Fun Facts on Corsair PSU Popularity


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2008
As I sit and wait for the price of the Q9550 to drop in price (and mulling over my PSU options) I did a little digging and found out a few things on PSU selection popularity. I currently have just laptops and I plan on building a new desktop here shortly. Furthermore, I already have a build in mind and received approval from the members of board. I did find it interesting after reading quite a few of the past recommendation that the same PSU recommendations were popping up on suggested builds. Anyways, I did a search on the model numbers of the Corsairs 620HX, 750TX, 650TX, 520HX, and 550VX and found the following:

Model/ Recommendations/ First Stated/ Last Stated/ Number of months/
620HX/ 225/ 7/27/2007 - 7/24/2008/ 12
750TX/ 120/ 11/11/2007 - 7/24/2008/ 8
650TX/ 90/ 11/23/2007 - 7/23/2008/ 8
520HX/ 210/ 7/25/2007 - 7/24/2008/ 12
550VX/ 165/ 10/6/2007 - 7/19/2008/ 9
1000HX/ 7/ 07/05/08 - 7/31/2008/ 1
450VX / 120/ 9/17/2007 - 7/31/2008/ 10
Which means that over the last 12 months Corsair brand PSU's have been recommended 937 times on the General Hardware forums section (+/- 3% on the number of recommendations).

*Updated on 7/31/2008 for the 1000HX
*Updated on 7/31/2008 for the 450VX
I use the HX620 in my main system and a VX550 in my game server and I'm very happy with both. did you come up with these numbers?
The search button must be working overtime now that its back.
Great to see corsair is popular, but what possessed you to do such a thing?!?
I have used the 620,520 and currently use the 1000HX and I love it!
so you did this whilst ur waiting for the Q9550 to drop in price ? lol

ive used 3 diff corsair PSU's and now the pricing is alot better than it use to be ive got no reason to use any other brand.
well the fact that my 620 is solid on sli 8800gts 4 hard drives, 4gigs ram and an oc'd 6750 (plus lights and stuff) means i'm sticking with corsair, i know higher watt psu's that would break under this load... also when i had a problem and thought it *might* be the psu they offered to send me a new one just to help run through the possible culprits.
this should not surprise anyone. Corsair has taken the value approach, not as it cheap but as in good quality with fair pricing. maybe not the best in one thing but the best overall.
Eh, it was the wee hours of the morning and looking for something constructive to do while I was watching the financial news. Plus I like performing and reading statistical data (data mining), call me a nerd.

The structure of my search consisted of keyword searches, such as: 620HX, 750TX, and 650TX. I initially tried using Corsair 620HX but the value of search resulted in a inordinate amount of data, plus it searched both "corsair" and "620HX" and not the phrase explicitly. Based upon the results, I dumped the "corsair" term to remove other products and focused on the model number. I then completed a search based upon the model number and calculated how many pages and message appeared and recorded when the first and last mention of the model was made. I then average out the months and totaled the number post. Keep in mind I only calculated just the thread and not the number of times it was recommended within the thread.

It really didn't take long to perform. I could break the data done even further as in per month and which components were associate with the PSU, but I was just curious about the number of recommendations.
I definately would recommend Corsair power supplies. My main rig runs well with the 620HX. :)
We can replace the psu forums with just a single thread consisting of

VX450, HX520, VX550, HX620, TX650 TX750, HX1000.
Somewhat related, when is this Q9550 price drop supposed to occur? Anyone heard anything about it, because I've seen it mentioned a couple times around here, but thats about it. I'd rather not pick up a Q9450 right now if it will be replaced by the Q9550 soon.
Somewhat related, when is this Q9550 price drop supposed to occur? Anyone heard anything about it, because I've seen it mentioned a couple times around here, but thats about it. I'd rather not pick up a Q9450 right now if it will be replaced by the Q9550 soon.

The 2nd week of August according to current rumors/speculations. That's when Intel's Q9650 CPU is being released which will replace the Q9550 in the $500 bracket.
I've got the 550vx here - plenty of solid, stable power.

I enjoyed the data tabulation, btw. Good work.
They should hire me as the corsair rep, just cause i am that much of a badass.... lol
I have a TX 750W PSU in one of my computers.
It does what its supposed to.
I think it runs just as hot as any PSU and is a bit loud, despite being in a well ventilated case.
But, like I said, it works like it's supposed to and I got it on sale + MIR.:D
and.....I got that cute little bag......:eek:
I love mine, and only because it runs very quiet and has been problem free for a long time.
We can replace the psu forums with just a single thread consisting of

VX450, HX520, VX550, HX620, TX650 TX750, HX1000.
:confused:Replace the psu forums with just a single thread consisting of

VX450, HX520, VX550, HX620, TX650 TX750, HX1000.:confused:

Mike I am willing to make that change for a free Power Supply or two... lets make this happen!
Corsair is a great company to begin with, but add on the 5 year warranty, guaranteed customer service, and reliability and power and its clear why they're so well recommended.
IMO its kinda like the ole "No one ever got fired for buying IBM hardware", you just can't go wrong recommending one if you size it correctly.
Thanks for the thread.

Because of this thread, I decided to buy a CORSAIR CMPSU-750TX 750W.

Thanks! :)

I have both a VX450 and a HX1000 and they are simply put perfect.
I also recommend Corsair to anyone asking me for advice on PSUs :D.
And thank you Corsair Europe for keeping me up to date to that time with the HX1000 release. I dont have his name now but a guy answered me very nicely long ago when the "monster" will be released.
I have an HX620 in my quad core rig and it is actually the part that i would not change for any reason!
Got a TX750 in mine and it's nice and quiet in an Antec P182 case where it's at the bottom of the case--it doesn't have to help blow out heat from the vidcard, CPU, etc. Not really pushing it that hard since I don't do SLI/Xfire, OC-ing, etc., although I do have 3 HDDs. It's been going strong for a few months now with no problems that I can tell, except that in the beginning it and a Seagate HDD together caused some coil whine, which I fixed by using a WD HDD instead. Nice long cables and plenty of connectors, and the price was right with rebate. If they keep up their quality and low prices, whenever this one dies I'll seriously consider getting another Corsair.
I don't know how Corsair is making money off these things.
A) Great build quality
B) Very fair prices
C) Top-notch warantee and customer service. Need a pesky 8-pin cable for your new GPU? Just ask.
I don't know how Corsair is making money off these things.
A) Great build quality
B) Very fair prices
C) Top-notch warantee and customer service. Need a pesky 8-pin cable for your new GPU? Just ask.

They are a memory company and are used to exceptionally thin margins as such they run a tight ship. (ok bad pun)
They are a memory company and are used to exceptionally thin margins as such they run a tight ship. (ok bad pun)


Yeah to be honest, we may not make as big a margin as some of our competition but we determined it would be the best way to attack the market I think. Create a solid quality product for a reasonable price and grab market share. 2 years ago we didn't sell PSUs at all, and when we started the norm was chrome/nickel-plating cases with blue LED fans and colored UV sleeved cables, typically that's where the money was going, as the units themselves were of varying quality (from Deer to Topower to CWT).

We came in with what I thought was (and is) a great product, built for us by Seasonic, all black, no-nonsense, solid internals and a quiet fan. I don't think we did anything first, but we certainly took all the good ideas from a variety of vendors, put it into one box, and sold it at a good price with a 5 year warranty, which was much higher than most of our competition's 3 year warranty.

What's more, some of our competition had 50-75% margins on their parts.
Memory is usually 10% margin or less.

So like Paul said, it turns out it's not that much more expensive to build a great part and sell it for a reasonable price. You grab marketshare from all those guys who built mediocre parts and sold them at outlandish prices.

Yeah to be honest, we may not make as big a margin as some of our competition but we determined it would be the best way to attack the market I think. Create a solid quality product for a reasonable price and grab market share. 2 years ago we didn't sell PSUs at all, and when we started the norm was chrome/nickel-plating cases with blue LED fans and colored UV sleeved cables, typically that's where the money was going, as the units themselves were of varying quality (from Deer to Topower to CWT).

We came in with what I thought was (and is) a great product, built for us by Seasonic, all black, no-nonsense, solid internals and a quiet fan. I don't think we did anything first, but we certainly took all the good ideas from a variety of vendors, put it into one box, and sold it at a good price with a 5 year warranty, which was much higher than most of our competition's 3 year warranty.

What's more, some of our competition had 50-75% margins on their parts.
Memory is usually 10% margin or less.

So like Paul said, it turns out it's not that much more expensive to build a great part and sell it for a reasonable price. You grab marketshare from all those guys who built mediocre parts and sold them at outlandish prices.

1. when are you guys going to start with graphics cards?
2. computer cases.

All kidding (somewhat) aside good job, you are gaining a loyal following
First corsair PSU i used was a 450VX because it fit in the customers budget, and everybody loved corsair, ,it worked/sitll working perfectly!

Then, when we got the money to build me and my dad new rigs, he got a 750TX and i got the 550VX. Both are great PSU's, an i have nooo complaints about the quality!!!

I will always use a Corsair PSU when the budget allows it!, i almost wish i had the budget for a 520HX though for the modular cabling, but its not a big deal!

Thanks Corsair for making some of the most bad a$$ PSU's!
1. when are you guys going to start with graphics cards?
2. computer cases.

All kidding (somewhat) aside good job, you are gaining a loyal following

We don't talk about unannounced products of course, but thanks for being a fan.

Yeah to be honest, we may not make as big a margin as some of our competition but we determined it would be the best way to attack the market I think. Create a solid quality product for a reasonable price and grab market share. 2 years ago we didn't sell PSUs at all, and when we started the norm was chrome/nickel-plating cases with blue LED fans and colored UV sleeved cables, typically that's where the money was going, as the units themselves were of varying quality (from Deer to Topower to CWT).

We came in with what I thought was (and is) a great product, built for us by Seasonic, all black, no-nonsense, solid internals and a quiet fan. I don't think we did anything first, but we certainly took all the good ideas from a variety of vendors, put it into one box, and sold it at a good price with a 5 year warranty, which was much higher than most of our competition's 3 year warranty.

What's more, some of our competition had 50-75% margins on their parts.
Memory is usually 10% margin or less.

So like Paul said, it turns out it's not that much more expensive to build a great part and sell it for a reasonable price. You grab marketshare from all those guys who built mediocre parts and sold them at outlandish prices.

Yeah there are two extremes to selling any product.

High margin/low volume and low margin/high volume. In a perfect world you make the same money on both ends but one person has larger marketshare ;)
i have a corsair in my secondary system powering 9800gtx sli. its ok. i used to have a $60 sunbeam powering it. it worked. the corsair works. its a power supply.
I was more or less implying that we need to be breaking out the whips, your guys are going to slow. :D wouldn't believe how often I hear that, and not just from fans.