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    WMP600 and bad Win7 performance

    Looks like a driver issue. I put in the winXP drivers, and it works just fine now. Increased signal strength and i got some of my options back.
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    WMP600 and bad Win7 performance

    Howdy folks, I recently bought one of these wireless cards, installed it and had it running happily on WinXP. I had probable 15-20 options under my drivers section, and now in Win7, i have roughly 5 or 6. Also, i went from having 4-5 bars of strength connected to my router, to having 1-2...
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    tablet pc pimping to SSD and questions.

    Well i respect your opinions, i had just hoped you would know of some benchmarks off the top of your heads that were reliable. consider the thread closed then.
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    tablet pc pimping to SSD and questions.

    spending 32$ is hardly a waste =P And are there any benchmarks out there with existing SSD's? I'm just wondering where everyone is seeing that they aren't good.
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    tablet pc pimping to SSD and questions.

    ^^^^ Thanks for your insight and advice. But i will wait for some more before i make a decision.
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    tablet pc pimping to SSD and questions.

    My girlfriend recently bought a used HP Tablet TX1000 tablet on the cheap side. I'm not a big fan of the 5400 rpm hard drives, nor the 2 gigs of ram since it has vista. I was wondering 2 things 1) Will upgrading her to a 32 gig SSD drive be a big boost over her 5400 rpm drive? 80-90$ isnt a...
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    clustering for folding?

    Hmm apperantly folding doesnt like clusters. I guess i'll need to find something else to dedicate this project to.
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    clustering for folding?

    I was wondering a few things. I'm on a kick to build a cluster. mainly linux OS. I was wondering if i can do the folding with a clustered linux OS'd system. If so, does anyone have a hardware list they'd recommend? Something to start with. I want to spend 200-300 on each setup , mainly the...
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    Unable To Boot Two Separate Systems All of A Sudden

    Get a ultimate boot cd. Try the hard drive diagnostics. do some other memory tests. Once you can exclude hardware, you can work on software.
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    Computer developes a stutter?!?!

    I've recently updated my computer. New motherboard, processor and video card. Also added a 10k raptor hd. Now it was fine for awhile. But now if i leave it afk for 5-10 minutes, i come back and everything is slow, it stutters and is annoying. I think i started noticing this issue right as i...
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    GTX 280 and Age of Conan problems

    Plenty of threads on the AoC forums about this bug. When you adjust your graphics, it renders it unplayable somehow. Look into it.
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    Best PXE solution out?

    Not to much, just some img's that are bootable already. Like DBAN, win98 bootdisc, winxp bootdisk, a linux OS or two, some other diagnostic software. Maybe some other imaging kind of software. Basically i'm looking for a veristial tool. And one that can be supported by someone who would come...
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    Best PXE solution out?

    Awesome, thank you very much. I believe i looked into this briefly, but i'll re-examine it more thoroughly. Thanks again, any windows alternatives?
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    Best PXE solution out?

    So then are you telling me the product itself is called DHCP and its well supported? =)
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    Best PXE solution out?

    I'm currently looking into some linux PXE solutions, but thos are hardly supported. I was wondering if you guys knew of any supported PXE solutions. Maybe some stand out companies that are known for their excellent PXE support. Thanks guys! I'm currently playing with Free Open-Source Ghost...
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    a correct tenp reading?

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    a correct tenp reading?

    How do i go about getting a correct temperature reading? My speedfan says my Core is 47c. But my Ntune monitor reads my GPU at that temp also. How can i tell which is my cpu? Should i just OC it and watch one of them raise?
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    How much of an improvement will i see?

    From what i have read, this e7200 at stock cooling can be pushed well past 3.0 ghz. So i'm not worried about that. And i'll probable end up buying something better then stock before long for it.
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    How much of an improvement will i see?

    Yes i believe i can. I went from all low settings in age of conan to good upper mediums. I went from 18-19k in 3dmark 2001 to 43k. I just formatted my raptor and i'm slapping AoC on it now. I hope this will help with the load times. Overall i am thrilled with the outcome. My old power...
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    How much of an improvement will i see?

    Ahh maybe it wasn't the right decision for you, but i felt it was and is. Its the right size, just fit some games on it. Was cheap. Win win. Now those may not be your criteria, but they were mine. :)
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    How much of an improvement will i see?

    With technology, you wait 2 weeks and something better is out. Its about finding a happy medium that does what you want.
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    How much of an improvement will i see?

    Well i got this hard drive for 89$. Thats about what i wanted to spend on a 10k rpm hd. So i'm thinking i'm alright. And i certianly hope its faster then a 5 year old 160 gig hard drive. :)
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    How much of an improvement will i see?

    Nope no OC here, and i only got a 10k 36 gig hard drive for loading games.
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    How much of an improvement will i see?

    I'm going from a: P4 3.0 ghtz to a E7200 Wolfdale. A generic dell motherboard to GIGABYTE GA-EP35-DS3R LGA 775 Intel P35 and a 7200 rpm hard drive to a 10,000 rpm harddrive. I've currently got 2 gigs of 5300 ram and a 8800 GT. Thanks for any kind of guess.
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    8800 GT drivers wont load

    After checking taskmanager, i found only 15 processes running. Checked msconfig, and it was on selective startup. Basically nothing could load, since it wouldnt be allowed to bootup ect... Changed it back to normal, unselected the 20 some odd programs, and it went on just fine. Now i need a...
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    8800 GT drivers wont load

    I just bought a 8800 GT, popped it in. Did not come up as newly detected hardware. Heck, Device manager wont even load. I cant go into Settings Advanced Adapter to load the drivers because nothing happens when i click it. I tried loading the drivers from the CD. Nothing. Tried the drivers...
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    LGA 775 925X chipset

    My current chipset is a 925X chipset. Does that mean A) I have LGA 775 socket and B) Can i use Core 2 Duo's?
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    Tough call

    I'd agree. So i guess my next question is, Whats cheaper then a core duo upgrade, around 150-200$ for both processor and motherboard. I've got 2 gigs of 533 ram, so i'm fine there.
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    Tough call

    I'm debating weither to upgrade my existing motherboard (Its a Dell motherboard i believe) or just upgrade my CPU. Which do you think i'd see the greatest improvement out of ? My motherboard uses the 925x chipset and my current processor is a Pentium 4 530(3.0ghtz) I'm thinking going down...
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    EU Official: IP Is Personal

    Not like people cant track you anywhere else through anything else if they really wanted too. But i dont agree with making a IP personal. It only makes us more dependant on something that can easily be smurfed.
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    EU Official: IP Is Personal

    Yeah or like saying your social security number is personal. That'll change through your life.
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    Nintendos secret weapon to finally win this console war

    We're talking video games here , pulling in outside revenue is silly and weak.
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    Nintendos secret weapon to finally win this console war

    No, he needs to stay single and keep working at kick ass ideas.
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    Raise the resolution?

    Any way i can push my LCD monitor past the 1280 cap supported by the drivers? If i try to manually push it, i have to scroll with my mouse over to side to show the full screen. Sort of like cropping.
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    Trying to use many KVM's

    I'm currently trying to setup a work area that has abuot 16 KVM cords. Now, i would like it to be clutter free somewhat, and relatively easy to setup. I plan on doing 4 bundles of KVM cords, and using them to plug into 4 PC's. Then move the bundle onto the next batch of computers. What i am...
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    Setuping up a network for small business

    Yep thats why i went with it. Just waiting on approval.
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    Setuping up a network for small business

    Hmm i didnt know that,thanks for the info. They have minimum storage needs bussiness wise. And i can also purchase a 250 gig SATA server for 90 bucks if its needed later.
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    I think my neighbor tried to get into my network. . . Cool!!

    Ok i think its safe to say A) She didnt do it on purpose. Maybe her kid learned something from google and is trying it out? B) Its not bad knowing this information people are suggesting,so go with it. C) I like to have three options but i couldnt think of one. So here it is.
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    Setuping up a network for small business

    Dual Core Intel® Pentium®D 915, 2x2MB Cache, 2.8GHz, 800MHz FSB, Microsoft® Small Business Server 2003 R2, Standard Edition with 2 gigs of ram primary 80 gigs sata secondary 80 gigs sata. If storage becomes an issue i can easily upgrade it myself without voiding the warrenty. I personally...