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  1. D

    Dual Monitors on New AMD APU Setup

    Thx much, the DVI cable made it work you da man!
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    Dual Monitors on New AMD APU Setup

    I haven't seen it play anything other than Minecraft but it plays it amazingly, I was impressed by that as I know even an Intel 3000 HD struggles bad with that game but this AMD APU no problems, very quick. My only regret in building was not putting in an SSD as I've only been using SSD for OS...
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    Dual Monitors on New AMD APU Setup

    w00t found one, will take it home on lunch and try, crossing fingers!
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    Dual Monitors on New AMD APU Setup

    Ah so if I got a straight up DVI cable it'd work then I imagine? I should go dig around out in our warehouse at work to see if one is lying around, thanks!
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    Dual Monitors on New AMD APU Setup

    I built my daughter an AMD PC this xmas, first AMD PC I've ever used let alone built. Everything is working great but went to add a 2nd monitor to it and I cannot get it to work for the life of me. First here are the specs: AMD A10-6800K Richland CPU w/ Radeon 8670D APU Artic Freezer 7 Pro...
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    Need a laptop/ultrabok asap

    Ya I 2nd this, no need to spend something insane like $2k+ on a laptop. I just got the Y400 and love it, though the build quality definitely isn't as good as a Macbook in the least but the keyboard and surrounding area is nice and the video card simply rocks! OSX isn't for everybody, I bought...
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    Dell U2410

    OK here are some pix, the one that's on the straight black screen in the photo looked like there is light bleed but you can't see that in real life so it must be a reflection. Sorry if some turned out blurry, the actual screen looks perfectly clear on text and all...
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    Dell U2410

    Just wanted to update after using this thing for 2 days I still have yet to find anything wrong with it. Everything looks wonderful, I see no graininess, everything is nice and clear, no tinting anywhere, and I still don't see any light bleed at all on a black background, it's perfectly black...
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    Dell U2410

    Just got my U2410 hooked up about 30 min ago and I have no complaints like I've seen from other people thank God. I'm coming from a Dell 2007FP that I've used for years, before that a 2001FP. Here are my initial thoughts: 1) I couldn't believe how big this thing in, wow this is awesomely...
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    Portable eSATA / USB 2.5 HD solution?

    That's the one I meant, mine has eSATA that's how I got it hooked up. Mine said also that it supported up to 640GB or something but the 1TB works fine. I think those specs are just older from when the larger HDD's weren't out yet. That one should work fine for you.
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    Portable eSATA / USB 2.5 HD solution? That's a good one. I just got that the other day, except the 3.5" version, and put a new 1TB WD Black drive in it and hooked it up the esata and it works great and looks awesome to boot.
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    Very happy with my new GTX285

    Love mine too. I too find that Crysis runs smooth as he11 now @ 1600x1200 max settings + 4X AA. I see no reason to want to have more than 1 of these or even a GTX 295 unless you are gaming at higher res and want more AA, but with my res and settings everything runs like butta. Just finished...
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    Q9650 Installed, Advice

    Seriously doubt that as I've got an APC and it shows my PC only pulling somewhere around 380W peak so still have room. Plus this PSU has 50A on the rail, this is plenty of power for what I got. I fixed my Scythe Infinity h/s last night, stole the pegs off the stock h/s and put it on and now I'm...
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    Q9650 Installed, Advice

    Tried 4.2 and just got a black screen, tried 4 again and still froze in Windows even with upped voltages. Also @ 3.9Ghz which I thought was stable I was playing Mirror's Edge and about an hour in I got a BSOD saying something about the processor so I stepped it down to 3.8 and so far so good...
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    !!! Core 2 6600 to Quad 9400 HELP !!!

    It's actually amazing what these old boards can do. Upgraded the BIOS on my P5B Deluxe to the latest beta I had to dig for and went from an e6600 to Q9650 and got this badboy overclocked to 433x9 for 3.9Ghz without a sweat! Try pushing it a bit and see what it can do, you may be surprised like...
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    Q9650 Installed, Advice

    Hrm, you really think I could hit 4.2Ghz? That'd own! I know what's safe on the vCore but I don't know anything about the fsb termination, ICH, or NB voltages...what are the defaults on those and what should be considered safe to run daily?
  17. D

    Q9650 Installed, Advice

    Everything seems stable @ 3.9Ghz, and I even lowered the vcore down to 1.25 and still seems fine. I tried upping vcore to 1.35 and hitting 450x9 (4Ghz) and while it did actually boot into Windows this time it froze shortly after, so looks like I'm most likely stuck @ 3.9Ghz which is fine by me...
  18. D

    Q9650 Installed, Advice

    I am now @ 433x9 for 3.9Ghz, I upped the vcore to 1.325 and nbridge to 1.45. Did that because I initially tried 450x9 for 4Ghz and it loaded Windows almost, got to where it should have brought up the login screen and instead just froze there. Haven't had a chance to really test it thorougly but...
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    Q9650 Installed, Advice

    Got my Q9650 installed yesterday, unfortunately while swapping it in I busted a peg on my Scythe Infinity heatsink so I'm on the stock Intel heatsink :(. I may just leave it, not sure, I did put AS5 on it and it's running @ 37C idle and I have it overclocked to 3.6Ghz. It gets up to 55C load...
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    Torn between 295 and 285...

    Just get the GTX 285 and save some cash and headaches. I game @ 1600x1200 on my (currently until I install my new Q9650 tonight) e6600 @ 2.8Ghz and I went from a GTX 260 Superclocked to the GTX 285 and saw a difference in multiple games. Also I can now play Crysis Wars @ 1600x1200 all very...
  21. D

    280 stepup--285 or 295?`

    I'd get the 285 personally just because I too am wary of dual card and SLI options. First of all I think it's overkill, and it's not actually 2X the performance, you got more to worry about, more power hungry, runs hotter, possibility of even more issues with certain games than single card...
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    Corsair 750 vs PC Power & Cooling 750

    Even though that 750W deal was really good I went with the 620HX since it was modular and ends up being close to the same price after rebate. Thanks guys!
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    Corsair 750 vs PC Power & Cooling 750

    Woah check this out, the Corsair 750 for $115 after rebate lolz! Should I do it? The only worry is will the huge wad of extra cables be a big issue? Don't think so since I have space at the top to tie it up I guess.
  24. D

    Corsair 750 vs PC Power & Cooling 750

    Ya but that's in canadian dollars, how much US is that, and is that site trustworthy? So I'm leaning towards that 620W Corsair now, need to find the best deal on it now. Thanks.
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    Corsair 750 vs PC Power & Cooling 750

    Trying to decide between these 2 power supplies for my PC listed in specs below to replace this 500W Antec just for the future as I feel I'm probably pushing this Antec pretty close to max and if I add more HDD's or get a new video card that takes more juice etc I wouldn't want to be left buying...
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    8600GTS, is 72C at load to hot?

    Seeing that my 8800GTS 512MB is idling @ 46C on stock cooling in a case that's not really setup as cool as it should be, that sounds hot to me.
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    Wow ya dude I just happened to notice that last night for the first time. You mean like it looks like the sky and stuff is flickering ever so slightly but noticable enough to be annoying right? I have beat the game and been playing multi religiously but didn't notice this until just last night...
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    NVIDIA Demo's Run Slower on 8800GT?

    You are missing the point. The point is that it ran great on earlier cards but like arse on the new GT and GTS. I ran those demos on my old model 8800GTS 320MB and they ran great (minus the face demo). The Adrianne demo was almost silky smooth on that card but now it's like 3fps or something. I...
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    8800gts 512 rivatuner

    I overcloaked mine to 775/2100 last night and hit 12278 3DMarks, that's only 448 points higher than my GT SSC. However in some of the tests it was 50+fps faster than the GTS, even 100fps in one. Also my temps are 45 idle 63 load so this ownz! My GT was 62 idle 81 load so this one runs way...
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    8800gts 512 rivatuner

    Ya I overcloaked my newly installed eVGA 8800GTS 512MB card tonight with it. I'm using 169.25 drivers and I'm only overclocking so far to 700Mhz core 2000Mhz mem. You have to add this line in your rivatuner.cfg file for it to work: G92 = 600h Add that under the [GPU_10DE] section...
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    8800GT and Power Supply

    OK I do have this question, how do I do that exactly? Is there some designation ont he PSU that shows rail 1 and rail 2?
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    8800GT and Power Supply

    Awesome guys, thanks for the responses, appreciated!
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    8800GT and Power Supply

    I'm very knowledgable when it comes to pretty much anything dealing with PC hardware but power supplies I'm kinda a newb. I am currently awaiting an RMA for my 8800GT and I came across some forum thread with some discussion about how the 8800GT requires 22 amps on the 12volt rail or something...
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    Media Center & Embedded Videos in IE7 Not Working

    I have a couple of problems that I've been beating my head against the past week or so and while at least on the Media Center problem it seems I've gained a tiny bit of headway, I haven't found anything on the embedded video problem. I'm very proficient with computers and fixing issues, I do so...
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    Far Cry64 on Vista64 HDR Settings?

    That doesn't tell me anythign. Is there a patch to update for it or do you hafta rebuy it, but the 64 bit ver?
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    Just installed 2gb more for Vista64 question

    Awesome! Seriously though, I'm not lying, no issues with anything to do with my sound. Only issue I'm having is with Fear Combat stuttering on a couple maps. Have installed all my apps and 12 or so games and everything looks and sounds great!
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    Just installed 2gb more for Vista64 question

    FYI I have an Asus P5B-D mobo, 4 1GB sticks of Corsair DDR2 800, X-Fi soundcard, and running Vista64 and I've had 0 issues moving from 2GB to 4GB, my OS, speeds, sound, and all run just as they did before.
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    Nvidia Geforce 7300LE, display problem. please help.

    Maybe if you'd quit calling us names we'd answer you.
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    Far Cry64 on Vista64 HDR Settings?

    Where you get Far Cry 64 bit version from? I want it!
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Release Version) Performance Issues

    I'm running in Vista64 on an overclocked 320MB 8800GTS, 3.1Ghz c2d, and 4GB DDR2, and it runs craptastic. By craptastic I mean pure utter crap until I disable HDR and instead enable "object lighting", then it runs maybe 30fps on average @ 1600x1200 w/ everything else max but no AA on. If I...