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  1. S

    Static IP routing to Dynamic IP routing

    Thanks for all the responces. I know a static IP on both ends is really the best solution.
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    Static IP routing to Dynamic IP routing

    I'm really hoping someone can help me out with this one. Here's my problem: I have several companies connecting to my web service that points to a static IP which the companies punch a hole in their firewalls to connect to. However if my system goes down I have a DNS change to a backup...
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    Post here using your PSP!

    pda>psp iff pda != pocketPC with WinCE
  4. S

    Post here using your PSP!

    Only took me 20 mins to write this msg on PSP.
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    [PC] Cruser

    Small update. Started working on the side ports. Doesn't look to bad right now, just a few touch ups to make it fit a little more. Once I get all the exterior work done it will be time for the really fun part, painting this bad boy.
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    [PC] Cruser

    Well the new sound card came in today. I'll start thinking of a way to put it in the cruiser and install it later this weekend. Later all.
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    [PC] Cruser

    I was originally hopping to do that. However the steering motor was in the way so I had to move the DVD drive up.
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    Project: HTPC minus the PC

    Nice job. Can't wait to see it up and running.
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    [PC] Cruser

    OMG! It’s been forever since I've last worked on this project. I could come up with a lot of excuses on what has been holding me back, but I'll just stick with the classic, no money. Actually, I've had the DVD drive Xmas 2004, but I've only now been able to order a new part that I will be...
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    Project Om custom case and computer in 8 days

    I've been following your High Octane & Diesel project, and I must say it is very impressive. I expect nothing less in this project. Although I'm sad to see the project taking away from diesel :( Can't wait to see how this turns out. :D
  11. S

    how thick plexi for side panel?

    I use 1/4" as well. To attach it I use Goop. It's silicon base so if you need to remove it later on it will just come right off with little effort. Oh, you can find Goop at any hardware store like lowe’s or homedepo.
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    [PC] Cruser

    I wanted to go with AMD, but the motherboard was a gift from my wife, so intel will have to do for now. I hope to have some more pictures up later this weekend. Time has been tight for me to work on it. More is still on the way.
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    Project: "Huge Big Tower Thing"

    I think this is what you really need.
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    Project: Mystery Machine

    I've always wanted a Mystery Machine computer. Just don't forget the scooby snacks when you're done :)
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    Post your Apple Stuff

    Yeah, I'm suprised my mac even starts.
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    best ipod FM transmitter kit

  17. S

    Post your Apple Stuff

    Apple G3 Blue&White 400 Mgz 128 MB ram 6 GB HDD 2 * 80 GB HDD RAID 0 MacOS Server 10.3 Apple G4 450 Mgz 256 MB ram 20 GB HDD MacOS 10.3 3 Gen iPod 23" Apple Cinema Display 1 Gen
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    [PC] Cruser

    I'm still thinking about going with nvidia but I'm not to sure yet. Oh and yes I will be able to drive my pc :D
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    [PC] Cruser

    The RC was only $60 from a closeout store, normaly goes for $100+. When I get the new pictures up I'll include some references to show just how big this thing is.
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    [PC] Cruser

    Hey all. Well this my first worklog on the [H] so I hope all goes well. This project has been going on for several months now due to lack of money and time. However, I have gotten fairly far with this project since Xmas gave me some time to work on it. Hope you all enjoy it. I call this...
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    High Octane & Diesel

    If the DVD is your only problem just go with a slim drive. It's easy to hook up and it's great for tight spaces. Look here at
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    I have a g3 what

    It's true, you do learn something everyday. Thanks Deific for the explanation.
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    I have a g3 what

    Good question. :confused:
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    I have a g3 what

    Well macs aren't exactly like a pc when it come to hardware. you can update ram harddrive and maybe a vid card, but that's it. if you want a newer prossesor you'll have to buy a new mac. however, i do miss the days when you could buy parts like that :(
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    High Octane & Diesel

    Can't wait to see the new pics :cool:
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    3com rackmount UPS to rackmount server.

    Sweet mod :cool: . I'll have to try something like that for my servers. The smaller the box the better :D
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    What do u use to cut metal?

    a jigsaw might move a lot but it will get the job done faster then a dremel. cheaper too, you don't have to go out a spend a lot on cut wheels just for an inch of cutting ;)
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    What do u use to cut metal?

    Jigsaw and Dremel all the way baby :D
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    First MAJOR mod...lots of wiring involved....

    Really cool mod. I would go with the suggestion of a single sheet of alum on the front bays, that way you could arrange the act leds in a design for a cool look :D
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    Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

    Thanks for the link crimson. I has hoping to find the plasic at a retail store like HomeDepo or Lowe's so I don't have to spend on shipping and get it right away. It looks like I have no other chose. :(
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    Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

    All I can say is holy crap that's one fine mod. I've been following your work CrimsonSky for quite some time now. You've never disapointed me in all your mods Crimson. I do wish to know where do you buy you ABS plasic? I've looked everywhere, at least it feels that way. If anyone knows...
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    Help build the ultimate gaming system!

    looks like you're in pritty good shape, but do you really need an 80GB hard drive just for Doom3. I would suggest getting a 40GB. That's more then enough space for a few games, and it will save you some money :D
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    Need help finding connectors

    Thanks Teancum for the advise. I had thought of using an IDE connector, but then I realized that I might be switching MoBo's from time to time. Since some manufacturers like to use different spots for their connections, it just wouldn't be good to change the cable configuration every time. I...
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    Need help finding connectors

    Thanks GlobalFear for you suggestion. However, I was able to find what I was looking for at For anyone else looking for those connectors you can find it in their catalog on page 848.
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    Need help finding connectors

    After hours of searching through very large catalog :eek: I found what I was looking for. Thanks for everyones responce. For anyone else looking for those connector you can find them on page 848 in there catalog.
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    Need help finding connectors

    I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I'm building a computer case from scratch. However, I'm having a hard time finding connectors for the motherboard to hook Power switch, power led, reset button, etc (not ATX connectors). Does anyone know where I could buy the proper connectors? Thanks...
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    Need help finding connectors

    Thanks everyone for the quick reply. Anarchonixx, that's what I've been looking for. Although the price is steep and I won't be needed everything, but that might have to do for me now, thanks. I found a lot of connectors at, thanks Ignad, I've been able to find servo...
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    Need help finding connectors

    I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I'm building a computer case from scratch. However, I'm having a hard time finding connectors for the motherboard to hook Power switch, power led, reset button, etc . Does anyone know where I could buy the proper connectors? Thanks all. :D