About Dang Time --- Xilikon hits 5 Million Points


DC Moderator and [H]ard DCOTM x6
Staff member
Jun 15, 2005

5 Million Points!

Time to celebrate!


stats link

Xilikon is [H]ard!

ranked #11 on Team 33

ranked #178 world wide!

500K points per month!

Nice job!
You said it very well, it's about dang time I hit the milestone. The last month is painfully slow after being used to ride on my 500,000+ ppm.

I cannot wait for the few computers in a lab to be free again and for the new computers to get there (they had a snag in the submissions so it's delayed). By then, I will strive to get back into my usual production but the hiccup helped me consolidate my home production to over 7500 PPD.

Most impressive, I salute you and everybody on our team!
Very nice! New computers should mean more than 500k ppm eh?

If I'm lucky, yes :)

Thank you everyone :) Now, my next goal is to try to shake my tail to ward off those who are heating my ass.

Great work on reaching a very significant milestone, Xilikon! :cool:

Hope you get the new computers you're looking for.

Congrats! I've been folding for 7 years and am finally going to hit the 1 million point mark in a week or so.
Right now, I'm feeling like a kid in a candy factory... I just got a request from our local literacy group (I'm giving free computer assistance to them) to upgrade 8 computers to new ones since they are very old by now. Since I have full permission from them to borg them, I'm very excited to take this opportunity to boost the production of those computers. They will run console clients but it's better than nothing.
