The post a pic of an 8800gtx in your case thread


Aug 25, 2006
Well theres the will the 8800gtx fit in my case thread, but there arent that many pictures there. I dont own a gtx but was hoping by making this thread, everyone who owns an 8800gtx, would put a shot of their case in here along with what case they have, To help all those that are planning on getting one. :)
Lian-Li PCV1100 Plus II
You keep a cute little Teddy bear on the top of your case too? Mine's named Snoogles, what's yours? I miss him.
Jasonx82 nice set..look great..

Is that Dell the 2407 or the 3007??

Crappy shot of my card..
Waiting to get my MB (BFG 680i ) CPU (e6600) And My Case ( Silverstone tj09)..


The bracket you have holding the fan that blows on your 8800 where did you get that.

I want one
oh dear oh dear that first case is a right old mess.... how is the card getting any airflow?
Jay_oasis said:
oh dear oh dear that first case is a right old mess.... how is the card getting any airflow?

LOL. He definitely needs to do some wire management.
i think its pretty funny actually. my wiremanagement isnt good, but its not crap like that lol
Jasonx82 said:
Here's some pics
Awesome! I have a silver WaveMaster and had been wondering if the 8800 would fit since my 1900XT seems to be cutting it close. I need to get me one of those 30" panels.
I haven't played BF2 in such a loong time... over a month :p

I sold my video card but not sure if worth getting for 1 game.
Darkside said:
Jasonx82 nice set..look great..

Is that Dell the 2407 or the 3007??

Crappy shot of my card..
Waiting to get my MB (BFG 680i ) CPU (e6600) And My Case ( Silverstone tj09)..


30inch :)
Jasonx82 said:
Gosh I hate you so much... Actually, I don't, for reasons outside of this thread's topic, (*cough*atc-110*cough*ocz el platinum*cough*)
I managed to squeeze 8800gtx sli in my lian li pc65 with two WD raptor drives. I had to install slim fans in the front and drill new mounting holes in the cage but it was a very simple fix to fit everything.

I wish i had money for that kind of setup....

Question, how did you get that Raptor to show like that when i look at the Pc-65? At new egg it shows the HDD cage being enclosed? *edit* lol you answered that sorry i was a idiot and didn't read the post properly :( but still how did you get that flaceplate?

Oh and also does that Raptor X flaceplate come with the raptor because i have never seen one like that....
I purchased the plate from performance-pcs. I had to cut the excess metal off the cage so the drive would show through the center of the plate.
Shoop said:
I managed to squeeze 8800gtx sli in my lian li pc65 with two WD raptor drives. I had to install slim fans in the front and drill new mounting holes in the cage but it was a very simple fix to fit everything.

all that money put into that setup and you stay'ed on a stock hsf wth?
DarkSide50420 said:
all that money put into that setup and you stay'ed on a stock hsf wth?

I never said the computer was finished. I just got this thing up and running a week ago and havent had time to finish everything yet. The evga board is also a pain in the ass when it comes to aftermarket heatsinks so I'm still looking.