Windows 7 - Audio Volume Tip/Fix


Limp Gawd
Jun 29, 2004
I just thought I would help some people out here after finally fixing an annoying problem.

If you are noticing that your audio volume drops when in games or other applications that make use of your microphone, you may be interested in this.

Go to the Control Panel (Windows, not sound card), then Hardware and Sound, and then Sound. Now go to the Communications tab, there you will see a drop-down list titled "When Windows detects communications activity:" Change this to "Do nothing" and then Windows will stop messing with your volume levels. I think by default it will be set to drop the volume to 80% or 50%. I do not understand how this would be useful and why it is the default.

This problem was bugging me for the longest time. I'd launch Team Fortress 2 or Left 4 Dead and the volume would be fine for a few seconds, then would drop significantly. I have an Auzentech Prelude, however a friend with some kind of Realtek onboard sound experienced the same problem. I'm guess it affect all sound card and onboard sound.

I hope I save some people some frustration and time. I installed and reinstalled different audio drivers many times thinking it was a driver problem.
Very interesting tip, and while I've never encountered the volume fluctuations, I went ahead and disabled that (by choosing "Do nothing") just in case.

Easier way to get to it: right click on the Volume icon on the Tray, choose Sounds - Communications tab, make your selection, Apply, OK, done.

Wow thanks, I couldn't figure out what kept turning down Left 4 Dead.