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  1. D

    Create HTML on Linux?

    I use mainly VIM but also screem (Site CReation and Editing EnvironMent) web editor.
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    Post your favorite Linux/BSD links!
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    how to make a linux boot disk

    Oh really? did you ever used dd or know what are you talking about? It simply copies the first 1440kb to floppy, note the ibs=1440
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    how to make a linux boot disk

    Try using dd or look about it on google. Something like: dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/fd0 ibs=1440 count=1 Where hda1 is your root partition. Hope this helps.
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    Suggestions: Independently Studying Linux/Unix

    I highly recommend and
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    Noob Mail Server - Suggestion?

    If you want to run sendmail then you need to run it with arguments such as -bd -q and whatnot but your distro should have a nice start script to begin with :D. Postfix on the other hand is meant as a sendmail replacement and it even provides much of sendmail functionality with its wrapper...
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    Noob Mail Server - Suggestion?

    I have nothing against Sendmail but you should give Postfix a try. Easy to learn, fast and secure.
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    Missing module "mii"

    Well, if you had some patience you'd find the right option in the networking section of your kernel config.
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    Post a screenshot of your linux!

    It is slow but not that bad yet it takes a hit because DRI does not support cards higher than 9500 and ATI does not have the drivers for Xorg. But the eye candy is nice :D . I use Radeon 9600XT made by ATI. ATI will release version 3.12? of the drivers supporting new Xorg few weeks after the...
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    Post a screenshot of your linux!

    Slackware Linux 10.0 with Dropline GNOME 2.6 and RC2 of upcoming Xorg 6.8.0.
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    localhost@localdomain ?

    It's /etc/hosts file name Just substitute the IP and name for your own values.
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    Calling on yours and Kyle's support

    Thanks a lot for your time FragMaster :D
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    Calling on yours and Kyle's support

    Terry, can you tell us if ATI considers making drivers for FreeBSD? I remember Alex Stohr posting on R3D forums that it would take about 2 weeks for a competent programmer with FreeBSD kernel knowledge to port the Linux driver... Thanks!
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    OpenGL 2.0 releaseed

    That's good news but now the question is; will ATI support 2.0 spec? but i might know the answer by judging their current track with Linux drivers.
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    Slackware is freaking fantastic

    Congrats! and good choice because Slackware rocks :D.
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    Calling on yours and Kyle's support

    Thetargos, I couldn't have said it any better and i thank you for writing the details here. And of course thanks to FragMaster for helping us with this. And, yes more Linux BETA testers would be better and benefit both parties.
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    New video card recommendation

    :D one sharp reader! Yes, i use Linux and because of ATI's driver issues i am switching to nVidia which has great driver and support for Linux ATM. I am long time [H] reader and was a member of this borads since 1999 but i lost the nick in the forums upgrade i guess thus i had to...
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    New video card recommendation

    I hope you're not talking windows drivers because the Linux ones are not working for me. Just reading the Linux forum is enough...
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    New video card recommendation

    Thanks for suggestion. No it can't be fixed due to ATI's ignorance . Trust me, i've tried even had contact with the head of Linux devel team. Their Linux drivers are very poor and have been for long time. Thus the switch to nVidia.
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    New video card recommendation

    Hi folks, I would like your opinion on what nVidia card i should get? I use Linux as my OS with nForce2 based AMD 3200+ processor. Currently i have ATI Radeon 9600XT card but due to poor drivers i am switching to nVidia. I mostly play UT2004,Americas Army and Doom3 of course. I am...