www.compuplus.com Has 6800 GT's in stock right now!

What bothers me is that a place like Compuplus is able to get them, while larger vendors keep pushing it back.

It's like the boy who cried wolf.. until I actually see the shiny green box in hand, I won't believe anything these sites say. :(
I too orderd a BFG 6800 GT from compuplus. just got my tracking number for fed-ex it will be here tomarow woohoo! :D
Jocomp10 said:
I too orderd a BFG 6800 GT from compuplus. just got my tracking number for fed-ex it will be here tomarow woohoo! :D

Same here dude!!! Mine will be here tomorrow!! JACKPOT

Best Buy really has dropped the ball on this one. How can compuplus get them and not BB? Mind boggleization. :(
Yeah I mean not only will I have my card tomarow it's also cheeper than BB even with overnight shipping.
But no XT or 6800U! Damn damn damn. Can't pay someone to sell you a $500 card these days, sheesh.
Buy extreme gear ( www.buyxg.com ) claims they will get sapphire OEM X800 XTs in tomrrow... we'll see. I have one on order, but if it isn't shipped out tomorrow, my order is getting cancelled and I'm going to swtich to a major vendor like outpost.com
Jocomp10 said:
Yeah I mean not only will I have my card tomarow it's also cheeper than BB even with overnight shipping.

That's the part I love the most. Mine came to be like $412.00 including overnight shipping! Best Buy WTF are you doing? LOL....

Well tomorrow I will be as happy as a pig in shit; I'll tell you that much right now. :D
nova[11] said:
mine was $415 for over night :( but i placed the order

Depending on where you live the overnight could be more/less. HAHA I got mine for $3.00 less then what you did. j/k :)

One problem is this. I have to drive about 30 miles to the FedEx hub to get my card because I'll be at work tomorrow when it comes. :(

OH well as long as I get that SM3.0 goodness in my hands I don't care. I can't wait for S.T.A.L.K.E.R to come out. Any benchmarks out there with the GT and S.T.A.L.K.E.R?
nova[11] said:
I'm glad i got the BFG GT over the others though....so sexy heh

Yeah I'm glad I went BFG as well. It even comes overclocked a wee bit over what stock is. Altough it really doesn't come pacakged with anything. The EVGA comes with FarCry and the PNY version comes with a cooler or something for pop or "adult" beverages.

I did think the BFG was the best looking out of all of them. I do wish it would have came with something though. :( OH WELL can't have your cake and eat it I guess.
nova[11] said:
I'm glad i got the BFG GT over the others though....so sexy heh

What do you have running for your system? When you get your card tomorrow we should post some benchies and stuff. I can't wait to game on that bad boy! Going from a card with 8 pipelines to 16 should be just awesome.
479...here we go a price gougin' almost as soon as we're out of the gate. Bastards..
I will be laughing at all you clowns in 6 months when I pay $249 for this card.
C4rniV0r said:
I will be laughing at all you clowns in 6 months when I pay $249 for this card.

yeah and then maybe in 6 months, stores will actually have them in stock. this is bullshit, they are purposefully bottlenecking stock so they can price gouge. And if you dont believe me, then point out another video card launch where this happened. At this rate the next iteration of this generation will come out in november december, and people will still be waiting on cards. I'll bet if everyone cancelled their orders tonight, Best Buy and Circut City would have them on the shelves tomarrow. unless of course, there really is a shortage.

in that case, note to NVIDIA and ATI:

DON'T BOTHER LAUNCHING A PRODUCT UNTIL YOU CAN SATISFY 90% OF THE DEMAND! Otherwise, you're just wasting my time. And don't give me this BS about supply and demand. There is no excuse afor twisting loyal customers tit's until they turn purple other than to be bully's and to just say you can.

Sorry, rant mode off.
I partially agree with you, but it does seem that the holdup was not a video card manufacturer problem, but moreso a problem with getting GDDR3. Either GDDR3 suppliers inflated their production estimates because they wanted the contract, or because they never thought demand would actually reach their figures... either way... it is still a load of crap.
Actually <regurgitation>The holdup was relating to the production yield of the GDDR3 memory and not any kind of price gouging</regurgitation>.

As they get better at fabricating this memory things should speed up.

The price gouging has come as a side effect (capitalism) to the yield.
would you rather have it like halflife2 where they just keep pushing back the date of the release?

didnt think so
C4rniV0r said:
I will be laughing at all you clowns in 6 months when I pay $249 for this card.

And we'll have been playing for 6 months at sweet speeds and having fun. You can ALWAYS wait longer and get it cheaper, but what's the point of waiting forever?
Spiff1333 said:
Dang, now its $479

Yea i just saw that. Its as much as an ultra now.

lopoetve said:
And we'll have been playing for 6 months at sweet speeds and having fun. You can ALWAYS wait longer and get it cheaper, but what's the point of waiting forever?

You wait 6 months till the price drops and then something else is going to release thats faster. I was gonna wait and grab a 9800XT or 5950 when the prices dropped this spring and then i started seeing the specs and performance of these new cards and i said screw that. I picked up a 5900XT which has gotten me by till i can grab me a 6800GT or something here in the next few weeks.
retardedchicken said:
would you rather have it like halflife2 where they just keep pushing back the date of the release?

didnt think so

Incomplete example. Its not like if they released Half Life 2 now it would be complete and ready to go. With only a few vendors selling it for 50, some for 100 and some for 70. No, it would be buggy and require several large patches.

Don't give me this crap about the GDDR3, its not my problem. These cards were in developement for what 2.5-3 years? They had to know with some degree of certanty that this memory would be hard to come by. They should have pushed back the release date until they had more cards. I believe I have already made my point of view clear on this.

Here's something to think about, how many of you have already been billed and have your ship date 2 weeks away? So they have your money and you have no card. Its not even on its way to you.

I just can't wait until people start getting into fist fights over these things due to lack of availibility, just like Beanie Babies.
They had NO idea that yields on GDDR3 would be that low. You NEVER know till you start making it what kind of yield you'll get. Same with the 5800U. It was supposed to be wildly available, but yields on the core were so poor that it became a limited release.

Yields are a variable that you have to hope for the best on and design for the worst. It surprised them this time. And this core was probably in development for 1.5-2.5 years at most, given that's as long as the DX9.0b (SM3) spec has been around.

And NO place will bill you till they ship. That's just not done.

GDDR is not your problem, it's theirs. If you don't like it, don't buy it, or buy a competitors' product. They'll get them out as fast as they can.
yay! finally got my tracking number too bad its only been picked up and isn't on its way to omaha yet. But still i know that in 1-2 days i will be playing far cry , unreal 2004, and some desert combat :)
nova[11] said:
yay! finally got my tracking number too bad its only been picked up and isn't on its way to omaha yet. But still i know that in 1-2 days i will be playing far cry , unreal 2004, and some desert combat :)

My card was delivered! JACKPOT
CodeWaste said:
in that case, note to NVIDIA and ATI:

DON'T BOTHER LAUNCHING A PRODUCT UNTIL YOU CAN SATISFY 90% OF THE DEMAND! Otherwise, you're just wasting my time. And don't give me this BS about supply and demand. There is no excuse afor twisting loyal customers tit's until they turn purple other than to be bully's and to just say you can.

Sorry, rant mode off.

Do you have any touch with reality?? This is the best thing that any buisness wants. A demand for your product. Besides NVIDIA is making no extra money of off the prices by the vendors. It's the vendors you need to blame if anyone at all. Hell, if I was in the same position I would to. Demand high, supply low=price high. Very simple to follow.
yeah im not sure i can survive opening up the package w/out yelling in happyness...
lopoetve said:
Add to cart and it isn't.

When you add them to your cart now their $499 lol.

Maybe someone should call them and tell them they have GT's for sale, not ultra's.