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  1. L

    Vulkan Will Support Multiple GPUs Only in Windows 10

    The WDDM driver model before 2.0 was single threaded, and re-written in 2.0 to be support multiple threads as part of DirectX 12. As such, Windows operating systems that don't support WDDM 2.0, can't support the multi-threaded model of DirectX 12. In the same way any graphics api that uses the...
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    Why 80 PLUS® is Irrelevant to You When Buying a PSU @ [H]

    While the thought of companies gaming the system is quite deplorable, the article while correct on the points it touches on doesn't address non-80plus psu's. OK, so 80 plus is a sham, ignore it. So now HardOCP has suggested to consumers to go out and buy a PSU regardless of conversion efficency...
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    Best Net Neutrality Explanation Ever

    The page is misleading, it can make the argument that the content providers get to use the service for free, which they don't because they pay for bandwidth too.
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    Corsair Vengeance RAM Giveaway! 5 12GB Kits!

    They kick ass because the heat spreaders look sooo cool
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    Self-Driving Car Story Update

    Sweet, guy driving a car while recording another car out the window.. I wonder where his attention was, it obviously wasn't on the road ahead of him.
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    Leaked Radeon HD 6870 Pics?

    It's fake, the new graphic card logo has a very slim chance of being red.
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    Microsoft Predicts Kinect Sales of 3 Million Units

    MS are likely counting all the pre-orders and adding a little bit, 3 mil isn't a lot of devices but is decent for the nov 4th to dec 31st timeframe.
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    Viewers Nix 3DTV Glasses

    Bought a new tv last month, it isn't 3d.. but it is 60". Paying an extra $3000 for 3d isn't worth it.
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    Inexpensive DVI-DP for Eyefinity soon available says AMD

    I bought a dell one back around January/February, worked great on my 19" monitor at it's max resolution but when I bought a 24" it would flicker like mad doing 1080p. After trying a puported active dp to hdmi, I finally settled on the dp to vga (or as most monitors have labeled these days...
  10. L

    Microsoft Hopes its Phoenix Will Rise Mature HardOCP, very mature.
  11. L

    Buyer Beware: Misleading HDMI Cable Labels

    Along with a bunch of others who have said so: not all cables are the same. That being said so long as they meet the spec, there is no good reason why one should be $10 and others $100. As far as I understand it, the cable specification for HDMI has not changed since the start, so your cheap...
  12. L

    GameStop Selling Download Codes At Retail?

    To point out the blatantly obvious, why do places sell game time cards for various mmo's? points for XBL? points for PSN? Because some people do not have credit cards. This is just more of the same.
  13. L

    Post your ATI Radeon HD 5770 and ATI Radeon HD 5750 Experiences

    It is only a passive adapter, plus the company only takes paypal and only ships by usps for international orders. Shipping was almost the same as the cost of the item.
  14. L

    New Windows Home Server “Vail” Preview Build

    You "can" use RAID with WHS, however WHS duplication is generally more flexible and is available on all setups and not just on computers with RAID. There are some who have run WHS with RAID duplication turned off, but it is a untested configuration. Personally I'm happy running WHS with six...
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    EU Loses Case Over Taxes on US Tech Items

    It's only the WTO, the decision is non-blinding.
  16. L

    cat 10.7 no overscan adjustments?

    It's there. Bring up the CCC Top left, Graphics -> Desktops and displays Bottom bar (where it shows the monitor(s), not the middle area where it shows the screens). The black down arrow -> configure -> scaling options. If there is an easier way to get there, I don't know.
  17. L

    Microsoft Offering Kinect Beta Invites?

    I got into the NXE beta back when, it was nice to test the interface before it became the standard. Just remember folks: The first rule about fight club.
  18. L

    Post your ATI Radeon HD 5770 and ATI Radeon HD 5750 Experiences

    After running for a couple of months on a diamond 5870 with BenQ E2420HD - hdmi (24") BenQ G2412HD - dvi (24") Neovo - dp -> bizlink active dvi (19") and having no problems what so ever.. I purchased a BenQ G2420HD (24") and started having blanking, graphics corruption, etc.. The first problem...
  19. L

    Warp Speed Will Kill You

    Some physicists while being really smart are also really stupid. Next someone will be telling us that space travel is impossible because you would suffocate.
  20. L

    Impact of FTC Versus Intel Overblown

    Given all the flack MS has had over the last number of years, and IBM before that, things don't look good for Intel. While AMD is a decent competitor, they have in no way enough of the market to really be considered a competitor.
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    ATI Catalyst 9.11

    Yep, the install component is compiled with VS2005, and there is a fix for that
  22. L

    What memory

    If your really concerned, you could try downloading the supported memory list from the site It's easy being a old newbie, just don't post much.
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    ASUS Crosshair III Formula @ [H]

    Ordered this board and a few other things a day before this review, everything except for the back-ordered 5870 should arrive on Monday. Phenom II x4 965 BE g.skill ripjaws ddr3-1600 cl7-7-7-24 4x2gb etc.. Should be fun when it arrives.
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    I'm sure this will inflame many but....

    The Radeon x1400 mobility works fine under windows 7, this is soo much a non-story.
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    Movie Piracy From Canada

    This is a load of hooie.. It is yet another attempt by the RIAA/MPAA to coerce Canada into changing its copyright laws to mimic the USA, where they have free reign to sue you for absolutely nothing.
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    Companies Not Upgrading To Vista?

    Ooh, lets spread more fud.. Most large companies do not upgrade to the latest and greatest as soon as it hits the streets. Where I work is still in the midst of upgrading all the corporate machines to windows XP, of course this is 30+ thousand machines. If anything MicroSoft releasing...
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    Criminal Database Stirs Privacy Concerns

    I forgot, you want to protect the privacy of criminals why?
  28. L

    Windows Vista...coming in 7 freakin versions...

    It is pretty simple really.. ------------ versions you don't need to care about ------------ (Vista) Tablet -> For Tablet PC's Starter -> For emerging markets (you will not find this in Canada, USA, UK). This verison only lets you run four applications at once. (Vista) ?? - N -> These...
  29. L

    Cannot load nforce Audio driver in Vista 64

    You will want to bring up the event log viewer (in administration tools), find the event where the driver cannot start. It usually gives better descriptions in there like: driver depends on ... driver which is disabled or not installed, etc.. At first guess I would think that one of the...