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    Calculate power consumption?

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    Wireless KB + Mouse direction?

    Just wondering if these bad boys are supposed to transmit 360 degrees or if they must be pointed in the general direction of the reciever. And if anyone can recommend a particularly good set, which preferably CAN transmit from any angle, rechargeable, and a pretty good distance too. Thx.
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    My super ghetto video card cooler

    Jumper cables? Now that would be funny to see
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    How Full Is Full?

    i dont think using a percentage is the best idea, but rather a specific amount of size. You dont need 10% free space on a 300gig drive, thats like 30 gigs just sitting there for nothing. You probably want about 1 gig free on any drive at all times.
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    SAD SAD DAY,a gamers worst nightmare,PC prob

    is your system posting at all? Do you hear any beeps? The motherboard should be able to detect problems with any component connected to it. If you get no beeps at all, and a bios clear doesnt do anything, youre board is probably ruined.
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    Video Problems (inifinite loop error)

    I will just state that i have encountered that same error with the same file in a completely different scenerio: XP Pro machine, FireGL-Z1, using autocad2002. The screen blacks out and computer locks up just as you describe. I rolled back the driver to a microsoft certified version and havent...
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    A simple formula : Religion + Games = Funny Review!

    Why would i risk asking someone who might be misinformed, when i can get the direct translation from the Qur'an itself? Thats like asking a christian what god tells them to do, rather than reading the bible myself. So, now that we know how to verify information and prove what we say, run...
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    A simple formula : Religion + Games = Funny Review!

    wtf is your problem? This is an entirely appropriate and unbiased review from a site looking to help parents make educated choices about what they buy for their children. They in no way slam the game, and in fact, for a religious site, give it an honest review, proclaiming the game as quality...
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    Day of Defeat : Source

    The half life bundle which includes DoD:S costs more than without it, so dont you think that means when it is released you will have to pay for it?
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    let me get somethings straight b4 i buy some 5.1s

    digital sound output controls all the channels through a single cable, digitally, with pulses to represent all the 1's and 0's needed by your receiver to understand what to do and how to translate into sound. It is also much superior in quality because there is never any interference or...
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    Looking for an extension cord for headphones.

    why dont you just go to radioshack and find out? Or, ghast, how about call them?!... Jeez, people are gettin so lazy these days. Anyway of course radioshack will have this, and expect to pay all of 3-6 bucks for it.
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    Does this logic make any sense to you guys?

    Apparently youve never heard of the concept of depreciation. What you buy now, is worth less later. Why the hell would someone buy a used fx-55 chip, months after its release, for the same price that they could get a brand new one? Not to mention, that the fx-55 will cost less brand new when the...
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    Vertical Sync and Gaming

    I believe this is simply referred to as Trilinear Filtering nowadays, and that is found in your basic cs video setup. Btw, about when the game tears and when it doesnt. I get 65 fps via timedemo on doom3 with vsync off, and 43 with vsync on! wtf is that! Im not chaning any other options at...
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    Adware solution for large network?

    ive used both of those programs and work in a situation identical to yours, and dont recommend them at all. What we implemented instead was an internet filter to simply severely limit what sites they can visit, and enforce the rules strictly with bannings from all net activity in extreme...
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    What would cause a fan to just... die?

    Something isnt right with this story. You go to play a demo one time, it crashes, and the first thing you do is open your case? wtf? Why dont you tell us what really happened..
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    I am returning my 6800OC and putting in my ti4400

    You should try a higher resolution at a lesser monitor hz. 100 vs 85 = no visual difference. And you could probably get 1600x1200 at that rate.
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    is agp dead?

    and pcie based system you get today will still require a complete overhaul when the latest games come out to push it, so save your money and get present day hardware to run present day games the best. No AGP based system is gonna run unreal3 all that well, but then no pcie system of today will...
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    AA vs High Res

    Ive exhausted myself trying to see the difference, so you tell me, which is better. I play HL2, farcry, doom3, all at 1600x1200, and i see no difference at all when turning AA on or off, other than a tremendous performance hit. When i turn the res down and AA up (to stabalize performance)...
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    NVidia Windows XP 64 bit drivers

    absolutely. I was in exactly the same situation as you. And nvidias support for 64bit drivers is hardly no par with their support for 32bit. Its still too early, youre wasting your time and fps using xp64.
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    Waiting for the AGP Geforce 6600GT 256 MEG

    i think never
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    RCA Sterero speakers + motherboard miniplug

    from what ive been reading sounds more like youre right bjorn. The rear left and rear right are monophonic channels, which produce the exact same tone as each other. The center is nothing but higher frequency sounds, whilst the left and right are indeed truely left and right seperated signals...
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    RCA Sterero speakers + motherboard miniplug

    You know what, it is Dolby Pro-Logic. I assumed that was a similar thing. But i guess im wrong, ill do some reading on what dolby really is. Edit, just read up on it. I see now, and it makes perfect sense. I have no option but to buy speakers with inputs specifically for each channel.. ill...
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    RCA Sterero speakers + motherboard miniplug

    Yea i figured my description there was pretty heinous. Anyway, no i dont have a seperate input for each speaker. I have a seperate output for them though. The input on my stereo consists of just a L and R. However i can get full surround sound out of this, when the output device to my stereo is...
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    RCA Sterero speakers + motherboard miniplug

    Ok, i have a K8N Neo2 motherboard with 5.1/7.1 surround. I have an aiwa stereo set which supports 5.1 dolby surround. Problem: Motherboard line out jacks reference individual speakers. Aiwa stereo only has a Left/Right line in RCA input. The surround speakers are controlled by the aiwa set with...
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    Wire concealment

    Yes even tackling this trivial issue will constitute a major case mod for me. Problem? My PSU wire layout is heinous, and probably obstructing some airflow, not to mention it looks bad. Is there an art to concealing system cables with twistties/cable locks or something? Everytime i grab a bunch...
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    FS: Lot's n Lot's Gaming PC parts (no 56K)

    im just bumping for the well put together buy list. Its got everything you need and none of the fluff you dont, the way an ad is meant to be.
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    Best Buy wages war on bargain hunters

    Basically outlining what i just exagerrated on, something along the lines of "we dont make money off the singular large sales, we make money off all the misc peripherals, get them to buy power strips, get them to buy extension cables" that is pretty close to verbatim, "get them to buy" lines. We...
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    Best Buy wages war on bargain hunters

    ill add a little insight into the employee psychi for best buy, as i was hired there once but never showed for my first day of work since i got the opportunity to live somewhere else. Rueben basically sounds like he has been brainwashed by either best buy, or himself. Its difficult to work a job...
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    AMD64 Questions!

    well back to processor architecture 101 it is for me. At least i have the relief of knowing that i have a CG revision now..
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    AMD64 Questions!

    well, to answer your question on "which one is better", the 3500+ is better. Yes there are 90nm versions, look for winchester core (C0 stepping). They arent exactly in abundance though, and if you just purchase online, youre likely to get a Newcastle (CG stepping). Theres nothing wrong with...
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    Why do I have a Feeling that AMD will be second when Intel is 64 BIT?

    i just thought i'd comment on the "netplay doesnt matter, all the vector math is done on the server". True playing online saves a few math cycles, the ones that just determine the x,y,z coordinates of a moving player, but all the 3d geomeotrical (vector) math takes place entirely on the client...
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    Installing Win98se withOUT a floppy drive.....

    go into bios and make sure the first option in the boot sequence is set to floppy/removable device.
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    A64 3500+ $273 @ NewEgg

    Nother price drop, get em while theyre hot.
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    Molex device chaining

    or what, what are you gonna do, huh? You gonna sick the dogs on me? Or the bee's? Or the dogs with bee's in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bee's at you? Bump...
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    Molex device chaining

    Just wondering if theres any reason to avoid chaining devices together across the same segment of molex connectors. i.e. i have 2 ata harddrives and a 6800GT card all connected on a 3 molex equipped piece of wire. Does electricity just all run the same anyway or something so it doesnt matter? or...
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    FS: buttload of nokia 3590 cell phones... unlockable. $20 shipped

    got any tv's or stereos? How bout some crack?
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    $22 case w/300W Power Supply.

    typically a hot deal is for something people actually want.
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    AMD 64 3200 or 3500 ? ( Winchester )

    haha, heres the thing. The 3200's can OC to the same retrail speeds of the 3500, and then some. The 3500's can also OC of course, and to slightly higher yields than the 3200. However, heres the way i see it. I bought a 3500 b/c i quite simply didnt want to mess with OC'ing. Even though i bought...
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    How does this look (suggestions plz)

    youre getting a beige dvd face plate for a black case? Say it aint so! The real question for this system is, how much do you intend to spend? For $400 its a wham bam thank ya mam deal. For $1000 its time to end yourself.
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    LAN Promotional Video

    thanks tim_axe, i completely forgot about compressing the audio. I tried wmv format like you said and wasnt realy pleased with the results. However i think divx is probably a perfectly fine substitute. I had a feeling 100megs unzipped was a bit large for 1 minute of video. Softgod: I did all...