dual monitors? Details inside

    See, I hate using Photochop, so how do you do that? I took the one wallpaper I did, opened it, applied the rulers, and just cropped it about half way through. then stepped back, and did the other side. Kinda hacked up. My now ex did all of the PS work, and now I am screwed, as I have to...
  26. T

    Software for Dual monitors? Details inside

    I am having a bad day. I searched first, then posted. I read 99% more than I post here Guess you dont get out much. PC Stuff. Good program if you want to run 3, 4, 5 monitors though. Seen that program ini action. Wont work for me. Thanks for the link, I like finding more Apple...
  27. T

    Why not let "regular" x86 PC's run OS X?

    This is how I see it. If the PC guys want to be allowed to run OSX on their PC's so bad, wait 2 years, you will be able to run OSX on an x86 arcitexture. It will be the same thing. Man, wish I had the time to pull up every single "will OSX run on my pc?" thread. It would show that the...
  28. T

    Software for Dual monitors? Details inside

    So, thats the answer? cut up 200 photos in PS to make a dual monitor wallpaper stretch? Weak.
  29. T

    Software for Dual monitors? Details inside

    First off, I am running a dual G5, with dual Sony 20" monitors. Is there software so that I can take one big wide wallpaer, and spread it across both screens? instead of 2 wallpapers? I have a huge collection of Digital Blasphemy wallpapers designed for dual monitors, to be spread across 2...
  30. T

    Legit? IBM gone?

    This scares me, but also has my attention. I Own Macs for the Platform/Software. I do not like Windows, and Linux does nothing for me. Now, with that said. Why would I want a P4 Powerbook? Or a P5 Powermac? I would like to think, and it is probably whats going to happen, that Apple...
  31. T

    iPod in Car - RCA to stereo problems

    This is what I did to hardwire my iPod iinto my car. Using my Pioneer head unit with XM Satalite capability. I went to Car Toys (seattle area) and purchased the XM Satalite radio adaptor. That adaptor is a 9 pin square plug to RCA I tucked that in behind and around to my center console...
  32. T

    FS: Dell XPS Gen2 gaming laptop

    I am moving, and need the money more than the laptop. it is 2 months old. 2500.00 email me for pictures PM 2.13ghz 2mb cache/533 FSB 17 inch widescreen HD screen 1gb dual channel memory @533 mhz 80gb hard drive 8x DVD+/- dual layer dvd burner (dual layer!) 256mb Nvidia 6800 ultra...
  33. T

    FS/T Dell XPS Gen 2, loaded

    First off, Im not on here very much, So thats why I will give my email address to have you respond to me. I have a brand new Dell XPS Gen 2 PM 2.13 1GB memory 80GB HD 8x Dual layer DVD burner Wireless Bluetooth Geeforce 256mb Video card And your typical stuff like Firewire, USB 2.0...
  34. T

    Can I swap these 2 Video cards?

    Thank you very much. I will make sure to reset the system, sounds like a good idea. Again, thanks for the help.
  35. T

    Can I swap these 2 Video cards?

    Donor G4 has a 32MB DDR dual monitor video card. Came stock with the dual 867 Mirror door I want to put it in my G4 533 Digital Audio. And put the old single video card back into the dual 867. Is this going to be possible? I mean, yes they both have AGP slots, but I am more concerned...
  36. T

    Favorite / most used web browser?

    Camino, been using it since it was called Chimera. I even have a version of Chimera backed up. I hate Safari, the absense of any right click features just pushes me away from using Safari at all.
  37. T

    Sneak Preview: Tiger RSS Screen Saver?

    Strange. I would be sitting there staring at the screen saver, never using the damn computer as it is.
  38. T

    Dual Monitor trouble with G4 Powermac

    I got interested in possibly making the dual span work with this card. So i looked up Screen Spanning Doctor to see if i could make it work, before i went into the Firmware to poke around. I found this, from doing a ioreg -l command in the terminal Seems, that imacs both G5 and the...
  39. T

    Dual Monitor trouble with G4 Powermac

    Seems the video card is not one that supports dual monitors, its either use the ADC, or the VGA. I even did the Apple firmware update, tried to download drivers from ATI, found nothing as far as a software dual monitor (isnt there one for the iBook?) I wanted this, so I guess I will have...