Search results

  1. J

    Weighted Companion Cube case

    If you knew Darth, and seen his mods you would know he's kidding! :) Check out the cover of one of the recent CPU magazines to see his last beastie. That or he's off his meds and we need to fire up the 'lectric probe again!
  2. J

    Battlefield 2 not saving stats

    I usually check my stats here.... Also I'm sure you already know for stats to count it has to be a ranked server and you have to finish the round for them to take. That said I have seen a few rounds on ranked servers not count. Meh, I don't really care...
  3. J

    The I-so-tope: computer for your pc loving geometry teacher, or just friggin ugly?

    There was one of these cases at our last lan party, PDXLAN 5.05. Here is a link. It did look better in person.
  4. J

    Maxtor 200GB HD w/8mb cache $89.99 w/free ship

    Just placed an order for 1 drive, but I had to select "Pick-up at store" as they now backordered online. My local store had some on hand. Total after 10$ coupon was $89.00 Good price for additonal storage!
  5. J

    Maxtor 200GB HD w/8mb cache $89.99 w/free ship

    I found the code on the site listed in his sig. Here is a link to his other post. The $10 code is: $10 off $50 code 24650129 (expires 2/28) Hope this helps....
  6. J

    500 Person PDXLan 4.05! Portland OR March 18-21 2005

    They have added a Dream Machine giveaway. One person will walk away with a system built by all of the sponsers, currently valued at over $6,000!!! Heres the specs: A full system, built jointly by BFG, Nvidia, Intel, OCZ, DangerDen, MoutainMods, OptoRite, Coolermaster, Matrix Orbital and...
  7. J

    500 Person PDXLan 4.05! Portland OR March 18-21 2005

    Registration is now open for the Biggest and best Lan on the West Coast!! I attended the last PDXLan (which turned out to be 620 people!) and it ruled!! Rock solid time proven network, Great people, killer Sponsers such as Intel, BFG, nVidia, Bawls make for an awesome experience....!! PDXLan...