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  1. V

    Battlefield V

    Oh good - the Qualify of Life commitment is being factored into the equation. Whatever the fuck that means. Sure would be nice to have 64 player frontlines only servers, but I guess the Quality of Life Committee disagrees.
  2. V

    Battlefield V

    There was hardcore mode if you didn't like spotting. They're now forcing everyone to play hardcore, basically, and I can't see shit because my eyesight is terrible and GET OFF MY LAWN, YOUNGS.
  3. V

    Battlefield V

    I think I would like this game 100% more if it reverted to 3D spotting.
  4. V

    What is the go-to coolant now?

    The answer is always distilled + kill coil.
  5. V

    Battlefield V

    I never played BF: Vietnam, but I fucking loved BC2: Vietnam.
  6. V

    Justice Department Sues California Over Net Neutrality Law

    I mean, not even a month ago the 8th Circuit upheld FCC's preemption authority over information services. To be clear, I'm not a fan of the administration's actions to put it very mildly, but they should win this case on the law.
  7. V

    Justice Department Sues California Over Net Neutrality Law

    You are very much mistaken. California has no chance in this lawsuit.
  8. V

    Justice Department Sues California Over Net Neutrality Law

    A lot of FUD in this thread. California has effectively no chance at prevailing in this lawsuit. This is a straight forward exercise of the dormant commerce clause doctrine. The federal government's power to regulate interstate commerce includes the right to say that interstate commerce shall...
  9. V

    Battlefield V

    Two major issues for me: 1. Very hard to tell enemies from friendlies. 2. They should go back to BF1-style spotting. This is related to point #1. Kind of liking the ammo and healing mechanics. At least theoretically encourages more teamwork. I like tossing around ammo packs. Revive...
  10. V

    NVIDIA Controls AIB Launch and Driver Distribution @ [H]

    NVIDIA's behavior is neither unlawful nor unethical. Conduct you don't like != illegal or unethical. That said, the conduct is, at best, bizarre. Really not clear why NVIDIA is taking these actions or what it thinks they will accomplish.
  11. V

    Battlefield V

    Again - it's impossible to square this view with the reality of /r/battlefield. And there was, of course, a massive amount of complaining about the female sniper in BF1.
  12. V

    Battlefield V

    A very cursory glance at /r/battlefield shows that there is, in fact, a large amount of complaining about women being in the game.
  13. V

    Battlefield V

    Played a little last night. Maybe it's the map/uniforms, but doesn't feel much like a WW2 game to me. By contrast, I felt BF1 totally nailed the WW1 feel. Graphics don't look as good as BF1 to me either, although it's alpha, etc.
  14. V

    Will this be enough? 140MM radiator

    Not really. It would probably work in that it would boot, not immediately melt, and such, but your temps would be high. Maybe very high.
  15. V

    Flow issues causing high temps

    Don't think it would be the pump. A D5 should be perfectly adequate for that setup. Do you have a lot of 90 degree connectors and such? That could be adding restriction. So kink or something in the tubing? Everything is fine without the 240 hooked up?
  16. V

    Is SLI worth it in 2017?

    I'm a repeat victim of multi-GPU on both the AMD and Nvidia side. Every time I say "never again." I'm actually holding out fairly well right now with a single 1080ti for 1440. I think for that resolution, multi-GPU will be a waste of time and is more likely to cause problems than anything else.
  17. V

    World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

    Yep. Nothing more common than some guy who died without adding any value to the team to rail on and on in chat (after his death, of course) about how awful the team is and how great he is.
  18. V


    I really like the game. Frontlines is the most fun I've had in a BF mode in a long time. It's a shame that there aren't many dedicated frontlines servers though.
  19. V

    World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

    Absolutely love the ram-shell double strikes!
  20. V

    Really stupid question but do I really need to drain my system to replace GPU?

    This. The best solution is to not use coolant in the first place. Distilled + kill coil FTW.
  21. V

    Battlefield 1 Video Card DX12 Performance Preview @ [H]

    So there is no difference in visual quality or effects at all b/t DX11 and DX12?
  22. V


    You know, after having spent the last year+ playing World of Warships - and I had never played any kind of MMO before, even though it's not really an MMO - I find it hard to get agitated about EA's pricing here.
  23. V

    World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

    The German BB guns starting at tier 6 have relatively poor dispersion at range. The aim is to get them into brawling distance.
  24. V

    1080 SLI vs Titan X Pascal

    I am a victim of many multi-GPU setups from both AMD and Nvidia. I have also said "never again" many times, but I often break that vow because I hate myself.
  25. V

    World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

    Hmm. That sounds like a terrifying DD hunter.
  26. V


    Yes, the tanks in general seem overpowered if used by competent players (i.e., not me). There just aren't enough anti-tank options to handle them.
  27. V


    I'm liking BF1 and will play the shit out of it, but I do agree with this. The "unlocking" bullshit is really irritating.
  28. V


    That's Conquest for you in every BF game ever though.
  29. V

    So, I finally ordered parts for my first WC build!

    That's pretty neat, nice job.
  30. V

    So, I finally ordered parts for my first WC build!

    Draining loops is universally a major pain in the ass. The best way that I have used - and I'm sure there are much better ways out there - is to insert a t-line into the lowest point of the loop. Then you can open up the bottom of the t-line, and most of it will drain out pretty well. But...
  31. V

    World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

    Colorado/Nagato guns can't punch through that armor?
  32. V

    So, I finally ordered parts for my first WC build!

    If I recall correctly, the issue was exclusively with EK's defective nickel coating but they tried to blame people using kill coils and things of that nature. Don't really remember for sure, though, it was a while ago.
  33. V

    So, I finally ordered parts for my first WC build!

    Oh, you've got the nickel coating versions - I didn't realize that.
  34. V

    So, I finally ordered parts for my first WC build!

    Looking good. Unexpected nonsense always comes up when building these things. You have way more rad than you need, but a little overkill never hurt anyone (except in the wallet). I really recommend not using dye. Clean distill + kill coil is the way to go.
  35. V

    NVIDIA Announces The New Titan X

    Considering how many times I've had to tear down my loop just to upgrade a video card or something of that nature over the years, I really should have invested in QDCs. Do you find that they work generally OK?
  36. V

    NVIDIA Announces The New Titan X

    I assume Rizen means that he'd potentially have to pull the loop apart because he wouldn't otherwise have room to install the backplate with the card up and running in the loop. Man, I am getting really tempted to buy one of these...
  37. V TITAN X Review

    I have very mixed feelings about the Titan X being out of stock right now. On the one hand, GIVE IT TO ME NOW. On the other, thank god it's out of stock.
  38. V


    I liked it, but then again I'm a sucker for BF games. Except for Hardline, that was garbage.
  39. V

    Anti-Corrosion Additives? Does anyone use them?

    Use distilled + kill coil. You'll be fine.
  40. V

    World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

    Yeah, so, there isn't really much wrong with Tirpitz's guns. They don't have quite the same power as the 16 inch counterparts, but makes up for it with good velocity and fast reload. Bismark had exactly the same guns as Tirpitz.