Darkfall not vaporware!

WTF? They better start open beta now then. Else this game is going to be launching as a Beta, just like AoC.
They have over a month before launch which leaves plenty of time for an open beta. Most open betas only last a week or two and they generally are more of a marketing strategy than actual testing. Internal beta testing has been going on for over a year and closed beta started a month ago. I think this provides more than enough time to squash bugs and provide balance.
WTF? They better start open beta now then. Else this game is going to be launching as a Beta, just like AoC.

Noob, Tasos gave an interview with mmorpg.com and said the game is pretty much ready to release (further along than other MMOs that released when they did). They are still going to do an open beta for release (6-7 weeks til release, more than plenty enough time). They already said they want open beta to be done enough for it to be more of a "try before you buy" anyway.
Noob, Tasos gave an interview with mmorpg.com and said the game is pretty much ready to release (further along than other MMOs that released when they did). They are still going to do an open beta for release (6-7 weeks til release, more than plenty enough time). They already said they want open beta to be done enough for it to be more of a "try before you buy" anyway.

lol. How many MMOs have your played at launch? Seriously, because I've been doing them since Ultima Online. Never believe the devs when they say something is ready for release. Sometimes they just need to push out the game to recoup development funds in order to truly finish the game.
Only a month for open beta is usually not enough to work out all the major kinks in a system.

Noob indeed.... Take your 6 month [H]Lite self outta the thread. :p
lol. How many MMOs have your played at launch? Seriously, because I've been doing them since Ultima Online. Never believe the devs when they say something is ready for release. Sometimes they just need to push out the game to recoup development funds in order to truly finish the game.
Only a month for open beta is usually not enough to work out all the major kinks in a system.

Noob indeed.... Take your 6 month [H]Lite self outta the thread. :p

They got a $20+mil loan from the Greek government. I'm pretty sure they don't need to rush launch to "truly finish the game." If they needed to do that, then they would've launched early 2008.

They got a $20+mil loan from the Greek government. I'm pretty sure they don't need to rush launch to "truly finish the game." If they needed to do that, then they would've launched early 2008.


How long do you think 20 million will last for a worldwide release of a major title in a market that is heavily competitive?
Must be an interest free, no payments till-such-a-time loan then if they don't need to worry about it. Either way, they are running a business and as such they will want to start making money as soon as possible.
Must be an interest free, no payments till-such-a-time loan then if they don't need to worry about it. Either way, they are running a business and as such they will want to start making money as soon as possible.

It is my understanding that Aventurine is a defense contractor that has quite a bit of cash and therefore there has been no pressure on the Darkfall team release before the game is ready.
Pretty anxious on this one :cool:
It is my understanding that Aventurine is a defense contractor that has quite a bit of cash and therefore there has been no pressure on the Darkfall team release before the game is ready.

wow, and this is how rumors start...defense contractor? They created the company to make darkfall. There's nothing else to them.

And as far as some mythical $20M loan from the greek government...link please. Because in an Interview Tasos did he through a number out around $10M to develop the game.

WAR, for example, cost ~$100M to make and distribute.
Looks like it's only being released in EU so far. They will announce NA sometime in the future.

So if it sucks in EU and word gets out, they are going to pay dearly for it in NA when it comes time to release in other parts of the world. Should be interesting. I'd like to think people are getting tired of barely finished MMOs coming out, so given the chance that they can read meaningful "player experiences" reviews before it's ever offered for sale in their country should give them the chance to opt-out until it's "more ready for release".
Yeah it looks like Aventurine was created as a collaboration between Razorwax and a few others and moved to Greece. Their lead AI programmer was a defense contractor prior to joining the development of Darkfall. Sorry for the confusion. The loan was not from the Greek governement it was with Marfin Bank backed by Proton Investment Bank of Greece.
The loan was not from the Greek governement it was with Marfin Bank backed by Proton Investment Bank of Greece.

You don't know what you are talking about. They never got a 20 mill loan from anybody.

They issued a convertible bond loan worth 20 mill. Obviously you don't know what a convertible bond loan is. Aventurine put up bonds for SALE. They DID NOT get a loan from any bank. Someone has to BUY your convertible bonds first before you see any money.... which later get "converted" into shares within the issuing company (Aventurine). It's easy to put up bonds for sale.. getting someone to buy 20 mill worth of them is another story. Marfin bank is / was only acting as an intermediary for the sale of the bonds. They did not give Aventurine any money. IF a sale of some bonds happened then the sale would go through that particular bank.

Of course no where does it say they sold any bonds at all.

Darkfall is a pathetic overhyped joke. It's a miserable failure of a project. The graphics are bad, the animations are terrible and judging by the gameplay videos it looks like it has some of the most generic, basic gameplay you can possibly have and would see in an Alpha.

This is the kind of JUNK they are showing a month before a launch:

1 month from a supposed commercial launch and they STILL don't have an open Beta or even a review from a credible industry editor after play testing.