Half-life movie short

i dont know if the clips at the end are a teaser of the second part , but the blonde seems nice!

i really dont want them to depict actual character in the game... i want to see a ''side-story''
Fucking awesome!

Hollywood, this is how you make a videogame into a movie!!
Incredible video.

FWIW I don't think they'll have Gordon, Alyx, or any of the main characters depicted in their future films. Maybe they'll be casually mentioned in dialogue, but I get the vibe these videos will focusing on the ordinary survivors of City 17.

i dont know if the clips at the end are a teaser of the second part , but the blonde seems nice!

i really dont want them to depict actual character in the game... i want to see a ''side-story''

i just rewatched it for the 27th time and realised the combine mask is actually an in game clip they pasted over the actor.
I am stunned.

Some awome work they are doing.
I would love to see more. or a full movie.
I think they did an excellent job except for the camera work. Very jerky and made it difficult to watch. Otherwise, WOW.
They made part one on $500... Great movie and great effects and implementation.
o___o wow just wow! Hollywood take notes. Very very cool. Amazing.


Valve need to hire these guys immediately and give them a bucket load of money.
Great video!, they just need to work on the dialog but still its too early to judge.
Wow makes me wanna play HL2 again. I cant believe how good everything looks. These guys are legit!
Video looked amazing. Too damn bad my on board sound card no longer works and I can't figure out why.
The acting is a little iffy, but the production values would be very impressive for a much higher-budget production. Considering this was made with only $500, I'm really amazed.
I liked the video, thought it was very cool. When it first started, I just thought it was some sort of trailer for another HL game/mod and then they showed a close-up of the actor/character and I said....wait a minute, thats too good to be an ingame shot...WTF is this, a teaser for a HL MOVIE????

I never finished the HL series, the game always made me to sick to play for longer than 15 minutes. so I gave up on it.

So, fill me in guys....Whats going on here? Why was this video made? Was it just some HL fans who got together and decided to make a 5 min movie cause they love the game so much or is this a prelude to a FULL movie??? Honestly, I dont understand....but I want to.

How did you guys find out it cost them $500 to make that 5 minute clip? Mann, I hate feeling left out of cool things that are going on.

Id say the only thing I found disappointing about the video was that it had the same ol gun fighting stuff from other movies. You see a lot of people shooting at eachother yet, hardly anyone gets shot. When those guys were running from those 3 "bad guys" (sorry, as I said, i never finished the game, cant recall what the bad guys are called) and then they slipped inbetween some trains onto a different area, then those bad guys slipped thru and started shooting at them, those 2 guys never got shot. And then, the white dude using that machine gun shooting at the bad guys, it took, what, 20 shots before he hit one of them in a confined space???? For that matter, only shot 1 out of the 3 standing there??? WITH A MACHINE GUN??? Ive fired a machine gun before and even at 50 yards an amature like me was able to riddle the target into little bits.

So, aside from a lot of bullet flying and nothing getting hit....I thought the video was pretty damn cool. Id donate some cash for them to take it to the next level and make a 10 minute clip :)