Microsoft's Project Natal In Action

Will the controllerless gaming be as fun as Sony's Eye Toy? :p
I think it looks freakin amazing...if it can actually do that, we will have one asap.
Wow wow wow wow, I really hope this thing becomes a reality.
There are non-video taped versions available on YouTube :)

Nonetheless, looks cool.
Seems to good to be true but I am going to decide to be optimistic about it anyway.

Hmmm, interactive pr0n possibility?
Wow, this might make me turn my XBox360 back on for the first time in months.
I can see it now, somebody goes to kick and BAM a shoe right through the tv.

Looks interesting.
Well if you look around there are already previews of people trying the tech demos out on the show floor. The short version: it works as advertised.

The mistake that a lot of people seem to be making, as they have with regards to the Wii, is that motion control will and should do away with any other input methods. In the near future that simply isn't practical since so many gaming genres are defined by and adapted to their control schemes. Dual analog first person shooter? Probably not going to work well translated to motion controls and I think Microsoft recognizes that. As much as controllers are an impediment to some to getting into games, they facilitate the illusion created therein; pressing the A button and watching your character shoot lightning from their hands is pretty cool after all, not the least of which for the obvious disconnect between your action and the on screen consequence.

Project Natal seems to be a long term project for Microsoft that will lengthen the life of the console and embellish the traditional input schemes, not wholesale replace them. Can't wait myself.
Wow, this might make me turn my XBox360 back on for the first time in months.

You don't like to play fun video games ? :rolleyes:

This video doesn't do it justice. Seeing it in motion in the segment directly after this was shown, was just phenomenal.

The sooner they can get this out and in full swing, is right when they start to take over the casual market as well as the hardcore.
Umm, the first thing that got me worried is that I will be fapping to some blu-ray on video 1, and then on video 2 which i don't see somehow video chat will get enabled to one of my friends...
This falls squarely in the "I'll believe it when I play it" scenario. I've been promised this kind of thing too many times to believe it without trying it. Maybe the tech has finally gotten there, who knows? If it does work very well, it's a great response to the Wii, and Sony's going to have some major major catching up to do.
So if Natal is just the codename, do you think the final name will the the Poo?
Looks awesome based on the videos, but honestly I have serious doubts that it will work as well as they make it seem. If it does, though, it would be pretty revolutionary.
The first control system since the Wii mote more likely to cause people to break their stuff and themselves; because they're stupid. Looks pretty awesome though if it works as advertised.
Waiting for this
It would be awesome if u could use toy guns and stuff like that to use in games... For ex a lightgun shooter, where u can choose any gun u want
Heck you could grab the snes bazooka and blast your way through

Plastic sword games, possibilities are endless if done right
Looks awesome based on the videos, but honestly I have serious doubts that it will work as well as they make it seem. If it does, though, it would be pretty revolutionary.

I am hopeful, but I seriously don't think it will work as advertised.
Man nobody listens to the above comments...

Check out YouTube. It works as advertised.

This is freaking awesome though.

Actually, after having watched the YouTube demo videos and the advertisement, not only do we not see anything that uses the same level of interaction as in the ad, but there appears to be a significant difference between how it appears to work in the ad and how it really works (i.e. significant lag between input and output, as well as not exactly 1:1 motion sensing as appears to be shown in the ad).

Not saying it's not going to be really cool, but the ad would have you believe that it's this crazy perfect motion-sensor.
Well... what if I dont want to wake up my neighbors at 1am because Im jumping around the living room? Lol. Seriously, it looks cool... I just hope there is an option for those of us that like to sit and be lazy when we play. Otherwise, it looks like another good way to break the TV... kicking and punching the TV screen sometimes results in actually hitting it after all.
Didn't Sony try something similar (at least for games) on the PS2? I believe they called it the Eye Toy...
wow if this really works the way they show it.. this will definitely put the 360 above the Wii..

@mavrick96.. the Wii also does have an input lag that you have to calibrate with certain games.. for example with guitar hero i have an 10ms lag with the guitar.. and lot of the Wii fit games have lag issues as well..

it may just be the fact that it has to basicly learn all the movements of the person to remove the lag.. though im no sure.. would be nice to see it in person..
wow if this really works the way they show it.. this will definitely put the 360 above the Wii..

@mavrick96.. the Wii also does have an input lag that you have to calibrate with certain games.. for example with guitar hero i have an 10ms lag with the guitar.. and lot of the Wii fit games have lag issues as well..

it may just be the fact that it has to basicly learn all the movements of the person to remove the lag.. though im no sure.. would be nice to see it in person..

No I know, I have a Wii and I know that it lags somewhat. I think it's going to be difficult, if not impossible to remove all lag, since it has to process what it sees and then act accordingly, all in microseconds. However, the Project Natal advertisement appeared to have almost zero lag (to me), which suggests (to me) that it may have been doctored up a bit.
I wouldn't fancy playing any fighting games like red faction, god of war (i know its a PS3 game), peoples TV's will be destroyed. i would love to use it though, i still dont understand how it works...i mean, isn't there anything connected to you?
Why on earth would you want to play a racing game with motion capture? Put enough laps in a race and your arms would be burning. Also, it will never compare to an actual wheel and I'm sure there are other genres that will still be more adept to their traditional input device.
Why on earth would you want to play a racing game with motion capture? Put enough laps in a race and your arms would be burning. Also, it will never compare to an actual wheel and I'm sure there are other genres that will still be more adept to their traditional input device.

And that right there is why this so great...

Damned lazy people.
If my choice is fighting gravity or fighting force-feedback, I choose the latter.
While I admit the concept is cool and it would be great for certain games...but...

I play video games to relax and DO nothing. I am by no means out of shape or fat. But it would be a huge inconvenience if I had to flail around like a bumbling idiot to 'relax'.
I was disappointed to see that it wasn't on the E3 floor for demonstration.

Well, if it was actually there I sure didn't see it. Pretty positive all the demos were behind closed doors but I'm going to ask about it tomorrow morning, going again for another hour or two to get more Rock Band Beatles time in. :D